View Full Version : How to connect to higher self
20th June 2014, 05:16 AM
Can you tell me any practices you know in order to connect with our higher self. I am so lost and feeling depressed as I just keep going round in circles. I thought I had found my purpose in life and that was to learn to love myself. I have been practising this now for some time by creating a compassionate voice that I listen to. I am aware of my thoughts and am able to modify them as and when needed. I eat organic food and I raw juice daily. I have coffee enemas and detox all the time, I have cut out sugar and still I am in pain.
I loose my focus and my brain tires easily, I know my main issue is I don't follow through with things and without a commitment I guess there's my answer. I just don't know where to start, I have so much information and I am a real flitter which does not help. My depression is taking hold and I am doing all I can to not feed it. I am sorry I have gone off course, so back to the question as I feel if I could connect with my higher self then maybe my inner guidance will start working again.
20th June 2014, 06:10 AM
Dearest Ewo.
Patience is what is needed, as I read what you wrote you lace patience. To know if you have enough of patience is when you can keep your cool and not feel stressed nor irritated or sad when things seam not to happen as you have hoped for, but to know in peace and patience that your wish may not come as you think, it may have arrived but you have not noticed because you awaits it in some other form or shape.
It is good to develop a mind what is glad in being in waiting mode and to set up goals what is relevant to your capasity of executing them.
I think that you have way too high expactations and illutions of what others do and be, and you in some way comare yourself and find you do not match?? This illusion must stop.
Make some routine of a day, and when you have done it, feel free to enjoy your day and yourself and say...I am happy for this day to have bean able to do what I have planned to do...and start low...and give some credit to yourself and stop harrasing you to do more than you have capasity for now, it will grow and you gain in strength.
I am sure you are in contact with your HS but your illusions is deluting you from thinking it is something els than it is in reality.
To love yourself is an ongong everyday 24-7 job. Be kind and nice to yourself.
Sending love and patience to you. To go in cycles is normal....from low to is this way we are.
20th June 2014, 06:35 AM
Thank you dear friend, that is good advice I understand what your saying. I will practice accepting the moment and thank you for validating my feelings. X
John Sorensen
20th June 2014, 09:40 AM
Can you tell me any practices you know in order to connect with our higher self. I am so lost and feeling depressed as I just keep going round in circles. I thought I had found my purpose in life and that was to learn to love myself. I have been practising this now for some time by creating a compassionate voice that I listen to. I am aware of my thoughts and am able to modify them as and when needed. I eat organic food and I raw juice daily. I have coffee enemas and detox all the time, I have cut out sugar and still I am in pain.
I loose my focus and my brain tires easily, I know my main issue is I don't follow through with things and without a commitment I guess there's my answer. I just don't know where to start, I have so much information and I am a real flitter which does not help. My depression is taking hold and I am doing all I can to not feed it. I am sorry I have gone off course, so back to the question as I feel if I could connect with my higher self then maybe my inner guidance will start working again.
To add somewhat to what IA has already said.
RE: Depression. Time and again I have encountered people content with the medical term of "depression" without understanding more than that. I challenge you to see low states in biochemical terms.
For years I had low states, mild depression, suicidal feelings (not now though).
Several factors contributed to this:
*Lack of purpose or direction in life.
> Pick a direction and move, even if its the wrong direction, do it with confidence, you can correct your course later on, but keep moving.
*Not getting enough Vitamin D, especially in winter.
> The body is a big chemical factory, if you don't eat what it needs, it doesn't work properly.
You can get Vitamin D3 in most supermarkets very cheaply, I take 2-3 capsules daily along with fish oil, which is great for your brain, especially concentration.
> Eat good quality fats. Your brain needs quality fats to run properly. Whether animal or vegetable, QUALITY is what counts. IT's also important to have enough Omega 3 and Omega 6 in the correct ratio to each other. Having too much of one without the other is a bad idea.
*Get daily VIGOROUS exercise, or if not possible, do something gentler.
This is the #1 that people with depression don't do, and should really be the #1 thing they DO do. Depression as a biochemical state can only persist if you let it, exercise produces various chemicals and hormones in your body that change your internal state. I've been meditating for years, but if I FEEL down in the dumps I get off my lazy ass and go for a WALK, because it a million times more effective than any positive thinking, meditation, feel good kinda stuff.
If your body lacks the minerals it NEEDS for your brain to function properly, then all the other strategies in the world are basically a waste of time. If you take any supplements, always eat them with meals / food (unless a doctor tells you otherwise) so that you can take advantage of the co-factors needed for your body to properly utilise the nutrients.
..."The researchers believed that the combined prevalence of omega-3 fatty acids and high antioxidant power of olive oil, fruits and vegetables served as integrative protective factors. Other studies have highlighted the positive impact of minerals (like selenium (, chromium (, and magnesium ( anel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum)) on mental functioning and mood. Furthermore, make sure you include plenty of quality protein ( in your diet. Amino acids are vital precursors to neurotransmitters."
