View Full Version : How can I relinquish disbelief in Astral Projection, as well as fear?

30th July 2014, 08:55 PM
As I've mentioned, I think my biggest problem with achieving astral projection is that I don't believe it'll actually happen. Even if I do conjure up enough blind enthusiasm and try my hardest to make it happen, I just can't seem to escape the mindset of OBSERVING if anything happens rather than making actual EFFORT to MAKE it happen. It just feels like I can't get past what I've been spoon-fed all my life: that this is all life has to offer, and what my mind has already seemed to understand as absolute fact: that I can only experience reality through the limitations of the five senses.

Is there any way I can get past this mindset without having to experience projecting personally? Or is the only solution to keep practicing and to force my way out of that mindset? My question sounds like I'm asking for the impossible, but I guess what I'm asking for is...and forgive me for this... is there any way to experience spirituality without question, in a very intimate manner, without needing a certain mindset to do it? I've briefly considered DMT's but those aren't exactly easy to come by.

30th July 2014, 11:05 PM
All I can tell you is that only by experience can you get rid of disbelief- but here is a reality check:
It's perfectly ok to believe that the experience is mind-generated. Many people have their own versions of this belief, not everyone is a mystic who believes that the experience is ecsomatic. (lol at me for using a big word)
We know for a fact that we all dream, all night, every night, even if we don't remember most of our dreams.
You don't have to believe you dream to remember them, you just have to wake up at the right time of the night in order to do so.
In that way you don't have to believe that OBEs are mystical experiences, you can believe they're brain projections that you can catch if you wake up (or induce) at the 'right time'. You already do, if you've ever woken up with that falling sensation.
My point is, that to have an experience all you have to do is to be aware when it happens, belief has nothing to do with it.

31st July 2014, 04:37 AM
belief has nothing to do with it.

But I've always been told that belief is one of the biggest factors to a successful projection? I'm always hearing "If you try astral projecting while thinking "I GUESS I'll try but don't think it'll work" then it's the same as not trying at all, because a certain level of belief is necessary. Is belief being confused with enthusiasm here? As in, not necessarily belief that it'll work is needed, but a real desire to enter the astral is required?

31st July 2014, 05:42 AM
Have you considered EFT or affirmations? In my opinion, some beliefs are too subconsciously integrated to reason through and thus must be dealt with at a more subconscious level (via eft and affirmations for example). Also, maybe if you stop trying so hard it will happen to you. When I had my first OBE it was completely spontaneous despite the hours I had spent in daily meditation trying to induce one. I don't think you can "force" your way through the spiritual and subconscious barriers/beliefs that are keeping you from having an OBE. I believe everything happens for a reason so perhaps you are stuck because you are in a process of evolving your beliefs and energies to prepare yourself to have a safe conscious OBE. I'm learning that patience and balance are key.
I also agree with CFTraveler that there are various ways to perceive what an OBE is. Perhaps if you looked at it from a different angle in a way that's easier to comprehend and more consistent with your other beliefs it will open up possibilities within your mind and subconscious.

31st July 2014, 02:51 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with what CFT and IMG have written above. Belief is not essential, but I would say that the desire to visit the astral must be strong, as you yourself have written. If you really want to project (to visit a relative on the astral, for example), then it will happen eventually. Just put the academic questions of belief and/or lack of it to one side. Concentrate on your earnest desire. Well that's my two cents, as the Americans say....

31st July 2014, 07:43 PM
What I mean is that belief that it is an 'objectively real' phenomenon is not necessary. Just like you don't have to believe that you dream to dream (you do it whether you remember or not)- because just like you dream anyway, you project anyway.
What I am saying is that if you remove the 'need' to believe you have one less thing to worry about, instead of just picking a technique/routine and keeping at it until you get a result.

1st August 2014, 12:14 AM

I had the same problems with dis-belief for a long time to. How I got around it was to really realize that we dont experience a fact like experience through our 5 senses, they just paint us a picture of our surroundings like a tv or radio just paints pictures and music but in reality receive transmissions in a totally different way, one thoroughly outside our perceptual range and translate them into something we can perceive. Its the constant reinforcement by others more "rational" that really do the damage.
(your first obe will be the same...what you see will just be a translation done by your higherself for your understanding.)

That coupled with the knowledge that if we cannot perceive these transmissions and other sorted phenomena...what else can be out there that we have yet to build a machine to translate for us...? Understand that your perceptions are meant to aid you in your day to day life... not help you grow as a person. Its interesting that the very eyes we depend on can also blind us.

2nd thing I did was to meditate, meditate, and meditate again... if your like me and have NO clairvoyant abilities at all, it will serve to stir them. With the quiet humble intention (buried in the back ground of your mind) to Know and experience more of the truth, you will become more and more conscious of what your doing already but fail to remember. The real key is to get through the thick thick skull of your astral self that you (the waking self) want it to play a greater part in your Whole life.

As far as dealing with fear...you wont at first you have to keep at it and like the shadows in your bedroom at night you gradually lose interest in them from simply over ex poser. We've all seen ugly stuff on the other side and got frightened over one thing or another but its just so intense because of its new-ness and because we are a bundle of emotion over there. If you run into a snake in the back yard every time you cut the grass next thing you know you dont give them a second glance.... Emotional/Mind Control is Every thing over there.

And as far as experiencing spirituality without a certain mindset,? I dont know...the closest I can think of is to volunteer your time to help others. I get the feeling you want to amp up phenomenon so you can experience it wide awake?? If you are equating spirituality with phenomenon they are no where near the same in my regard. But you are a Spiritual creature in cased in a Physical body. If you give of your heart and soul to help others who are really and truely in need (the more serious the need the better) and I dont mean giving money...but giving time (your most valuable asset). Experiencing their misery with them, lightening there load by your comforting/inviting presence. You will without question feel a powerful upsurge in your spirituality. Love freely given to a complete stranger will come right back at You full force and can knock you on your butt if your not prepared. Ofcourse your not supposed to be doing it for the sensations/phenomenon that it will arouse but if you keep at it they will arise regardless and a great energy in you that may or may not already be there will grow stronger and be more and more difficult to ignore.
Altruistic exercises/thoughts will raise your vibrations...ugly, base, self-serving exercises/thoughts lower them and you can always tell once you start remembering your out of body experiences where you fall on the scale by the environments you find yourself in.

1st August 2014, 04:43 AM
Wow, I wasn't expecting so many sudden responses! Thank you to all who gave me advise. I think I'm more confident now in what I consider to be necessary when entering the astral. I always thought you had to believe in the astral realms to succeed at all, and this always bothered me because I only want to enter the astral to prove that it exists to myself (and in doing so, finding what I believe to be purpose in life.) Right now I feel very unstable spiritually, in that I feel like I have one foot in every single religion and idealogy just to try and make sense of an apparently absurd world. Anyway, achieving astral projection is definitely one of my top priorities and goals in life at this point in time, and I definitely don't lack a desire to enter.

I will look into affirmations and other sorts of meditations I can practice. Thanks again

1st August 2014, 09:13 PM
I feel like I have one foot in every single religion and idealogy just to try and make sense of an apparently absurd world.
I understand what you mean. But just as CFT has stressed that belief in the "objectivity" of projection is not essential, I would add that belief in any organised religion is not essential, either. I wish you every success in your desire to AP! Do come back and tell us how you get on!