View Full Version : Lucid Dream Paralysis

13th July 2014, 09:01 PM
Dear Robert,

During some of my dreams for the past few years I will all of a sudden start to become partially
paralized and have a hard time moving in my dream. When this happens I become lucid and realize that
I am dreaming. I have learned to be able to move fairly well in my dreams when this happens by using the
same techniques i have used to break paralysis in my physical body when it happens. Although i still move around my dream feeling very slow and sluggish. The interesting thing is when this happens I have strong memories of the experience and it makes me aware of the face that Im dreaming and i become Lucid so the paralysis is more then welcomed in my dreams.

I havint really read about this happening to other people or why this happens and was wondering if you had any ideas. Also i wonder if this experience could be replicated in OBE's IE: having the astral body slightly paralyzed to provide lucidity and better memory recall.

Robert Bruce
27th July 2014, 05:29 AM
This issue is dealt with in my book, Astral Dynamics 2nd Edition.

It is caused by a real time OBE being in progress, and circumstances causing a conflict between your different aspects: your physical body mind, your dream body mind, and your real time astral bodymind. This will cause paralysis, or partial paralysis and great difficulty moving, in all aspects. This will sometimes also cause a fearful atmosphere. And yes, all of this will help you to become lucid in your dream body mind, and provides a powerful and more easily recalled memory.

Next time this happens, try using commands from your dream body mind to restore movement.