Read more:
* Read the above article which highlights the mistakes people make in their diet and how to correct it re: depression. It took me YEARS to find this out the hard slow way, but you can read this article in FIVE MINUTES!
*I've not mentioned other things like family and friends, social activities etc because this sort of stuff is obvious, and for most people, it's the chemical side of depression that has not been addressed (or worse, "fixed" with drugs that deplete the body even further of the ESSENTIAL minerals it needs to function)
So in summary:
*Take Vitamin D3 (says: "Chocalciferol" on label)
*Get DAILY vigorous exercise: we were designed to move. Exercise and sweat is a great way to remove toxins through the skin, and oxygenate the blood, improving circulation and a host of other benefits.
*BE Purposeful. Doesn't matter what. Find something you enjoy in life and do it with passion.
*Eat the minerals your body needs to function, take some supplements along with your foods, modern foods are poor in the nutrients we need, and many "nutritional guidelines" do NOT recommend the optimal amount for vibrant disease resistant health, only the minimum amount to scrape by in survival mode.
We all go through ups and downs life, as IA said. This is only natural.
But when you are permanently down, then you know something is wrong, and you need to take corrective action.
How much action? Well, don't expect to hit a home run on your first try. Like anything in life, keep practising, day after day, find what works for you, what doesn't, and adjust accordingly.
And be easy on yourself, take a break from detoxing. Well done by the way! you've made some great improvements already.
Detoxing is great, but our bodies can detox for many years and slowly rebuild our bodies with superior nutrients, and there is no rush. So take a break and go easy on yourself.
Can I ask the nature or your pain, which I assume you mean is physical pain? You can PM if you like, if you don't want to post the details here.
21st June 2014, 04:52 AM
The best way I know to connect with higher self is to put away expectations. Then out of genuine and pure longing, to just ask. All the stuff like ritual and cleansing is about making oneself a fit vessel. This assumes Spirit will not meet you where you are. The machinations designed to make one a fit vessel are maybe overdone - maybe overwrought . It might be worth considering that somehow DOING something to make higher self introduce itself to you in a way that's clearly recognizable and then have It proceed to clearly delineate Its working is a misunderstanding.... and a set up for disappointment.
How about just go with "talking" with Spirit in a way that's deeply meaningful and satisfying for you... whether that's ritual or prayer, or tarot or wicca or meditation or ...... whatever. But whatever way, let yourself get to a place where it feels like you are a child exploring something fascinating, mysterious, and wonderful - something that makes your heart glow and expand and that activates wonder. Let that carry you through and do it without expectation.
21st June 2014, 07:46 AM
Higher self is self. How do you connect with yourself? Something to meditate upon.
John Sorensen
21st June 2014, 10:40 PM
Can you tell me any practices you know in order to connect with our higher self. I am so lost and feeling depressed as I just keep going round in circles. I thought I had found my purpose in life and that was to learn to love myself. I have been practising this now for some time by creating a compassionate voice that I listen to. I am aware of my thoughts and am able to modify them as and when needed. I eat organic food and I raw juice daily. I have coffee enemas and detox all the time, I have cut out sugar and still I am in pain.
I loose my focus and my brain tires easily, I know my main issue is I don't follow through with things and without a commitment I guess there's my answer. I just don't know where to start, I have so much information and I am a real flitter which does not help. My depression is taking hold and I am doing all I can to not feed it. I am sorry I have gone off course, so back to the question as I feel if I could connect with my higher self then maybe my inner guidance will start working again.
I don't know any technique or process for such a thing, but what I will offer is my personal experience, and then ideas which may or may not serve you, if anything is of use, then apply it, if not then ignore it.
*I read a book, back in around 2005, when I was around 25 called "The Freedom of Choice" by Melbourne scientist Tom Chalko. It was his book of personal experience and ideas around God, the universe, life, meditation and what he referred to as "higher self".
At that point I had had no conscious personal experience of a "higher self" (that I knew of), nor what this meant, or perhaps I had seen it mentioned in some esoteric books of an Indian flavour, but it was still new idea to me anyhow.
At the time I read this book I was looking to understand questions in life. Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a God? Does life have a purpose, and if so, what is it? I met with many different religious groups and people from different spiritual traditions.
I prayed with some Christian friends, they said to pray to God for evidence of God, for personal experience.
I did this repeatedly, and I got some "impulses" from where I don't know, I prayed on whether this scripture or whatever was true and the answer I got was "they are all true, and they are all false".
At this time I was just starting to learn to meditate, mostly from books.
The Tom Chalko book provided a framework for long term meditation and universe exploration (he also talked about his experiences with astral travel).
What made for me something happen, where other people have had nothing happen regarding prayer, meditation, asking deep questions, is that I had a BURNING DESIRE to KNOW the answers.
