View Full Version : Astral Engineering

19th July 2014, 02:33 AM
This post may seem as belongs to the manifestation thread but i want to start a discussion about only things to be done from the astral realms.

Topic's goal is to discuss your experiences and creative ideas related to the subject if you have any.

Engineering is the application of scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge in order to invent, design, build, maintain, and improve structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes.(Wikipedia)

In order to improve the quality of life...

I do not want to discuss morals/ethics of usage of astral projection for mundane needs since i believe these are the subjective synthesis differs for each individual, topic also includes engineering systems/tools to improve astral journeys.

Let start with some ideas,
Most magical practices use of psycho-drama to induce the practitioner to an altered states of consciousness , but in astral i do not think it is necessary since you are already in an altered state of consciousness, a wicca kind of spell can be done with a volting machine... No herbs etc. needed assuming these are all provides psycho-drama...

A Computer or a mirror as in the snow white, put a wireless on it to connect akasha and program it to give best possible answers to your questions, by visually or aurally, design it an interface for your specific use... Even if it can give clear answers only from your subconscious isn't it make you the same as the character on nzt in the limitless movie :) So you may not lose months in a project that will not result as success, or you may create a design tool to your astral computer that helps you to develop your projects/ideas e.g..

I do not know why in todays world, using traditional approach to make astral temple with old-school tools and approach, ok, some symbolic rituals and settings has their own important place and not every magical operation minimized to practical use as working with elements etc. but i think creation of personal spaces and items in astral make possible to have a tesla-like laboratory and rather than a robe wearing magician one can play as an evil genius.

Possibilities are limitless, since i am a computer engineer, it slightly narrows my innovations to the subject but expecting to hear your ideas...

19th July 2014, 05:29 PM
I think it has to do with the personality traits of the people that are attracted to the arts. I for example, started building temples from the getgo when I started projecting consciously (and tend to be architecturally driven, prob. my own psychology there too) but would never be attracted to the idea of building a computer or a computer room or anything of the type, even though I worked in the electronics industry for almost twenty years.
Go figure.

20th July 2014, 01:25 AM
I think it has to do with the personality traits of the people that are attracted to the arts. I for example, started building temples from the getgo when I started projecting consciously (and tend to be architecturally driven, prob. my own psychology there too) but would never be attracted to the idea of building a computer or a computer room or anything of the type, even though I worked in the electronics industry for almost twenty years.
Go figure.

OK forgot about computers, but pragmatic use of astral projection skill have not been discussed much in anywhere as i know.
So rather than exploring one's true will or her consciousness, astral projection provides some opportunities beyond the normal state of consciousness. I assume most people stepped into the magical practice has a goal to be powerful in malkut. You can see in any grimoire, beings described as their pragmatic uses (grant riches etc.). And for that reason why i love Koetting's work rather than others, he is straight-foward about the intention. But the question is while one can have astral projections how can he utilize the reality manipulation techniques based on that skill rather than doing evocation or kind to fulfill their wishes.

21st July 2014, 04:17 PM
I believe one must first learn the language of the subconscious, become aware of what the lessons really mean, and then master them. A task that sounds simple, but really isn't. IMO.