View Full Version : "we are all one" question

2nd June 2014, 07:06 AM
gday robert. i hope you are well. i had some questions for you and i wanted to ask these in sequence. thank you so much for your input on this because it's been driving me mad. i know nobody truly knows 100%the answer to these questions. however, it seems you, one of my best friends, William buhlman and many other people who are really knowledgeable in this stuff all come to the same conclusions. it sounds wonderful... but i would appreciate it so much if you can help me.

"we are all one" i get... that we all come from source. source creates TONS of copies of itself etc. i am very lost on this one question though. i was talking to a guy who said we all come from source. i agreed. he then told me i am everything. i kind of understood this but it got me thinking. if i am everything... i am you. so basically i am waiting for a reply from myself? i said okay... if someone stabs me to death that was me stabbing myself to death? and then he said yes. and you both agreed to it. first of all he said "both" if i am everything and everyone then it would just be me agreeing to another aspect of myself i am completely unaware of wanting to stab me to death... why? this makes absolutely no sense to me. i got some questions for you

1. all the people getting murdered in the streets. all the violence. people killing eachother over playing music too loud. the corruption. all this junk... lets say a random person kills a kid in the streets on purpose. am i that random person and that kid? does this make sense? i would sure hope not... its not that i see myself as separate from everybody its more so that i make my own decisions... am i part of the whole but i have my own unique consciousness? or am i all of this at once and don't even realize it?

2. all my guides... if i am everything then i am all of my guides too?

3. if i am you and you are me... right now i am typing to myself waiting for a reply from myself?

4. do we each have our own consciousness? i get we all come from source... and are all connected but i would sure hope we all have our own free will and there are other "beings" so to speak. i say this because this makes me feel INCREDIBLY powerful. yet... INCREDIBLY super... lonely. if i am all tat exists and everything that is happening is me on a superconscious level and this is all a giant "game" with myself that really stings for me.

5. negs... negs attacking people or even myself. am i those negs? again... if i am everything... you see where i am going with this?

6. example... i saw a long time ago a story of a women killer her baby in the most disgusting way possible. i avoid any form of media at all costs now and have for a good year. i thought to myself... my god. if i am everything and everyone.... i am her? and i chose to do that on another level of consciousness i am not aware of? i really hope not....

i hope this made sense robert. i cant explain this very good but i sure try.

[Mod Note: A copy of this thread for general comment is available here: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?17292-COPY-quot-we-are-all-one-quot-question ]