View Full Version : Is it possible to ask spirit guides or other spirits deep important questions of the future?

4th April 2014, 08:42 PM
To be honest, one of the biggest reasons why I want to contact higher spirits or my spirit guide is so I can ask important questions and get some comforting answers...or at least some comfirming ones. Such questions like "when will the world end?" "How will the world end?" "will there be another world war?" "at what age will I die?"

But since these are future questions (how time works hasn't quite been figured out yet), and since I imagine spiritual persons who are MUCH farther along than I am have already asked, I wonder is it possible to ask spiritual guides these sorts of pressing questions? Will they only answer if they believe it's something I need to know? Do they know themselves?

Is it difficult to contact a higher spirit?

Has anyone on here contacted their spirit guide, and if so, have you asked them any question from moderately mundane to big pressing futuristic questions such as these?

4th April 2014, 08:57 PM
I did it once and it worked. But I promise you this is not going to convince you of anything- the only thing that will ever convince you is having the experience.

4th April 2014, 09:16 PM
I did it once and it worked. But I promise you this is not going to convince you of anything- the only thing that will ever convince you is having the experience.

wow, really? If i may, can i ask what you asked in particular, and what the reply was? How did you do it? Can you give me further details? I wish i could have the experience myself, but I can't yet. :(

4th April 2014, 10:49 PM
... questions like "when will the world end?" "How will the world end?" "will there be another world war?" "at what age will I die?"
I always admire people for this kind of courage, because these are the last questions I would ever ask because I would not want to know (and I want to know a lot!). ;)

4th April 2014, 10:59 PM
I'm courageous now, but that's only because I suspect the answers are far away. I'm hoping the world will end far after my life time. I'm hoping there will not be another world war, and if so, it won't be within my lifetime or the result either won't affect me or will minimally affect me. As for when will I die, anything after 70 years and I'm satisfied. To be honest, the anxiety of knowing that I could die any second and not knowing when that will happen scares me much more than it would knowing exactly WHEN. I can't say the same, however, when that age actually hits. If I get an answer like "82" then at my age, I'll say "alright, at least it's not tomorrow." But I know when I eventually turn 82 and prove to have lived that long, I can't imagine my day-to-day anxiety knowing this is my last year. I can't imagine how those with lethal illnesses, such as cancer for instance, can have a doctor tell them they have weeks to live and still go on with their sanity intact. I would need doctors to restrain me after that news, and I'd be begging someone to put me down like a dog now before that pain ever comes to surface. At this very naive age, however, I wouldn't half mind knowing when my doom will be. It's nice to know my time limit for learning.

5th April 2014, 12:50 AM
The question is personal, but one time I went 'out' of the universe (in projection) to ask, and the second one was more involved- I got to the liminal stage until I heard voices, I asked the voices 'test' questions, it took a long time because I wasn't used to 'tuning in'to them- the act of paying attention makes them retreat-or me to come out of the trance- and at some point I was able to establish a dialogue without my fading out or losing consciousness. Then I asked 'the' question, got a 'false' answer, and immediately knew it was false, and what the answer was. The knowing was from deep inside, deep in my core. I then had a vision of the answer, and the next day it happened exactly as I saw it.
So you see I had to go through layers of 'show' to get to the nitty gritty, and really, it was the knowing. It's hard to describe but it's how I did it.

5th April 2014, 02:20 AM
That makes sense, I see how why you say it'd be hard to believe or understand unless it was a personal experience. When it comes to things like this, I like to recognize that some things simply cannot be understood without experience. In fact, knowing it cannot be understood is the closest you can get to understanding all there is to understand. It's just one of those things that you need can respect as beyond your limitations in this current state. As for the question being personal, I had figured as much but I wasn't sure, so I had to ask. I know a lot of people have some more personal astral experiences- that's respectable, even though I sure would like to know! Haha! Thank you for explaining it more deeply to me though. Sometimes I think I'm going about this astral projecting thing all wrong, like I have the wrong intentions and that's why I haven't made much progress. It's like I'm more into proving it to myself than I am interested in actually becoming a spiritual being. It's less of a spiritual desire than it is a desire to know and understand... still, I wish I had that drive. I hope I can eventually claim having such experiences as you have!

