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27th July 2014, 04:31 PM
So hello, im having some big trouble with a succubus demon and parasites, they've already eaten a big part of my rigth side of the subtle body in the manner that it messed with my physical body too, i have also string attachements, i lack electric male energy too from the consecutive years of draining by this entity, and i have a kundabuffer seed planted in my brain that is in need to be removed, i did some energy exercises with aunt clair yesterday night that helped me, and she helped me alot already but i have a lot to work with still, so if you guys can tip me and give me advices, exercises or oppinions on what i should do i would greatly aprecciate , im back again to do the lbrp 2 time a day, and do some energy working thougth im not very expert in working with energy so i am here asking for help i just want to get better and remove this ♥♥♥♥ that have bringed alot of trouble for me and my family..

Thank you

27th July 2014, 04:50 PM
Hi Satori.
I moved your post because you're asking for help. Since you're familiar with terms like 'kundabuffer' I'm going to assume you have some experience in the defense area, but anyway, you should see if there's any of the countermeasures you haven't used that are in the stickied sections, such as:
Moving water or mega salt bath. (or both)
If not, please review them to see if there's anything you haven't tried.

27th July 2014, 05:01 PM
I was doing just that thank you, besides the salt and herbs (Ruta graveolens) ​baths, and the banishing rituals i am not acquainted with those techniques im gonna read and try it, also do you have some advice on energy techniques i can do? i have to build up electric/fire energy as i lack that..

thank you for your time cftraveler

28th July 2014, 04:55 PM
When I feel something trying to attach to me I use 'fast' sponging techniques. I believe Robert calls it 'rapido'. It's basically bouncing to loosen up interference. I've used it in different circumstances and it has helped.

28th July 2014, 05:13 PM
Hi cft, and how do you do the sponging bounce? with your hand? you visualize? i found http://www.astraldynamics.com/home/index.php/unorderedtemp/280-rapido-new-technique this link but i doesn't explain you how to do it..

28th July 2014, 05:58 PM
Oh i think i got it , it's basically visualize the energy going up and down correct?

28th July 2014, 06:30 PM
No, imagine how it feels. You want to feel it when you start slow- then just visualize when you get enough feeling and are ready to speed it up.
You want to set up a feel of the sponge or brush (I prestimulate with an imaginary brush and then go to the sponge) and when I get the tickle, then develop a rhythm, and then speed it up. When I develop the speed, I no longer look for sensations, just awareness of the movement.

28th July 2014, 06:33 PM
Thanks :thumbsup:

28th July 2014, 10:08 PM
No probs.

Robert Bruce
29th July 2014, 04:43 AM
The only thing I would add here is that you need to take very good care of your physical body. Eat healthy and well, get plenty of restful sleep, exercise regularly, get sunshine every day, and take the best quality supplements. Walk on the beach, meditate, and relax.

Some of the symptoms you have described suggest that your body has become sensitive to toxins and emf. So a raw organic food diet for a few months would be in order, as well as 'earthing' to reduce emf. Light sensitivity can be eased by wearing the right kind of tinted glasses, etc.

Most people in this situation look for magickal solutions, but neglect their physical bodies. It must be kept in mind that the health and wellbeing of the physical body plays a big part in the functioning of the subtle energy body and its psychic shielding.

peace, robert

29th July 2014, 04:24 PM
Thanks Robert!