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11th August 2014, 04:51 PM
In addition to my last question, does earthing allways work to remove entities that claim to be attached to or within the astral bodty as well as the etheric?

12th August 2014, 01:52 AM
In addition to my last question, does earthing allways work to remove entities that claim to be attached to or within the astral bodty as well as the etheric? NO method always works.

I do not know what the claims are, I can say it would only be moderately effective for that purpose. There are many effective ways to dislodge 'attached' entities. However, most entities just return a short time later. Its not unlike shooing a fly, if you don't something additional, it just comes back a short time later. The key is not detaching them, its keeping them away.

Earthing would be counter productive to ridding one of (earth) elementals or other ground dwelling creatures.