View Full Version : The Download, aka The Forbidden Dream

5th August 2014, 06:36 PM
Once again this is a thread I shared on another Forum. I am sharing it here as well, because I really want to understand this phenomenon more and I like how you people here seem to take a different view of things, than other AP forums I frequent. It's always best to get answers from different view points.
Thank You! :)

The title says it all. The Download/upload whatever you want to call it. http://astralpulse.com/forums/Smileys/default/undecided.gif
It's the most powerful, overwhelming experience you can have in your Dreams. It's so powerful that you can only bare witness to it for a short time before it completely shuts you conscious awareness/minds off.

It must be a Forbidden or Taboo topic, because no one seems to talk about it. I have looked for info everywhere. Even Kurt Leland in this article didn't mention it. http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2006/99-recognizing-simulations-astral-plane
I will be sending a email to Kurt on this subject though. I think he might want to add a 6th kind of Dream to his thinking.

What is it you may ask? It's when you gain consciousness during some kind of powerful information sharing that is completely unintelligible from a Human standard. It makes no sense at all. It consists of shapes and what appears to be a language of some sort, not found on this Earth. Is this why no one talks about it? Is it ridicule they fear or is it that they fear that they think they must be going nuts themselves, lol?

We are taught that there is difference between man and machine. We see how the Scientists are working feverishly on bringing the two of them together. Are they not already though? Are we not machines, computers of a kind already? Look at the evidence for it. Everything we learn goes in as input. We have a storage area, just as a computer does. As to what I have seen, we can be can be uploaded/downloaded as well. I think Science needs to look a bit closer at this phenomenon. We also have a central hub, the brain, that processes all incoming information on a daily basis, then controls our physical body accordingly.

Last night I had became aware in my Dream, during another one of these. It didn't seem like a Dream though. It just seemed like I was in the dark 3D zone and information was pouring in. I tried to stay consciously aware of it as long as I could, but only lasted about 2 minutes. It was just too overwhelming. I have become aware of 5 of these now just this year. I have become aware of these period, for about 2 years now.

Could this be an actual NPR (Non Physical Realm/Reality) level/area or Dimension, where there is only information sharing?

I know someone else out there has also experienced this. Most likely many people, but as I said, it seems to be a taboo or forbidden topic. Normally I don't speak of this phenomenon as well. I am normally told what I can share and what I can't. When I awoke this morning I just "knew" somehow that I could finally bring this subject to light. Well I have made this thread to do just that. I would love to hear your opinions, stories, experiences with this as well.

Thank You! http://astralpulse.com/forums/Smileys/default/smiley.gif

5th August 2014, 10:01 PM
It may be the lack of a language to transmit it. I have never had a download of 'shapes', but of 'words' that mean something at the moment I'm 'perceiving' them but lose it completely the nanosecond I even think about it. Perfect sense, and then 'no sense'. To me it means my subconscious speaks a totally different language- no, kind of language- than I can comprehend.
So I have no idea what to call that.
Maybe my experience is different than yours- I don't know.
I'd be interested in knowing what Kurt's answer to your question is.

5th August 2014, 10:17 PM
I have not had such an experience, but I can perfectly believe that it is possible and feasible. Could it be, perhaps, that an advanced beings or beings from another world or dimension, where telepathy is advanced, is attempting to send you information of some kind?

5th August 2014, 10:30 PM
Thank You for both of your prompt relies! :)

CFT, I haven't received a reply from Kurt. But shall either post it here or PM it to you when I do.

Because I held onto the experience consciously aware for a couple of minutes I can describe it a bit more. The shapes, seemed to be oval or disc shape. But not perfect shapes. They had jagged edges, kind of like gears on a cog. They were moving at a very fast speed and got faster and faster until I couldn't keep consciously aware of them anymore. The writing (or language I feel) seemed to be something akin to Ancient Cuneiform. But, nothing I am familiar with at all.

Who knows LPCF. I have never really felt like I belong here! At least I don't feel that Earth is my origin.

It definitely gives new meaning to the term "information overload"! :wacky1:

6th August 2014, 02:51 AM
I wonder if this has something to do with the mech-like things I used to see upon waking up a long time ago- I can say it happened for some time and then it stopped- but to me at least it was a purely visual phenomenon, devoid of meaning (at least at the time I was able to perceive them). I would see rotating disk-like things, like gears, or cogs, and sometimes they would rotate back and forth very very slowly- I would be very close to them and sometimes could see texture or carving- but got no "intelligence" from them, just appreciated the intricacy of the visual detail. Does this sound familiar to you?

6th August 2014, 03:36 AM
I wonder if this has something to do with the mech-like things I used to see upon waking up a long time ago- I can say it happened for some time and then it stopped- but to me at least it was a purely visual phenomenon, devoid of meaning (at least at the time I was able to perceive them). I would see rotating disk-like things, like gears, or cogs, and sometimes they would rotate back and forth very very slowly- I would be very close to them and sometimes could see texture or carving- but got no "intelligence" from them, just appreciated the intricacy of the visual detail. Does this sound familiar to you?
If they were moving at you at a high rate of speed, then I would say it would sound familiar. These disc/oval things seemed to be bombarding my brain. I did see they were coming in on angles though. Some of them were completely sideways as well.

