View Full Version : Few Questions

30th April 2014, 06:11 AM
I have purchased "Raising Kundalini" program.

Here are my questions:

1) How fast or slow to work through this program?
- Since a couple years I have been doing pranayama and meditation. Crown, Eyebrow and root chakras are continuously vibrating whenever I sit in meditation. When I seriously focus for 1 minute, I am getting tingling sensations along the spine. And this reduces soon after.

My problem is, I am unable to connect all the pieces of the puzzle.

Apart from this I could make no progress. My main problem is - I could not find any system till now following which I could systematically awaken the kundalini.

2) How many hours per day should I practice? (I have 14+ hours time in a day..)

3) Should I start reading the book first or the videos? Which video to start watching first? Energy or Kundalini videos?

Sorry for my silly questions, I have taken this seriously - to expand my awareness and to awaken the kundalini energy.

Thanks in advance..

30th April 2014, 01:33 PM
Thanks for the reply, Is the "energy work section of the site" different from "Energy Essential" videos? Yes, can you pls direct me to the link?

I see that there's an Energy work forum - http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/forumdisplay.php?30-Energy-Work-Forum

Is that what you were recommending me, or any other link?

No, this: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/content.php?130-new-energy-ways

I'm going to delete my response after you see this so Robert answers you.

Robert Bruce
24th May 2014, 01:40 PM
Go through the program in the order in which it is presented...there is a logic to this.

Also read my book, Energy Work, as this provides a lot of detailed information you will need.

One hour per day minimal. Two hours is better. About once a week, do a longer session and build this up to four or five hours in subsequent long sessions.

I also suggest you read my books, Astral Dynamics 2nd edition, and The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook.

Adhere to The Golden Rule.

Make time for family and friends and other normal human activity, as this will help keep you grounded.

Enjoy the course....Robert

ps, you may also like to consider getting my program, Manifestation and Self Healing, as this contains a lot of information about connecting with your higher self.

16th June 2014, 08:29 PM
One hour per day minimal. Two hours is better. About once a week, do a longer session and build this up to four or five hours in subsequent long sessions.

do a KR sessions, 1 or 2 hours a day? or store energy into your base 1 to 2 hours a day.

should you only fast before the four or five hour sessions? or before any KR/KA attempt even the 1 and 2 hour sessions? should you cut out meat and protein only during the fast and before the long sessions? or cut it out intirely while your working to have a K.A. or K.R.?

Robert Bruce
24th June 2014, 08:53 AM
Here's the link to the book


It is much more detailed, and a good reference, for detailed energy work

*do a KR sessions, 1 or 2 hours a day? or store energy into your base 1 to 2 hours a day.

here I refer to practice time, energy work, altered state, meditation, etc, etc.

*should you only fast before the four or five hour sessions? or before any KR/KA attempt even the 1 and 2 hour sessions?

It is a good idea to fast before a long session. You can use a purgative (caster oil) and an enema to clear your system in one day. But fasting longer is generally good for the body and mind.

should you cut out meat and protein only during the fast and before the long sessions? or cut it out intirely while your working to have a K.A. or K.R.?

If you are in serious kundalini training, its a good idea to delete meat from the menu and to eat healthy with lots of raw foods, as well as cooked foods. This is not absolutely essential but it helps to elevate your 'vibration's and energy a bit, and every bit helps.
