View Full Version : NEW on arms and anxiety

1st July 2014, 11:41 AM
Hi Robert,

I've been doing NEW on my feet and legs now for some now and it's great.

Recently, I've started doing NEW on my hands and arms. I notice that it makes my surrounding energy feel much better for awhile, like I have more space around my body. Also, sometimes I notice that I communicate better for awhile after doing it.

But sometimes I've also noticed increased anxiety, like I have this nervous energy after doing it and I swear my heart beats faster.

Is there a reason for this that you know?

Many thanks,

Robert Bruce
12th July 2014, 11:59 AM
If you are doing energy work in a relaxed state, the energy and symptoms you feel could come from pre OBE (astral projection) symptoms.

Another possibility is sleep apnea, where you unconsciously stop breathing during sleep, which can also happen during deep relaxation and meditation.

There are many potential side effects of energy work, but they mostly settle down with further experience.
