View Full Version : entity issue

16th August 2014, 05:31 PM
this is getting really old. really fast

i been having awonderful 3 days. i been doing shielding work and taking great care of myself. yesterday i get this thing where in my head i start cussing at my guides. this is a part of touretts i have had as a kid though. i always have had really bad intrusive thoughts my whole life. i think everybody gets these but my ocd makes them 100x worse. this can lead to anxiety etc...

im always telling my guides i hope they understand i dont really mean the stuff i am thinking in my head. i do it a lot... do they understand this? :/ im sure they do... it's just a bummer it is like this right now.

last night i was having severe intrusive thoughts that hit pretty fast. i finally got a little pissed off and in my head i commanded any being doing this to leave for good. it's funny i didn't hear clauaudently a voice in my head like i have before... but it was definitely there. it was incredibly faint but had force. and it said "im sorry!" in a really pissed off annoyed voice. this being... whatever it was sounded really mad. i feel better this morning... this is just rediculous. im always combating this stuff even when i do heavy duty shielding and other things. i always ask my guides to rid the problem that is probably the only thing that works.

when i ask this i can actually feel warm loving energy pour all over me. i have a guardian angel like being who never leaves my side too. i know im divinely protected. i don't feel in danger or anything either it's more just very annoying.

has any of you battled intrusive thoughts before? can you rid these without medication? i do have horrible ocd but i do not want to go on medicine for this. i have in the past and they dont help anyway.

thanks everybody

17th August 2014, 03:16 AM
What happens to your unwelcome thoughts if you recognize their existence with a sense of acceptance?

26th September 2014, 10:40 PM
I have a method that I use regarding images that negs or others can put in your aura/mind. It is a visualization where I use like a vacuum, and the the hose sucks it up into the sky, where there is a sun/light that burns it to pieces. Many times now I just use a light up in that area, but this usually works for me. As for the verbal, I am used to meditation and so am pretty quiet enough that I know right off the bat when something is intruding. You can find these things scanning your aura/chakras.

Hope it helps

27th September 2014, 01:58 AM
What happens to your unwelcome thoughts if you recognize their existence with a sense of acceptance? They should go away, if you've recognized them without reacting with too much emotion, and creating more enmeshment.