View Full Version : Keep having the same dream over and over again!

19th April 2014, 03:47 PM
I don't understand why I keep having the same dream. My husband and I moved out of our first house together 17 or 18 years ago. Yet I keep having dreams that we bought that house back and moved back in. It happened again last night. And again I remember touching the walls, feeling how solid they were and even stating out loud "At least it's real this time, and not another dream!"

This keeps happening-I can't count how many times! I wonder why? I wouldn't want to live there again even if the opportunity presented itself. It was great at the time but it's just not that wonderful a house. I do miss the fun we had while living there-we were young, had lots of friends and just had a great time. But it was the people, not the house, that made it great.

It's to the point where it's kind of annoying now. I'd like to move on to other dreams but my brain seems stuck on this one.

Anyone have thoughts to offer?

19th April 2014, 03:56 PM
I have versions of this dream from time to time. The dream changes- sometimes we keep moving into newer houses, while keeping the one we have, sometimes someone has returned our old house and we now have both, sometimes we have moved back to the old one although I prefer my present one, or combinations thereof. Just the other day I dreamed that my dad (who has been deceased since the mid-eighties) built a tunnel from my house to the house I grew up in, and it's very long-I have speculated that this has to do with development- one step forward, two steps back, and insights from the past.
My non-physical landscapes are very physical- roads, streets, houses, malls, tunnels- all recurrent.

19th April 2014, 04:19 PM
I guess it's a metaphor. You cling to some aspects of your past (events, people, life style, neighbourhood and environment, family, job, whatever).

19th April 2014, 04:48 PM
Yes, I'm familiar with the "house I once lived in" dream. I've had recurring dreams of my old apartment, and of my parents' house. Each represents a different period of my life and a different aspect of myself.

I would guess that there is something about that period of your life (when you were living in that house) that you either want to recapture or which you have not resolved, something that needs to be addressed. Your subconscious is definitely telling you something, but you're the only one who can work out the specific details of what the message is (only you know them ;) ).

Try telling your subconscious (yeah, you can talk to it, why not?) that you don't understand the message and would like greater clarity of understanding, and see what happens. Answers come in all kinds of forms and ways, you may be surprised. :)

19th April 2014, 06:01 PM
Yes, I'm familiar with the "house I once lived in" dream. I've had recurring dreams of my old apartment, and of my parents' house. Each represents a different period of my life and a different aspect of myself.

I would guess that there is something about that period of your life (when you were living in that house) that you either want to recapture or which you have not resolved, something that needs to be addressed. Your subconscious is definitely telling you something, but you're the only one who can work out the specific details of what the message is (only you know them ;) ).

Try telling your subconscious (yeah, you can talk to it, why not?) that you don't understand the message and would like greater clarity of understanding, and see what happens. Answers come in all kinds of forms and ways, you may be surprised. :)

I can understand wanting to recapture the feeling of that time. We had some very special close friends that are now gone, either to death or destination. Life was far less stressful, we had plenty of money to have fun and take trips---overall, it truly was an extremely happy time for us. We both acknowledge that we miss those days.

But we aren't unhappy now! We have a nice home, we are comfortable, we have some good friends (none that we are bonded to as much as we were back then, but still people we enjoy socializing with) and we have a good life.

Maybe it's just an age thing. Hubby turned 56 yesterday and I'll be 50 later this year. Could it just be nostalgia for days gone by? I can acknowledge that, but what can I really do about it to get those dreams to stop? I will try talking to my subconscious and hope I gain some clarity.

28th April 2014, 02:57 AM
I've had similar experience billions of times. Many of my spontaneous obes start out back where i used to live. I've always thought it was where I, deep down, feel Im most at "home". So I head there first thing during the night while out of body albeit unconsciously.