View Full Version : OBE Experience with ET?????

1st May 2014, 02:05 AM
Hi all, i'm brand new to the forum and joined in hoping that my question may be answered or some ideas chucked around to help me more understand what I have experienced. I had a dream last year that has not left my mind and has deeply affected my life, I found myself floating in space staring upon a woman looking being with long electric blue hair, she was wearing some kind of black space suit that was tight the skin, as I gazed upon this being I felt a deep connection even though I didn't know what or who this being was. My question is; has any one had an experience with a being like her? What is it or the meaning of the dream? etc. Your opinions and answers would be greatly appreciated.

1st May 2014, 12:27 PM
Not necessarily as you describe, but many projectors have experiences with beings that seem to be 'extraterrestrial'. Of course, considering the depth of the power of your subconscious to represent ideas, any explanation is possible at this point.
When you dream with little or some lucidity, the content of the dream is usually symbolic, and a woman dressed in a spacesuit can symbolize many things- a 'universal' woman, a guide, it can even mean you watch Dr. Who- the possibilities are endless. So I would hold off on the interpretations unless it becomes a recurring dream- then it's an indication that there is something about it that you have to understand- an important message.
If you are very interested in what these things might mean, I recommend looking into Carl Jung's work regarding dream symbols and archetypes. You might find some help there.

8th October 2014, 02:52 PM
There is much more to the enigma of astral projection and ET than experienced Projectors will admit.. :) Could there be Astral Projecting ET's? Of course there are!! Let's not insist that we are the only ones... Maybe we ARE astral projecting ETs... There seems to be some denial regarding many experiences in the astral... Did not the founder of this forum have ET experiences before he began having spontaneous projections?

I have had manymany OBEs and there is an ET element to them.. Nothing malicious.. But in a realm of impossibilities,, how can one suggest that this kind of contact is not possible? I dunno... I see at as inevitable... How does one insist that their soul is HUMAN?? The human Gnome only goes back so far... Our souls are infinite, therefore NOT human.. (or ET for that matter,, just pointing out the flaw in assuming too much about the origin of soul and the implications of ObE...)

Of course, considering the depth of the power of your subconscious to represent ideas, any explanation is possible at this point.

CFT,, with respect,,, Can't we say this about ALL obe's?? I have verified manymany OBEs. They are real... I have consistent astral experiences with ET's.... They are dreams?? Why, because you don't have an answer??

I understand that this forum would like to separate itself from many of the fringe, soft-sciences,,, but at what cost..

I admit that an untrained, confused experiencer will get the pre-cursor ObE event confused with the Pre-cursor abduction event,,, and insist that they are being abducted when in fact they are NOT.... There is a lot of that out there...

You know what else is out there?? Denial of the reality of the engagement of ETs... I'm not saying that you SHOULD have all of the answers,, but complete denial of the ET enigma,,, and insisting that they are just dreams is going to become an un-needed blockage in the discovery of truth...

Love to you

8th October 2014, 05:00 PM
CFT,, with respect,,, Can't we say this about ALL obe's?? I have verified manymany OBEs. They are real... I have consistent astral experiences with ET's.... Dear Jake, this is an interesting misunderstanding of what I said. My answer was not speaking to the reality of any OBE, but as an answer to the OP's reported dream. I have had many experiences, OBE and even precog dreams that have been verified, but I am talking about the specific experience described by the original poster.
Your addendum "They are dreams?? Why, because you don't have an answer??" is argumentative, unnecessary, hostile and beyond the scope of the post. If you have a personal beef with me from somewhere else, please address it in pm form ...to me.

8th October 2014, 05:16 PM
Interesting.. I have no beef whatsoever... Hostile??? My goodness, you are sensitive... We have completely different definitions of hostile!! I admit that I thought that the OP was talking about an OBE, not a dream.. My apologies...

My apologies, CTF,,, I thought that we were trying to discover TRUTH...

I have been a member since 2007, and I only chime in when there is something exceptionally important being discussed...

My dear,,,, I too am a moderator at a very controversial discussion forum,,, one of the biggest on the net!!!

I guess I deal with REAL argumentative folks who are ACTUALLY hostile... My comments are milk and honey compared...

You assume too much about me... I have no need or want to antagonize you...

Your response is shocking... Hostile??? I proposed a fair comment... I have been consistently ignored when asking or commenting on the ET enigma with specific regards the mechanics of projection.. I begs the question as to WHY?

It was not my intent to be hostile or argumentative.. Methinks you should turn the sensitivity level down as opposed to assuming an attack..

Robert is a friend... The ET enigma is part of this.. Wether or not AD is willing to open up to genuine experiences is still to be decided, I guess...

Perhaps I'm wrong... Discussing ETs with Robert once revealed [edited, may have been private, I don't remember]...

I will do some more poking around.. Dang, CTF... I'd love to tell you some stories about ACTUAL HOSTILE PEOPLE!!! lol...

This is NOT an example of that...

Maybe AD is not the place for discovery that Robert told me that it is...


14th October 2014, 07:35 PM
The title of this thread is misleading. It should be "Dream Experience with ET?"

I agree with CT that the true nature of dreams and out of body experiences is beyond our limited capacity to fully understand in anything close to an absolute sense.

It is a mistake to assume to know the truth about any concept or aspect of reality in an ultimate sense.

