View Full Version : Practical SELF DEFENSE [Rate my karate]

20th April 2014, 10:11 AM
This is more my questions rather than my understanding, but I wanna put it out there so ... here goes...please be brutal..

Please Quote Specific Part

*First off, entities can attack us whether we are 'aware' awakened or not, vibrating at higher frequencies etc?

*Entities can attack us more depending on our birth chart, whether we are in good or bad places regarding that?

*Entities are more likely to be sent by people with high vibes who hate us? We can call them curses? People who are extremely meditative can see these entities?

*There are different types of entities which can be grouped and which need to be dealt with in different ways?

*If we vibrate at higher frequencies 'vibes' using spiritual tools but mostly practice and the big M (meditation not mcdonalds) we give our thoughts consciousness and this enables us to release them in a more metaphysical / psychological manner using our imaginations as base-stations for our self defense...so we can do roundhouse kicks in our minds and kick those suckers out of the park (or for a 6 if your in the southern hemisphere)?

*Its all in our heads? If someone sends an entity to me e.g. they have a bum shoulder and they send a spirit entity to pass that ailment onto me and I consciously call on that entity to leave will that entity and as such the bum shoulder be protected?

*There is a plethora of dimensions and energies, if one particular energy surrounds me and infects me to an extent and that energy is manifesting in my consciousness and then in my outer world (Being that a trapeze artist balancing on a beam that makes a small slip of the feet, that person slips in the mind first and then on the foot before he falls...so the mind is the first place the battle is lost) so basically if there is a powerful entity that feeds on fear of death and degrades my life...does that mean that all I need to do is battle it in my mind? e.g positive reinforcement and continual affirmation? Rather than changing my lifestyle?

* Ive heard of situations where people are cursed whenever they light a fire e.g a candle or burn incense or even light a fire on a stove...is this something to do with entities or is this more metaphysics, happened to an old gf of mine and she is one of the purest souls I have ever met...she practices love, however this sort of curse was layed on her?

Now I know most of this stuff is covered in Bruces Self defense handbook which is why I am picking one up , hopefully you can help me with any mistakes I have covered here. In my development I feel im going backwards the more I go forwards. e.g the more I can into traditional metaphysics and religion the weaker I seem to get with defense as opposed to my own imaginings and pseudoscientific-defenses which seem to have helped me through the years.

Thanks to Robert Bruce for his book on this topic.

20th April 2014, 04:19 PM
This is my opinion:

First off, entities can attack us whether we are 'aware' awakened or not, vibrating at higher frequencies etc? Yes. Although opinions may differ, I think most people that are attacked are first baffled by the experience, and later learn about all this to try to combat it. An awakened person (or aware, I prefer aware) will figure it out sooner than someone who isn't.

*Entities can attack us more depending on our birth chart, whether we are in good or bad places regarding that? I doubt it. IMO, predetermination doesn't work like that. But that's a whole post in itself.

*Entities are more likely to be sent by people with high vibes who hate us? We can call them curses? People who are extremely meditative can see these entities? It seems that some entities are sent by people with the ability to send them. This doesn't make them have 'higher vibration', a person with 'higher vibration' would not do that, unless they somehow 'knew' it was for the subject's benefit. Power does not equal evolution.

*There are different types of entities which can be grouped and which need to be dealt with in different ways?
Yes. There are many entities that are not dangerous but annoying, there are entities that are elemental, and entities that are constructs- there are entities that are 'wildlife' (think of how harmless/harmful a mosquito can be, yet t)- all of these are possible, and the chances of getting a 'really dangerous' intrusion are probably the same as anything else- think of it like in the physical- what is more dangerous to you, a tiger attack, or a mugger? It all depends on where you are, the culture you're in, and your ability to fight back.

*If we vibrate at higher frequencies 'vibes' using spiritual tools but mostly practice and the big M (meditation not mcdonalds) we give our thoughts consciousness and this enables us to release them in a more metaphysical / psychological manner using our imaginations as base-stations for our self defense...so we can do roundhouse kicks in our minds and kick those suckers out of the park (or for a 6 if your in the southern hemisphere)? If you open your eyes before jumping into the ocean, which is full of life, most harmless, some dangerous, you will be able to protect yourself, or see when something's coming at you.

*Its all in our heads? If someone sends a curse to me e.g. they have a bum shoulder and they send a spirit entity to pass that ailment onto me and I consciously call on that entity to leave will that entity and as such the bum shoulder be protected? That depends on the person. If they have a mental diagnosis, and the symptoms of their attack fit, then they should deal with the organic problem first, and then see if their illness may have opened a door to something nonphysical.

*There is a plethora of dimensions and energies, if one particular energy surrounds me and infects me to an extent and that energy is manifesting in my consciousness and then in my outer world (Being that a trapeze artist balancing on a beam that makes a small slip of the feet, that person slips in the mind first and then on the foot before he falls...so the mind is the first place the battle is lost) so basically if there is a powerful entity that feeds on fear of death and degrades my life...does that mean that all I need to do is battle it in my mind? e.g positive reinforcement and continual affirmation? Rather than changing my lifestyle?
More than one part of the question, so I'll be simple in my answer- an entity that feeds on fear feeds on attention. Battle is attention. Ignoring it, 'not seeing it' is better. Eventually it'll move on to someone who is more 'tasty'.

* Ive heard of situations where people are cursed whenever they light a fire e.g a candle or burn incense or even light a fire on a stove...is this something to do with entities or is this more metaphysics, happened to an old gf of mine and she is one of the purest souls I have ever met...she practices love, however this sort of curse was layed on her? I think this is not true- it's not entities of metaphysics, it's more legend and superstition. My opinion.

3rd August 2014, 03:45 AM
I've been surrounded by negativity since my last post. I've come to the conclusion that it is people sending entitles to me. these people are of a non religious nature, there motivation comes from negativity towards me. As with most people on this forum I can hear them speaking. My goal now has shifted from searching from answers everywhere to eliminating negativity through prayer however the negativity is the worst during prayer. The book has helped. The worst thing that happens is that I am sent negative images while I am meditating or praying. This is not god sending negativity, I know that. My prayer time is when I try to focus on love and peace, the images that are sent make me want to end my life. I know its not me projecting these images as when Im not praying I project my own images side by side. Utilizing the energy body is there any way that I can block these people or entities from entering my mind? The chief issue I have is that these people wont stop, it goes on 24/7 and when I eventually break down and speak back to them it gets worse.

Are there any sections in the book anyone can point me to?
Furthermore and more importantly are there any defense countermeasures anyone has from personal experience?