View Full Version : Variations in frequency?

2nd June 2014, 07:14 AM
I was wondering if anyone has noticed variations in how frequent or intense your experiences have been? Do you find that during some periods spontaneous OBE's occur more frequently for example? Or do you find that sometimes they have a different nature than usual? Has anyone experienced that the natural seasons have any effect on you regarding this? Perhaps the moon cycles?
personally I find that the darkness during winter time helps me wind down a lot more and makes it easier to settle down and get into trance.
Would love to hear from someone who has recorded something regarding this!

2nd June 2014, 03:22 PM
I have noticed that my spontaneous experiences come in clusters, yes, and a long time ago it seemed that I had more around December, but it could have been some sort of cognitive filter, so I'm not sure about the second one.

2nd June 2014, 05:30 PM
CFT, Interesting!
Also, do you find that when doing affirmation and so on, that there is a delay in when it takes effect, as in not working immediately? I find that it is as if when doing affirmations, wanting to astral project or remember my dreams or what not, that it takes some time before it all starts to happen. I have stopped entirely with everything that has to do with AP'ing sometimes and have had stuff happen to me months after I quit.

PS. I think this has to do with to the discussion here, that's why I'm asking.

2nd June 2014, 08:27 PM
Hmmm, I'm not sure. I usually don't use affirmations for projecting, or creating a situation (I used to before) but for maintenance, keeping my mind on the prize kind of thing. But my observation about others I know (and it may be different for you) is that most people 'demonstrate' quickly at first, because they don't have many preconceived notions about this, and after a while it becomes more difficult, I think because the 'gee whiz' effect goes away. But I could be wrong.

2nd June 2014, 10:56 PM
I've never noticed any but Im sure its probably cause I've never paid any attention, beyond that is when Im making a more concerted effort to increase consciousness and memory levels while sleeping, through medatation and focused intent. But the cluster notion does jive with me as well. Conscious exits/returns however seem to rely a great deal on luck and strong efforts.

John Sorensen
3rd June 2014, 01:09 AM
I was wondering if anyone has noticed variations in how frequent or intense your experiences have been? Do you find that during some periods spontaneous OBE's occur more frequently for example? Or do you find that sometimes they have a different nature than usual? Has anyone experienced that the natural seasons have any effect on you regarding this? Perhaps the moon cycles?
personally I find that the darkness during winter time helps me wind down a lot more and makes it easier to settle down and get into trance.
Would love to hear from someone who has recorded something regarding this!

Yes to all of those questions.

Sometimes a dream or projection will be remembered in foggy fragments and bits and pieces.

Other times the memory will be so vivid that it may take a couple days to know whether the memory was from physical existence or non-physical existence, seeing as how our dreams and astral experiences are filtered through body-consciousness, and couched in physical terms.