View Full Version : The relationship between level of trance and recall...

Diego Rocha
23rd August 2014, 07:53 PM
Robert Bruce,

Let-me introduce myself: I'm Diego from Brazil and I'm beginner occult scholar... I love your books and wonderful work... Thanks by share their knowledges and experiences with us... So, lets go to what is important...

I'm writting to express my doubt as far as The Slight Discomfort is concerned. I'm afraid didn't quite understand what you mean as for level of trance and recall ... It seems to me that you mean the following:

The more the level of deep trance relaxation... Least chances we have remember us experiences... Just due to link with the physical body stay more strong or more weak according to level of trance... Indeed when we stay 100 % awake and lucid during all us experience, but if we stay in a level very vey deep... We going missing all memories of experience or big part of it .

- In summary:

The more deep my level of trance... Fewest chances I've remember all my experience... The less of my level of trance... More chances I've remember all my experience... Quite the due to consciential link stay more strong or more weak with my physical body according to the level of trance that i stay (More deep = Link with my physical body more weak and the more superficially level of trance = Link with my physical body more strong = More i will recall(download) of my memories of experiences)...

I'm right, Robert? Could you tell me a little more about this? I'm anxious by look forward to your reply my friend...

Thank you very much, Robert !

*(I've been learned english for only 5 months... Take it easy with my english, guys! ^^)

23rd August 2014, 09:50 PM
I've answered the question in spanish in "Down Under", just in case you wanted to know.
I know it's not portugese, Diego, but it's the best I can do, and I'm sure you probably understand spanish.