For all we know, we are brains sitting in a vat hooked up to the matrix.

Even having been exploring nonphysical realities via the out of body state for over half of my life, I still cannot honestly say that I know any ultimate truth of whether these experiences are real or what their true nature is, even after having experienced what I understood to be higher levels of truth and divine wisdom regarding the nature of the self and reality, even after experiencing these insights first hand, I still cannot honestly claim that these are ultimate truth.

Human experience is elusive by nature. Our consciousness is limited to a small fraction of reality and we base our understandings on fabricated labels and concepts that are not true reflections of reality, but simply reflections of our limited perceptions and beliefs.

It is therefor dishonest and delusional to make any claim of truth regarding the nature of these experiences other than one has had or has not had this type of experience. Assigning labels and conceptualizing the experiences will always fall short of ultimate truth.

20th October 2014, 04:08 PM
Hi Gang,

I think we must recognize that we become inter-dimensional when we project. Beings of all sorts are out "there". Some interact; some do not. Perhaps, some are even from a different time. If there is such a thing as "interconsciousness", I assume projectors have been there and met "beings" also.

I'm just mentioning this because I have met many "beings". I've never asked,"Where are you from?". It just never occurred to me to ask. Of course, a lot were from our space so the question was not necessary.


20th October 2014, 04:40 PM
Hi Gang,

I think we must recognize that we become inter-dimensional when we project.

I believe that we ARE inter-dimensional beings, whether we are in the body or out. We don't become anything, but rather simply refocus our consciousness to nonphysical aspects of our multidimensional self. But you raise a good point. Right on. :)

20th October 2014, 09:08 PM
I agree. I think its just a "simple" matter of where our consciousness; or, awareness is at any particular moment
I can project in/from an awake state.

22nd October 2014, 05:46 PM
As a thought experiment.. What happens if we as multi-layered,, multi-dimensional beings,, come across (while out of body) a group of physical beings that have not yet explored,, or gained mastery over their own latent abilities to 'project'??

1) If we are benevolent beings,, we may decide to engage them with love and understanding, in the spirit of nurturing and mentorship.

2) If we are NOT benevolent beings,, we may decide to explore they physical and energetic makeup of these physical beings.. We, by our actions,, may be causing great fear and confusion regarding the experience of the physical being...

In the latter example,,, we are using our advanced knowledge and understanding of the Astral to paralyze, abduct,, and experiment on these physical beings... Is it starting to sound familiar?? There are already countless folks who have noticed the similarities between the precursor ObE experience,, vs the precursor Abduction experience...

I realize that this subject is NOT the focus of this forum.. But many of my experiences have shown me that we are definitely being engaged by malevolent beings that use the mechanics of our own energy bodies against us... I have also discovered that if you stand in your own power and demand to be master of your own body, and your own space,, then the mechanics of the energy body and the OBE process cannot be 'hijacked'..

I also realize that many folks are having OBEs,, and the nature of their fear leads them to believe that they are being abducted, but they are NOT....

It is a slippery slope... In my younger years,, I could tell the difference between a self induced vibratory state, and one that was NOT of my doing... If I didn't have any reference to what was happening,, I would have certainly believed that my entire ObE experience was related to a lifetime of abduction.

I posit that much more open minded study must be undergone with regards the mechanics of ObE and the exploitation of those 'mechanics' by beings that may not have our best interests at heart...

Creating a space where they cannot enter is absolutely possible.. But that takes 'standing in your own power' and being sovereign.. And, unfortunately,, the reality of the Astral is dawning on us before we get the chance to realize what is happening to us... I believe that without personal sovereignty (going into the Astral) then we are actually 'inviting' other worldly 'curiosity'..

Just pondering,, I am not all knowing,, but I DO have experience with non-physical VERY UGLY beings who do NOT care what I ever thought about my own rights... Invading non-physical parasites....

Love to all

22nd October 2014, 06:50 PM
We do have an UFO forum, and we can start a thread there if you'd like. I have had 'some' experience of the astral equivalent of this, for whatever it's worth. But really, the 'astral abduction' can be in either forum, it is more common than people would think.

22nd October 2014, 07:03 PM
Oh, good.. I didn't see it,, though I didn't look real hard. I will find it and start a discussion.. Thank you.

I'll try and tread carefully. I can be obtuse and abrasive with my words sometimes.. I am learning, though...

Thanks again.

23rd October 2014, 05:25 AM
I have bean giving this a lot of thought, and I Believe that what becomes benevolent is our fear of succeeding because it does demand to LOVE all and Everything. It is so much easier to HATE, because ego gives you the allowens to it, to get even and the tesies of Eye for an Eye, we fear LOVE because of our so many ego based life´s, and this is an compact concreat layer on layer, and to take down this compact concreat wall brick by brick is not any easy work, and often it is easier to take the easy way out, and ego does tell you that when you give up the good work, you get a feeling of being in Control and ego does confirm that you are, and this goes on and on and when time is up for the awakening, an the brick wall starts to crumble and all the false knowledge and the false feeling of Control and strength will vanish and if you do not have a very solid and good ground in faith you will lost yourself in insanity, if you do not let go of the false knowledge, it is not easy, but I know that all of us have a sane spot in us, and it is to find it and go there when the storm starts, and when it has blown over, you will stand in the blessed glory of sanity, and Health and LOVE....WE ARE LOVE.
