View Full Version : Massage Chairs - your opinions please?

8th April 2014, 07:36 AM
Hi Everyone

I have also posted this separately to get Roberts opinion but maybe you guys have had experience of this and he hasn't.
I was about to spend at least $2000 on one so I will get opinions before proceeding.

I have been thinking about buying a massage chair as it would help with relaxing which is of course important for the aspiring projector.

Anyway today I went to a showroom and tested one out for about 30 minutes.

Straight afterwards I got in my car and drove about 30 minutes and it felt like I was still in the massage chair!
It was such a weird feeling , it lasted a good 20 minutes quite strongly.

I'm not sure what's happening here , I have noticed this phenomenon when wearing a hat for instance , even after you've removed the hat it still feels like you're still wearing the hat.

Is this an energy thing or a mind thing?

If it is an energy thing i'm wondering if there are negative side effects to the electrical energy being so close to your body , or if you could pick up someone else's energy that had sat in the chair before you?

Now ,a couple of hours later it feels normal again but i'm wondering if there's a subtle effect or a build up effect possible if you do it everyday? and how this could affect A.P.?



8th April 2014, 11:21 AM
I have one (the kind that vibrates you) and even though it does resemble separation vibrations, I haven't found that it affects me one way or the other, other than the lingering side effect. This is physical, like when you get on a boat and then find yourself with wobbly legs and off-balance after you've returned to land. All your nerves have been shaken and it continues for a bit until your body returns to normal.
Idk what the long term consequences are, as I don't use it often at all- we sit on it but don't turn it on hardly ever. It did help with my backaches when I was having them, though.

17th April 2014, 11:27 PM
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, that's also true of being on a boat , it lingers after you're on dry land, so there's many examples of it.

It's a weird phenomenon and shows how little we understand as to why some things occur on a mental level.

Anyway, I was worried about side affects to AP possibilities more than anything as that is one of the reasons that i'm buying it.