View Full Version : Living in the NOW...
12th April 2014, 05:16 PM
Hi everyone.
I want to share this with you :-)
I have told my story to many people during my Life, I have needed to do that over and over again.
But now I have come to an end and really feel that I am not my story, to live in the NOW there is no bagage of my past nor fear of future.
I am free when I can stay in the NOW.
12th April 2014, 08:17 PM
12th April 2014, 10:13 PM
What a milestone IA, xxxx
13th April 2014, 07:55 AM
What a milestone IA, xxxx
Thank you Ewo and CFT.
Yes it is a milstone but I must say it is awkward to say it mildly :-).
I have identifyed me so long with my past happenings and made somekind of identity out of it, now when that is gone, I feel hollow and empty, and does not dare to "Think" anything because I know it is creating my future and I do not know what I really want.
It seams that we need to identifye us with something to become it, maybe I am wrong here but in this Writing moment it feels like true.
I just do not know how to precede from here, so I just like are holding my breath, I could need some sudgestions or maybe not, I do not know.
I also feel like I have to give time to grieve because I feel a bit sad, it is a big hole and I do not want my past to be the thing to fill it is really gone and I am happy yet somekind of halt in the now, it is not easy to dress in word´s how it feel´s not to have my old bagage weighden me down...Strange feeling I can tell yet a profound greatful worthwhile Farewell performance.
13th April 2014, 04:20 PM
Yes, give yourself time to grieve, and it'll pass- the lightness will become joy.
14th April 2014, 06:05 AM
Yes, give yourself time to grieve, and it'll pass- the lightness will become joy.
Thank you CFT and yes I will.
14th April 2014, 07:46 PM
Very best wishes to you, IA! Part of giving up the past is partially letting go of the ego - although there are other factors as well, of course. If things seem a little empty, that is understandable. But a good way to move forward is to think less about oneself and more about others. Helping others is a good way to promote love and positivity and should help to fill the emptiness you may be feeling right now.
Our past experiences do serve a purpose, however, as they offer opportunities to learn lessons. We can learn from our mistakes.
15th April 2014, 04:18 AM
Very best wishes to you, IA! Part of giving up the past is partially letting go of the ego - although there are other factors as well, of course. If things seem a little empty, that is understandable. But a good way to move forward is to think less about oneself and more about others. Helping others is a good way to promote love and positivity and should help to fill the emptiness you may be feeling right now.
Our past experiences do serve a purpose, however, as they offer opportunities to learn lessons. We can learn from our mistakes.
Thank you LPCF,
Yes indeed our past experiences do serve a purpose, I am very aware about that, but I did go into Deep dissapointment and I Think it is like feeling the old feelings again and old doubts and fears and all you can Think off and that made me feel...oh no...I am back to my old feelings, I just for a moment thought it was gone and I was total free...but that was only a lesson to know that my past will Always be with me, but not nessessary to weigden me down, but as a knowledge a dictionarey you can open up and re-read and fetch knowledge this come up after I had cried my Eyes out and be back in my old doubt about my had to do with acceptance all along...and I know Before my past will be a Dictionary to carry with me as a help and not a Before I reach this level of Comfort and security I will be dagged back to the "old" feelings as long as it take to free me from the negative impact and transform it to stength and pure knowledge.
And yes to help others is really the right way and it is my way to exist, but I have to learn balance, as it has bean...I have totally forgotten me and have bean thinking that it does not matter, but it sure does, if I do not take first care of me, there will not be anything to give others and in that case I become a taker, if you understand my take on this :-)
I still do Think much of others even I am very much alone, because I am so exhausted and on the sick list, but I have to learn right balance if I ever will make it as I want to be...supporting others by just being me.
John Sorensen
15th April 2014, 05:41 AM
Thank you LPCF,
Yes indeed our past experiences do serve a purpose,
"Learn from the past, be hopeful for the future, live in the now"
15th April 2014, 08:04 AM
"Learn from the past, be hopeful for the future, live in the now"
Thank you John.
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