View Full Version : Chakra overstimulation

23rd July 2014, 06:15 PM
As I have been focusing lately on astral projecting and developing my psychic senses I feel like I may be over stimulating my brow and crown chakras. I have been having headaches, pressure, throbbing in the temples, and some anxiety, depression, and confusion the last few days.
My problem is, learning to develop my psychic senses requires me to focus my energies in those particular areas, even though I'm not trying to actively or intentionally stimulate them. Attempting astral projection also causes increased brow awareness and symptoms.
Any suggestions on how can I continue with my normal meditations and psychic growth without overstimulating further? Even if I took a break from all things spiritual I feel I would experience the same problems once I resumed my practices just due to the nature of them. So there must be some way to balance it.
By the way, I have been doing the primary and secondary NEW techniques daily. Should I stop using the primary altogether? Or perhaps stop at my throat chakra during primary energy raising?

23rd July 2014, 07:13 PM
There are various ways of practicing without using your third eye directly.
You can use NEW-type exercises on your feet, legs, arms and torso, stopping at the neck. You can also, when you're done with your energy work, can run cool water energy from the head like a waterfall down your body, expelling it through your insoles into the earth. This also helps to ground you when you're done.
Finally, you can take a few days off your meditation, since rest is as important as practice, to let your energy body use what it has acquired for your growth.
When you meditate, you can use methods which don't rely on visualization, such as 'feeling the breath on the tip of your nostril'- or other body awareness practices that are sometimes used in mindfulness exercises.

28th July 2014, 07:34 PM
"since rest is as important as practice"

La entrecomillada, es una regla relevante por cuanto hace a la musculación (bodybuilding) pues la sobreejercitación tiende a perjudicar, antes que beneficiar. En general, se aconseja ejercitar un/varios grupo/s muscular/es (el de las piernas, por ejemplo) durante un d♥a (en "n" series de "m" repeticiones), dejarlo/s descansar al d♥a siguiente mientras se entrenan otros grupos musculares, retomar el entrenamiento dos d♥as después, y as♥ sucesivamente.


Translation: The quoted is a relevant rule for bodybuilding, because overexercising tends to cause damage, instead of benefit. In general, it's recommended to exercise various muscular groups (legs one day, for example) in "n" series of "m" repetitions, let them rest the next day and come back to training two days later, and so on.