View Full Version : Techniques for turning a lucid dream into an OBE?

10th April 2014, 12:46 AM
Hi all.
I have been struggling with that for a long time now and somehow it has never worked for me to turn a lucid dream into an OBE.
Within a lucid dream I can manage to tell myself or say aloud where I know my real time sleeping location is (f.ex."room in that house.."), but as soon as I try to get there, I never really get anywhere, it usually always ends in totally illusory environments and I get lost in dreaming again or some rare times I wake up physically and then get a feeling like "goodness, I never even got closed to finding away from this dream-environment into this real one here...", the gap feels so great. Never had the impression that I saw some path to bridge the gap between the two.
Wondered if you guys had any techniques that have worked for you or any other advice?
All best,

10th April 2014, 02:24 PM

ps. You don't 'go' to your body- you become aware of it, feel it where it is, the bed under it, the pillow under your head, etc.

11th April 2014, 11:47 PM
Thanks for the answer!
A problem that I usually encounter when trying to "feel" me back into my body is that I wake up physically at once. And the same result happens when I try to fall within the dream, as mentioned in the other thread about LD to OBE.
But thanks anyway.

12th April 2014, 06:12 PM
This is actually normal. What you do is keep your eyes closed, staring at the nothingness in front of your eyes, and wait for vibrations or other symptom. You feel awake (and you're supposed to be awake) but in such a trance state that you'll be separating sooner than you can believe. Of course, the exception to this is that if you've become lucid in the dream because you were going to wake up anyway, which is how many lucid dreamers start, as just before wakeup it's more usual to become lucid than any other times. Then it's just a matter of discipline. Stay lyiing down, and don't move, as long as it takes.

15th April 2014, 12:32 AM
Ok.Thanks for the advice, I`ll try it out.