View Full Version : Not in control of this weird lucid dream. Where am I?

27th June 2014, 09:34 PM
I had this dream again this afternoon which always sets me in a bad mood. It's got me creeped out and so I decided to post the dream in this forum hoping that someone might know what it is, more specifically, where have I gone in my OBE / lucid dream!?

So I'll start by saying what I think personally is happening here, then I will tell the story. I'm not a dream expert by any means, nor do I have any psychology or brain expertise. So I don't understand how the subconscious mind works. But I am aware that the brain has many different facilities that help create the conscious/subconscious mind. Perhaps my consciousness has "remained awake" and entered into one of these facilities because I am not exactly dreaming, and I am not exactly awake. The feeling is similar to an OBE but unfortunately unlike an OBE I am trapped in a room or series of rooms and I cannot travel. It's almost as if my OBE has taken me deeper into my own mind instead of somewhere in the astral plane.

I was laying down to take a nap today. I slept on my back (which is necessary for me to achieve an OBE) and with my hands folded on my chest. As I became closer to sleep I could feel my fingers "unfolding and slowly detaching from each-other" then my arms fell through my chest and rested at my side.
I was happy because this usually indicated that I'm going to have an OBE.

The next thing I knew I was in a room like a dark wooden attic, with no windows and a strange yellow glow like a candle light. I was floating around in a gyroscopic motion in the center of the room trying to gain control of my spinning but I couldn't. I wasn't spinning fast, I was just not in control. I could change my direction every once in a while. I don't understand where I could have been, I just remember asking myself, where am I and what is this? A feeling of being trapped came over me and a sickly feeling of despair. I immediately started hearing very foreboding music (I am a musician, but I rarely hear music in my dreams, only when I'm having a lucid dream or an OBE, an I've actually composed music based on themes that I hear which is totally cool). The music was very ominous, long sustained notes played on low brass and strings. I was thinking, maybe this is hell. Maybe this is one of the visiting rooms of hell or some other type of spiritual dungeon. I just had this feeling like this was a bad place to be and I couldn't get out. All of a sudden I noticed that someone else was in the room. I couldn't see who is was I could only see their legs, and because of my constant spinning I couldn't get a glimpse of anything else. They were standing there next to me spinning, with their feet firmly on the ground wearing white pants and tan shoes. In my head I asked "can anyone hear me?" And I could hear my own voice echo loudly "can anyone hear me?" Then I hear my self respond, "can ANYone hear me." As if it was a condescending affirmation. I interpreted as a snide way of saying, no nobody can hear you. So I asked, "sprit guides?!" I was trying to seek help from some psychic being that was in more control than me. As I spoke this, I could feel my body starting to wake up, and I was sucked out of the room and back into conciseness left with the memory and a tingling sensation all over my body.

I've been in this "place" before, but the last time I was there it was more like an elevator shaft and I was slowly falling down it with no control. No one was there either, and I had
A distinct feeling of loneliness and disparity as I sank. I remember thinking I really hope I don't have to spend forever in a place like this, which was why I thought I was in hell/purgatory etc.

hope you enjoyed reading my story and much as I enjoyed experiencing it, joking...
Anyone have any clues to where I went? I would really appreciate it!
thank you!

28th June 2014, 04:39 AM
Hi Royalblue,
I can´t say I know where you where but the feeling I get from your dream is...your fear of to be left alone in the whole big world...and I can´t help to think that if you where aparted from your mother or be left alone as an infant, and you did try to communicate but no-one did come or answere you...I think it is something like this you did connect in the dream, because it is very important to sort it out....just a feeling I got from your telling, if I am wrong, let it go...Then you also thinking of hell/purgatory is also inprinted beliefs....so yes in the whole you are facing your fears...


28th June 2014, 06:32 AM
If I am imagining what you're describing correctly, then I've had similar experiences - esp with the gyroscopic motion and feeling like I was being drug around by something else. Do you do ritual involving circumambulating, walking or turning in a circle?

28th June 2014, 09:25 AM
...your fear of to be left alone in the whole big world...and I can´t help to think that if you where aparted from your mother or be left alone as an infant, and you did try to communicate but no-one did come or answere you...I think it is something like this you did connect in the dream, because it is very important to sort it out....just a feeling I got from your telling, if I am wrong, let it go...Then you also thinking of hell/purgatory is also inprinted beliefs....so yes in the whole

I was raised by my mother from birth to age 24 lol. I have a great relationship with hers till. But just because I was in bed and technically asleep, does not mean that I was necessarily dreaming, because there is a significant difference between dreams, and this particular experience and so I don't know if it should be treated as a dream when analyzing it. It's not a nightmare, but it was nightmarish, in the sense that I was not comfortable at all where I was. And my senses were hyper activated especially my sense of sound. I would like to stress that part of the experience if I could, I was hearing music and sounds that do not even exist in this world or that cannot even be created by even some of the best audio gear.

