View Full Version : Popped out last night!

9th May 2014, 03:43 PM
Had a spontaneous OBE last night. I wasn't actually attempting to do it; I was asleep. I woke up in the middle of that giddy, pulling/separating/vibrational stage and I was so happy about it. I allowed it to happen and got that falling feeling, but it was much stronger than I've ever experienced. It felt something akin to a big drop on a roller coaster (a sensation I much enjoy anyway!). This time, though, I was completely in the dark; couldn't see a thing. I stated "clarity now!" several times but it didn't work, but I didn't mind terribly. I was just enjoying how I felt in the moment.

For the first time I heard something rather frightening, some sort of evil laughter, but I know that it was just a projection of my own fears causing that, so I called out, "Knock it off! I'm not afraid of you! You have no power over me!" and it stopped. This OBE lasted several minutes, and although I couldn't see anything it was one of the most pleasurable I've ever had. I just felt really, really good and that feeling has carried over into today!

Just thought I'd share! :)

ETA: It amazes me how much I enjoy the vibrational state/the feeling of actual separation now. It was a fear of it that caused me to abort many times through the years. Strange that something I found so frightening once upon a time is such a pleasure now.

9th May 2014, 03:50 PM
Awesome. BTW, getting away from your body location has been much more effective for me than asking for clarity. Just feel your way around, and the vision will come.

16th May 2014, 02:53 AM
Daisy! I have had the same thing with the sinister laughter. The first time was when i was just floating in the void and it was the most stereotypical evil laughter you could hear. I was a little worried at the time, but laughed about it myself after. Then last night again in the blackness, I could hear a voice and focused in on it. It was mocking laughing again saying I have too much fear in my heart, but this time I was not worried at all and replied "You will lose". Then it replied with a surprised "ohhhh!". haha I just have no idea if it is coming from within or it is something separate.

24th May 2014, 12:10 AM
I think it is a projection of our own fear of the unknown. I am glad for all of the things I've read both on this forum and other sources so that I was prepared when it happened to me, otherwise it may well have frightened me away from my astral pursuits altogether.