View Full Version : any technique for activating higher function of primary chakras?

9th July 2014, 03:15 AM
Hello Robert,

T.I. is useful for stimulating the primary centers but is there a way to activate the higher functions of these centers. I am assuming that over time Tactile Imaging will develop the full capacity of the centers; I’m inquiring about other methods to supplement T.I. not replace it. For example I've read that Metta Meditation (loving kindness) activates the higher function of the heart center. Are there other techniques that could be applied to the rest of the main chakras? What about building the Hindi symbols of the centers in the aura over them with imagination? -- Colors associated with their function on the higher levels? -- Sounds? -- Emotions and/or Sensations associated with each? Are there songs we could sing while standing on tip-toe, at midnight, naked and under a full moon? :P

Many thanks

Robert Bruce
27th July 2014, 05:14 AM
All the methods you mention above are helpful.

I use AFFIRMATIONS to develop higher chakra functions.

Affirmations are the most powerful tools we have available to us for this purpose.


30th July 2014, 05:08 PM
Thanks Robert,

You mentioned in PSSD that when affirmations are used successfully they become charged and more powerful. Can you recommend some affirmations that you or others have used to develop the energy body.

PS - Don't shift realities again; don't know what we'd do without you:)

Robert Bruce
3rd August 2014, 07:34 AM
My third eye opens
my brow chakra activates
I see energy
I see spirits
i see into the astral dimension

simple and direct is the way to go. Modify the above to suit what is intended.

(If I did shift to another reality, the I that is speaking now would remain here.)

peace, robert