I would very very much like to sort through this so that when I go back there(and I will go back there at some point guaranteed) I will be more prepared to explore and utalize the space to my advantage. Why else would a place like this exist unless it was either a dungeon or a safe house... Except right now it feels like a dungeon.

28th June 2014, 09:31 AM
I do no rituals, or have any techniques involving OBEs except I will sleep for 2 hours, then wake myself up using an alarm, stay awake for an hour, and then go back to sleep, increasing my chances of achieving it. I can tell when they are about to happen. I have had two OBEs in my life that where I have LITTERALLY walked around my house and watched tv with my mom, then woke up and walked downstairs to finish watching the show... That one was NUTS!! But rarely will I stay lucid in a dream because shortly after I attempt to gain controll, I wake up.

29th June 2014, 03:56 AM
Hmmmm. Thinking on it....

29th June 2014, 03:47 PM
I have some comments but currently on a cellphone so I'll come back to it.

1st July 2014, 03:36 AM
Are you sure you didnt just float on up to an attic space or closed up room in your house above your bed while obeing and just "freaked out a little" turning and turning in fear looking for an exit. I know my attic is dark and foreboding, the music perhaps from a distant TV...enhanced by your training and shook up state? and I "know" other spirits helpful or not will often mock an APer's drama in an attempt to get them to calm down.

1st July 2014, 05:14 PM
Ok I'm back and on the computer.

I had this dream again this afternoon which always sets me in a bad mood. It's got me creeped out and so I decided to post the dream in this forum hoping that someone might know what it is, more specifically, where have I gone in my OBE / lucid dream!?

Right away this tells me that if the experience is recurring, it refers to something you haven't worked out in your life.

-An OBE is an out of body experience, and the destination can vary- you can have an OBE to the astral planes, which imply symbolism-practically the same type of symbolism that you would use in a dream. Also, the inability to escape points to a 'guardian on the threshold' experience- a test to be passed. So I'd say that yes, you're in the astral plane, at the threshold into a 'different' level, and I want to mention that according to most metaphysical thought systems, there is no inside/outside, and the microcosm (your energy) is a direct reflection of the macrocosm. Many take a literal view of this, but I thought I'd mention it.

Anyway, back to the symbology in your dream- you have spinning (lack of control) dim light, walls you can't get out, and your own thoughts echoed at you in a mocking manner. I would interpret the barriers (walls) as symbols of either your own mind or body (think about it, which ones make more sense to you) your inability to escape (your thoughts that you didn't go OBE, but 'deeper in') your thoughts of hell and the low ominous music.
There seems to be a fear you're afraid of facing, but this fear seems (to me) to be of your own self- what is in your mind that you're afraid of? Or worse, are you afraid there is nothing there? I do agree BTW that you experienced a form of hell, in the sense of isolation and lack of guidance- are you finding something like this in your outward waking life too?
If I had an experience like this, I would actually try to reexperience it in meditation, just to see what happens next- study the space your'e in, study the light source in the room instead of trying to get out. Try to see what's there, if you can.
And see what happens.

5th July 2014, 09:10 AM
I agree with your suggestion of trying to reach this place again. I do maintain that this feel unlike a dream and more like a place. I dream almost every night, and I am very familiar with the feeling of a dream. This is somthing very real, and there's somthing plain and mundane about this place. Dreams are more colorful and fantastic.

I work at anplace in the city that has a basement which can only be accessed from the outdoor alley. Once The large padlocked door to the alley is opened you can descend the stairs into the musky dank and literally wet basement. You have to duck to avoid scraping your head on dripping pipes and cobwebs. This place is the closest thing to my vision in the real work that I can describe: both are so mundane and matter of fact. Except in my OBE I felt despair overwhelming.

I don't practice meditation but I am a quick learner of many skills and I am not afraid to try new things. Do yo have any advice for me as to how I can get back to this place to discover more? And hopefully report back my findings?

5th July 2014, 05:16 PM
For now start with meditating for 'quietness'. Then, when you have acquired a sense of 'when' you are ready to receive information, ask your subconscious for the information/experience before a session and before you go to sleep. But I think you'd need some time to master the 'getting out of your own way' phase of meditation.

5th July 2014, 10:28 PM
For now start with meditating for 'quietness'. Then, when you have acquired a sense of 'when' you are ready to receive information, ask your subconscious for the information/experience before a session and before you go to sleep. But I think you'd need some time to master the 'getting out of your own way' phase of meditation.
I have found this to be the best answer as well.

I had Dreams and went to "Dream websites" to find what out their meaning. But found that the answers I received from the "websites" were solely based on that person's perception of the experience and not in the same "content" as my own.

Only when I returned to my Dream journal to read what was there and then Meditated on it, was I able to discern what the real purpose of this Dream was or might have been in my current lifetime.