5th April 2014, 02:28 PM
It's always good to remember we are all different, our minds often work differently, and our experiences, although there are many similarities in manifestation (which is why we have tons of stickied threads describing what can happen) each one of us is having our own subjective experence, processed in a very individual way. So, it's not that you're doing something 'wrong', but that you haven't discovered the way that is right for you yet.

5th April 2014, 04:24 PM
Really? You believe I just simply haven't found how to do this my own way? The way that works best for me? But how can I learn to find a way that works best for me? I'm trying to follow everything by the book, like a recipe. I feel like the ways given to me have the best 'track record' and therefore are more likely to work for me. Is this vision faulted?

5th April 2014, 04:40 PM
You try whatever recipe you can get your hands on- I usually follow a 'template' of steps to do, for example-but the techs themselves can change....and as part of that rough template, some techs would work better for me, then for other times others would work better- as I change so does the type of exit technique or even trance induction. That's why I'm a fan of learning- learn and practice everything that you can, and when you're practicing, if something works, do that, and when it stops, change it.

John Sorensen
5th April 2014, 11:03 PM
To be honest, one of the biggest reasons why I want to contact higher spirits or my spirit guide is so I can ask important questions and get some comforting answers...or at least some comfirming ones. Such questions like "when will the world end?" "How will the world end?" "will there be another world war?" "at what age will I die?"

But since these are future questions (how time works hasn't quite been figured out yet), and since I imagine spiritual persons who are MUCH farther along than I am have already asked, I wonder is it possible to ask spiritual guides these sorts of pressing questions? Will they only answer if they believe it's something I need to know? Do they know themselves?

Is it difficult to contact a higher spirit?

Has anyone on here contacted their spirit guide, and if so, have you asked them any question from moderately mundane to big pressing futuristic questions such as these?

In answer to your Q's...

*You can ask whatever questions you like, whenever you like.

*There is no effort or struggle unless you want there to be one.

*Your beliefs allow you to view the world as it pleases you.

By saying "when will the world end" you ask asking a possibility of an infinite universe. That is, it is ONE possibility in a sea of infinite possibilities.

The fun part is, YOU are the possibility, you are the world, and the world is you, so if you want to create an "end of the world", then that is the probable data, the probable future that you will get information on.

*You get what you focus upon, and your current beliefs shape what kind of data you receive.

If you want a different example, or an experiment to try, instead of asking "When will the world end?"

Try asking "How MIGHT the world end" .....according to such a belief.
"How MIGHT the world end..... if we live exactly as we are living now?"
"How MIGHT the world end... if we change our current behaviour and beliefs?
"How MIGHT the world continue... if we change our current behaviour and beliefs?"

If you try the exercise, you will see not in theory, but in your own experience, that you get the data that you choose to focus upon, there is no "fixed" future, as YOU are creating it in this very moment.

*In my experience, I would ask any Questions etc to my Higher Self, rather than a spirit guide, although some people perhaps use these term interchangeably.

To clarify from my current point of view:
Higher Self is the greater dimensional aspect of you, the "larger mind" that is your personal connection/hotline to All That Is. This aspect of you is always available to help you in any way you can imagine, the limit is only what kind of questions you can imagine.

Whatever information you receive will be filtered by your current beliefs. The more you practice meditation, and communicating with your higher self, AND using your own reasoning (intellect + intuition together, rather than one or the other)
to integrate whatever data you get into your everyday life.

12th April 2014, 12:06 AM
Sure you can ask anything you like but...They dont have the answers to Big questions either and they probably wouldnt consider you worthy of such knowledge (it has to be earned) or capable of understanding the answer anyway. Also its very difficult to Know who you are talking to anyway, and a truely benevolent spirit is Only going to be concerned with your Spiritual Development not your curiosity.