View Full Version : not sure how to take this

20th April 2014, 02:39 AM
Hey all,

I had a dream the other day where a guy was pouring water over my head and said to me "Over time nothing actually changes but your perception." A girl at my work said something about it being a shaman, what do you think?

Also, I have been working on letting go, does anyone have any tips?

Thank you!!

20th April 2014, 03:52 AM
I think this was rather significant- the water can symbolize from female energy to baptism. The message is interesting- you change your experience when you change your perception of things.
As to letting go, I'm sure others have more valuable insight than me.

20th April 2014, 04:07 AM
Hey all,

I had a dream the other day where a guy was pouring water over my head and said to me "Over time nothing actually changes but your perception." A girl at my work said something about it being a shaman, what do you think?

Also, I have been working on letting go, does anyone have any tips?

Thank you!!

Hi Sjstran122,
In my World that saying is very limiting, and we are unlimited beings.
So the saying "Over time nothing actually Changes but your perception" well it has to start somewhere, to see it first from all angels is very important because a changed perception feels like a change but it is not...it is to peel of the illusion is a must Before we can really make a change...and it takeĀ“s time ...sometimes several lifetimes...but we do evelove and grow...so eventually we do change if we want or not so to speak...but also we can speed up it by wanting really to change.


John Sorensen
20th April 2014, 05:28 AM
Hey all,

I had a dream the other day where a guy was pouring water over my head and said to me "Over time nothing actually changes but your perception." A girl at my work said something about it being a shaman, what do you think?

Also, I have been working on letting go, does anyone have any tips?

Thank you!!

Dream symbols have no real universal meaning except what you give them. In that sense they are HIGHLY personal and I say to you, you are your own dream EXPERT, you have merely forgotten, but with practice, you will see soon enough what you most wish to know.

Water (and this is my idea, so don't buy into it) also can symbolise spirit. Water transforms from ice to water to steam/vapour in a never ending cycle.

Or solid, liquid and gas - change, transformation, movement, flow.

As you flow with life, you are effortless change, while at the same time, your greater identity is that which is essentially changeless and experiences the changes, by which I mean the non-physical part of you that sees through your eyes as you read these words.

20th April 2014, 06:01 AM
Very deep, I think. :) I agree with John that dream symbols are very personal, but some symbols are more common, from what I've seen.

I used to frequently have what I now call "the baptism dream", only in my dream, I'd completely submerge myself in water (pool, lake, ocean, whatever). At the time, I didn't understand it, but it was a desire to "wash clean" and "be refreshed" and all those things associated with baptism. You don't have to be a Christian to understand this symbol, of course. I have a Jewish friend who has this same kind of dream, because the symbolism is very deep and well understood.

When I saw your dream, I immediately thought of baptism. (Disclaimer: Dream symbols are personal. So please consider your OWN meaning. I'm just offering thoughts from my own observations.)

The other thing, the statement about perception, well, yes. That's 100% correct. Your perception is what shapes your reality, and not just "how you look at it". Your perceptions (beliefs, attitudes, worldview, etc. etc.) actually create your reality. Change those underlying beliefs and your reality changes, and not just in the way you perceive it... But in the end, the only thing that REALLY changes... is the perception. ;) One of those lovely paradoxes that is not a paradox.

27th April 2014, 02:07 PM
Thank you all very much for your responses. This seems like a very big turning point in my life and I am learning A LOT.