View Full Version : Dreamt of getting into a car crash

25th July 2014, 04:22 AM
Hi, I posted on here awhile back about having a dream where I was involved in a car accident. I almost got into a bad accident today and wonder if I had that dream to forewarn me. The accident would have been my fault but I reacted in just enough time to avoid it. I had to literally swerve between two cars and managed to maneuver my car around them both without hitting anyone. Needless to say I saw my life flash before my eyes for a second. In fact right at the second before I almost got hit I recalled the dream in my mind. I feel like something posessed me at that exact moment to maneuver around avoiding the accident. I've always felt like someone is watching over and protecting me. I'm definitively going to learn from this though and pay better attention when driving...

25th July 2014, 02:58 PM
Interesting. Definitely a message.

25th July 2014, 07:49 PM
Interesting. Definitely a message.

It's strange because the crash happened at the same intersection where I almost crashed at only in the dream I was in my boyfriend's car and he was driving through the intersection; we T-bomed a blue car turning left. I was turning left on onto the same road we were on. I got very lucky... I also had a dream prior to that dream where my boyfriend was driving and he kept telling me over and over that I needed to go to the light. Needless to say I've been a little spooked since, especially since yesterday.

25th July 2014, 09:09 PM
The light might have to do with awareness, and it seems to me that this is what it's about. Be aware.

25th July 2014, 09:36 PM
Thank you!