View Full Version : Flying Uncontrollably

29th April 2014, 10:21 AM
I have this recurrent problem when I'm trying to astrally project, and it gets very out of hand. I don't know if I'm in a lucid dream or out of my body or what….When I first started having lucid dreams, my first desire was always to fly and walk through walls etc. For a while it was great but it didn't last. I'm unsure at what point a lucid dream may turn into astral projection. I have experienced very intense vibrations and have thought I was going to die. I have also had a few never-ending sleep paralysis episodes where I will fall into this sleep paralysis, come out of it and then try to just go to sleep, but will fall right back into the sleep paralysis, accompanied by vibrations, and it will go on and on like that all night long and it's torture. It's been a long time since that has happened, thankfully. But my biggest problem now is that the moment I become conscious in my sleep, I start flying uncontrollably. I can't control it. I keep going higher and higher and higher and it's scary. I've read that we have to face our fears, but I don't know what this fear is about, or how to get it under control. If I could just get the flying under control I feel like I could do anything. But I can't control it. I just fly higher and higher and higher and it doesn't stop….It's as if I were a helium balloon that was left to fly up into the sky. And while I'm aware that I'm not flying with my actual physical body, I still am freaked out because I keep flying so high that I start thinking, what if I fall, and how scary will that be to fall from such a high place? I have tried to find anecdotes of other people having this same flying problem, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm just wondering if someone could help me with this. How can I conquer these out of control flying episodes? I don't even know if I could call it flying….it's more like I'm floating, up and up and up. If I could fly, it seems I should be able to control it.

29th April 2014, 12:13 PM
A lucid dream is an astral projection, and an OBE is an etheric projection to the real time zone. When you first exit you end up in real time, and as time passes and your subconscious steps in, you turn towards the astral, and the lack of control simply tells me that your astral body is not as developed as you'd like, or you need more energy and practice to get those under control.
So, practice, practice, practice.

29th April 2014, 10:54 PM
I'm just not sure how to "practice". How do I stop myself from floating higher and higher and higher? I try to will myself to move in other directions, but it doesn't work.

29th April 2014, 11:11 PM
I have had the same issue but I haven't found it frightening, just frustrating. For me, I'm flying really fast so I don't have time to stop and explore anything. I'm hopeful that with more experience I'll figure out how to exert more control. I believe that will happen for both of us!

30th April 2014, 12:35 PM
I'm just not sure how to "practice". How do I stop myself from floating higher and higher and higher? I try to will myself to move in other directions, but it doesn't work.
Why do you want to stop yourself from floating? Revisit the feeling you get when it happens. I have, for example, fear of heights, and if I'm not lucid enough I panic when I start floating and try to get under a roof. This points to something I have to take care of in my life- and until I looked at it more closely, it didn't stop happening. I'm not saying that is what is happening here, but it's something to look at.
If it's a lack of control of your 'vehicle', you can get it with energy work. If it's a lack of lucidity, this is also 'treatable' (with practice and consciousness exercises)- but it's always most important to take a look at what emotion the experience elicits, and what you can do about it.