The writing or what I believed to be writing was coming in through the air at high speeds alongside of the discs. The writing/script wasn't on the discs, it was separate from it. The writing appeared as squiggled lines/snake shaped. Some of it had parallel, intersecting and perpendicular lines running through it. This is what led me to believe it was a "script/language" of some sort.

This is the 5th time in 2 years I have witnessed this. But the first time I actually was able to hold my conscious awareness there. Even though it was only 2 minutes, it seemed like forever, at the time that is. It was extremely overpowering and overwhelming.

But, I welcome it back again. I would like to understand this phenomenon further!

6th August 2014, 05:13 PM
No, It was as if I were standing real close to gears slowly moving- or something like that. Like a close-up.

6th August 2014, 06:56 PM
I might have received downloads in dream-state but it seems to me I never can "unzip" the package consciously in order to "read" / decipher it or make any sense of it or at least grasp what it is about, there are exceptions though.

E.g. I received a download about cats which was funny. How they "came" here ages ago and what they 'really' were about. Still, and this is the point: sometimes I know what it is about, but cannot remember the details, and it wasn't different then. So it's like reading a book cover but not the content.

You describe the 3-D-blackness / "the Void" I assume. I never experience it in dreamstate, at least I do not remember it, but only in SP or when I am projected. I then either jump into a scenery by gaining sight somehow or stay - meanwhile even sometimes voluntarily - 'in the dark', deliberately forgoing the sight sense for an improved and accurate hearing sense (it is strange but that's the way it works fine for me) - and am thus most of the times speaking to helpers. Some come back, I remember their voices.

Once a helper's voice told me that for them (they were two at the time) "everything is information". This would corroborate what you write above about the sea of information that might get accessed in/through the Void/Blackness.


(btw, about Kurt Leland: he used to be on this forum, you can read older posts, it's sad that he does not post anymore here)

7th August 2014, 12:21 AM
I just accessed my email and saw that not only had Kurt replied to me, which I am extremely THANKFUL for, but he also gave me permission to share his theories and explanations on said event as well. Here is that reply. It's totally unedited. So Moderators, if I have to omit some things like a website name, I shall do so.

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Thanks for writing and I'm glad you got some benefit from that article on my website. Thanks also for the invitation to Astral Pulse. Things are a bit crazy with me at the moment--I've been doing a lot of writing. My experience with forums is that they take a lot of time, which I don't have right now. So I'll respond to your question and post (which I read) here. If you want to paste my reply into the thread on your dream, go ahead. I may check in from time to time to see people's comments.

I've noticed that even advanced dreamers and astral projectors often don't recognize when they've shifted up a notch onto a higher plane and/or into a higher body. The experience you describe has the hallmarks of what I would call a mental plane adventure, rather than the usual astral plane dream/projection, which is what my article was about.

I've been using a system for monitoring my own and other people's progress by means of the chakras. The assumption is that we have multiple energy bodies, each one suitable for experience on a particular plane. As the plane gets "higher," the experiences in the body that goes with it get harder to bring back. Each energy body has a set of inner senses designed to function on that plane--but all, some, or none may be functional.

The development of each energy body follows the same pattern, which for the sake of convenience, I divide into seven stages correlated with the chakras:
1. Embodiment in a new body
2. Sense experience of the new plane
3. Ability to move on the new plane
4. Ability to sense and identify the beings of that plane
5. Ability to communicate/relate with such beings
6. Coherent perception of the plane
7. Transcending the perceptual biases of the plane (and moving on to the next)

Applying this system to your dream, what I see is that you have a sense of a body (you versus not you; or receiver versus download source), that you're having sense experiences (the feeling of uploads/downloads). But you don't describe self-propelled movement on this plane. You assume the presence of other beings, but can't perceive them or communicate clearly with them (two-way). There's no coherent perception of your surroundings, the beings, or the nature of the communication. You can't transcend the perceptual biases of the plane because you don't yet know what they are.

So it looks to me like you've shifted into a new body--which is quite an achievement--but the inner senses/chakras beyond the first two are not yet up and running. Further experience might help you activate the others.

If you're lucid enough during these experiences, ask someone to show themselves and teach you the language the communication comes in. I call this language feel/think. It's a feeling-based telepathy. Some years ago I got several lessons in how to use it. One involved finding myself between two nonhuman nonphysicals in a more or less spaceless environment that I call the Nonhuman Zone. I felt like I was drowning in a love so intense that it went way beyond anything I'd ever experienced on the human plane. I had to fight to get to the surface of this love because it was so overwhelming--and when I did, I discovered that this was the ordinary level of conversation between such beings.

So, some stuff to chew on. Good luck with it.

All best,

7th August 2014, 03:59 PM
Kurt often posts on this forum (hasn't for a bit, but he used to be active here for a spell) so it's fine. And you have more than enough posts to link too, so it's ok.