View Full Version : Does this sound like I successfully lifted my astral leg while attempting an OBE?

2nd July 2014, 04:23 PM
About an hour ago, after I figured having an OBE was impossible (I was already fully awake) I decided to practice my OBE techhniques for tomorrow morning. As I went through this process, I didn't get any results as I expected. But when I got to Phantom wiggling (Trying to move an astral body part without moving the physical body), things changed. I started with my right leg, tried to move it without moving my physical leg or tensing any muscles as I had been told, but failed. I switched to my right arm but it felt to 'comfortable,' as in, I felt like it was too easy to tense normally. I didn't try with my left arm for the same reason. I decided my left leg would be my best option, since it took the least amount of focus not to move physically.

It felt easier to work with and then, all of a sudden, a felt a sort of 'popping' sensation. I'm going to try to describe this as best as I can: Has, maybe, your arm (at the elbow), or some other big joint felt uncomfortable, and you had to straighten your arm to make it crack and fall back into place? For a term for familiar to people, it's also similar to cracking your fingers- they feel uncomfortable, and you have to bend your fingers which makes them crack, and you can feel the joint sliding back into place. If you got what I mean by this, this is sort of how I would describe the sensation with my left leg when trying to project. Minus the actual sound, it felt like my leg 'popped' upward, just about an inch or two, upward. From what I remember, I think there was also a sort of sensation of pressure, though it was VERY slight. I likened this to holding a helium balloon. There was a slight tug, VERY slight, of the balloon wanting to go up toward the sky. That's how my leg felt in a way.

Though I tried to make these sensations sound accurate to how they really felt, all of these sensations were sort of numbed down and didn't cause a lot of attention to me. My first thought was "the heck? this is weird." I didn't relate it to astral projecting at all, and my logical first idea was that my knee popped for no reason or something. Then, after a few seconds of this- just a few seconds- a wave of vibrations starting from my foreleg went up my body to about my chest. It was strange because the waves repeated, wave after wave, of vibrations similar to the waves of an ocean, where the most recent wave would strengthen the numbness and vibrations left from the former wave. Even more odd, the wave seemed to lose momentum the further along my body it went and only managed to make it to my chest. My arms, neck, and face were unaffected, my chest and abdomen felt minimally affected, and my left leg felt like it was vibrating full power. I IMMEDIATELY recognized the vibrations as a sign for a coming OBE, and then quickly connected the earlier 'floaty' feeling with the same thing.

I immediately decided to follow through with what I learned and tried to continue to pull my leg out, though I was so excited that it was hard to concentrate on what I had to do (I was terrifed of messing it up while at the same time thinking 'this could be it....!') I tried to aggressively lift my leg further, higher, as I had been told, but it would not lift any higher. At which point I decided 'maybe i've already projected, or maybe this is the height it's supposed to be at?' so I decided just to try and seperate from my body. I tried 'getting up' to no avail, floating up to no avail, rolling over my bedside to no avail, and then I heard someone slam a door. I accidently focused on the noise and sadly, the vibrations went from being amazingly strong to nothing special in the time of a SECOND, and yet going from strong to weak was a downhill process. It wasn't like the vibration up and dissapeared, but more like someone stuck a vacuum into me and sucked out the vibration- they all left like they were DRAINED from me, not TAKEN from me.

I wanted to point that last bit out in particular because I had only been able to get vibrations successfully one other time (last time they were a bit stronger and swarmed my entire body, as opposed to stopping at my chest.) The sensations felt the exact same as they did the last time, and they also left in the exact same strange way- in a dissapointingly quick way, a matter of seconds, but gradually, as if drained from me.

I wanted to ask, were these feelings with my left leg my actual astral body? I've been wanting to know how that felt because I thought it was hard to manage phantom wiggling if I didn't know what to expect. Knowing this information would be very helpful, thanks.

2nd July 2014, 09:50 PM
It definitely sounds like you were lifting your astral leg before your focus was lost. You might have been able to continue if you hadn't been thinking about it so hard. Hopefully it will be easier for you next time now that you know what to expect.

3rd July 2014, 01:50 PM
Yes, they were your astral leg. However, next time, try with your arms, so you get some 'leverage'. Going out 'legs first' is not a pleasant experience.

3rd July 2014, 09:39 PM
I just wrote a technique I use to build on the Phantom Wiggling technique. I use it daily. After a couple of years of doing this, I can get a tug o war started with my eyes open or closed now. I can also get the Tetrahdral shell spinning/rotating. Being able to do this with my eyes open though has just become a new occurrence.

I don't know if you allow links to other sites here. If you don't, feel free Mods and Administrators to delete this entire post.

http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/welcome_to_astral_consciousness/how_exactly_do_you_perform_the_phantom_wiggle_meth od-t44583.0.html

4th July 2014, 05:28 PM
I'll allow it, because I know you. But if you don't mind, can you copy-pasta it and put it in the loosening technique sticked topics?
(In the OBE R & D section.) Plz & Thanks.