View Full Version : shifting feeling

23rd June 2014, 05:12 AM
I've been working my way through Robert's book and it has given me alot of info on what I'm feeling as I practice OBE techniques, such as the sudden intense itching on my face just as I'm starting to reach a deep meditative state or the massive pressure I feel in my head the deeper I go. I love William Buhlman but Robert gives much more 'practical' info as to what a person might be feeling when working on achieving this state. I've been practicing daily for about a month now.

That being said, another sensation I feel usually after having gone through my chosen exit technique and I'm lying there thinking 'well...here I am...still in my body', is a sort of shifting or phantom movement of my arms or torso. I try to use this to launch myself out but always just end up moving my physical arm. Could this be the same as the 'rocking' I've read about here? I just want to know if I'm at least having some preliminary 'symptoms' of an OBE. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated.

I also have felt the vibrational state but only when I was just starting to do this. I was excited that it was happening and it just disappated both times, I thought I was surrendering to it but obviously something else was happening to shut it down.

23rd June 2014, 04:25 PM
There are various possibilities for this shifting feelings. I'll give you a list and how I deal with them.

When the shifting feeling is a projection that is taking place with no separation, that is, you are already projected but haven't moved your awareness away from your body, I don't do the rope technique because I feel that I want to focus on the 'outside' and not on my body. So in this case (if I feel floaty within the general area of my body) I try to do something like (if I have vision) stare intently at another (far) section of the room and feel myself being transported there, or reach for it with my astral arms -Robert has a method called 'the finger corner method' that accomplishes this. Of course, you don't move your body, you do it with your imagination hands.
If there is rocking or shifting with this sensation, I try to get into the 'rhythm' of it and follow it, as if I were body-surfing in the ocean. This gets me out from this state.
If however, this feeling is just a partial exit (where you feel some part of your energy body floating like one of those balloon car sales dolls, then I do a little energy-body-recon (with body awareness feeling, a quick full body scan, for example) and try to deepen the trance a little bit before I launch into e-body loosening or an exit technique. In this case I find the rope technique, when I've finally relaxed enough, to be very effective.