Not in a theoretical way, but in an experiential way.
Often in the west we settle for intellectual knowledge, rather than direct experience.
I don't understand how people can go to a place of worship and read from 2000+ year old books (which I value and study along with other comparative texts) of antiquated religions steeped in superstition etc, and accept what priests / leaders tell them.
They seem to be completely in the dark that you can have a personal direct experience of god, instead making do with stories, myths and fables. Some people if you tell them this, will only be offended and will even say personal experiences of god are false, of the devil, your own mind etc.
To counter that I say (not actually, but in theory) "Do you think that the greatest living intelligence in the universe is capable of creating worlds and galaxies and star systems, but lacks the ability to communicate directly with you, and needs to do it through 2000+ year old books?"
Few people would even consider the question, let alone seek a personal experience of God, add to that vilification of traditions like Gnosticism, separation of church and state, a current dominant world view of rational atheistic Science and its high priests and you get people wilfully distrustful of their own most vital inner impulses.
So, my "process" was that I desperately wanted to know if there was God / All That Is / Universal Intelligence, on my own terms, without any dogma or superstition in the mix.
I have never been part of any religion, though had friends who were, and knew intuitively that it was "not for me".
In my jaded view religion closes people off to their higher mind, spirituality by contrast opens up and encourages that deep personal connection that we in the west are so out of touch with.
If you are looking for answers, then look within yourself, and keep looking, genuinely and sincerely for a portion of All That Is, is you, and it may take "time", but you will find your answers, and those answer will continue to grow and evolve as you do.
If you want a simpler answer:
*You are already connected to Source, and always have been and always will be, it is your perception that tells you that you are not
*Your higher self is in constant contact with you, but do you pay attention to your inner signals, hunches and gut feelings?
*When you are invited to a greater idea of yourself, do you accept that invitation, or allow that impulse to be ignore and pushed aside by doubt and fear?
You are already aware of this idea of "higher self", let go an of any mental conception, and allow direct experience to come to you in its own way, and have faith in yourself, if you have any type of practice, be it meditation, prayer, diary writing or whatever, continue that practice.
Have the Intention to have a direct personal experience of your higher self, hold that intention EVERY day, not forcefully, but just gently, and allow that river of divine bliss to flow through you, imagination is the bridge of reality, and you need only hold the feeling allow wisdom to find you and flow through you.
"Focused intention becomes reality" - Seth
"Consciousness evolves in whatever direction it intends" - Seth
*Vividly Imagine you have already had the experience you seek once a day, in a relaxed state, and you will rewire your brain to believe it is so, you will invite higher frequency vibrations and allow them to step down into the material realm translating into whatever experience is relevant for you.
*It is different for everyone, if I can say.. take action, but do nothing.
That is, just make a LITTLE bit of effort each day, consistently, and the rest of the time relax, have a laugh and don't worry about it. If you harass your intentions you disturb them, like opening the oven door before the bread is finished baking, just have the intention, and then leave the "details to the universe" and go about your day.
When you least expect it, you will find what you seek, but actually it will find you.
22nd June 2014, 11:09 PM
They are all great answers, thank you especially to John I really appreciate the time you took to explain your own experience.
Thank you
29th June 2014, 06:18 PM
My experiences with partial or fully conscious connection with my Higher Self and even the pure essence of God have been during higher level out of body experiences, usually being a result of the intention to have the experience, although some have been spontaneous. I would recommend developing the ability to project into higher dimensions and navigate in the out of body state.
29th June 2014, 07:59 PM
Can you tell me any practices you know in order to connect with our higher self.
I ask for it during the beginning of a projection as the first thing. Results have been interesting so far and also different. Mostly it has been an experience of "light" and/or of another possible incarnational personality interacting with me. So you can just project and shout: "Higher Self Now!" or similar. Try it out.
John Sorensen
2nd July 2014, 02:30 PM
I ask for it during the beginning of a projection as the first thing. Results have been interesting so far and also different. Mostly it has been an experience of "light" and/or of another possible incarnational personality interacting with me. So you can just project and shout: "Higher Self Now!" or similar. Try it out.
Just wanted to add that because we live in a "camouflage" reality, each person experiences things differently. So what works for me, may not work for you, and what works for you, may nor work for me.
The thing to remember is not specific details, but INTENTION. While we deal with symbol in our reality, your higher self will always knows your intentions, so if you intention is to communicate, and learn more about about your "self", or experience your self without concepts, or words, but in a vibrational state free of concepts, then you can do so. However, whatever we remember/recall afterwards is still expressed in physical terms because of the symbolic nature of a camouflage reality.
If that doesn't make sense, consider that in a non-camouflage reality, you would perceive vibration directly, and never know anything but your connection to Source, and know your self as Source, it would not be possible to know or feel otherwise.
Hope I have made some sense here :roll:
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