View Full Version : Turned onto this unexpectedly!

2nd April 2014, 02:50 AM
I'm one of those new guys you all have come across. So I'd like to say hello and I'm very intrigued on what everyone does here! So much detail, so thank you!

I ask you all for some explanation & help.

So I came across 'lucid dreaming' when I was young (16) and failed as I lost interest. I'm now 24 and read a technique on reddit that I thought would help. The post seemed responsive and worked for many people regarding this RILD (Rhythm induced lucid dream) technique by putting your body asleep and focus on the sensation of clapping your hands. Didn't think much of it and gave it a shot.

I work night shift so upon sleeping I woke up sometime in the day (4:00 am-ish) and looked around my room which was very dark and noticed I felt very different. I tried to move my arms slightly and came to the conclusion I was induced in sleep paralysis. I kept my cool but was distracted by this buzzing noise that overcame me with a great sensation. I thought to myself what was going on? Is there a low plane flying by? I was confused but was swept over by tiredness. Woke up and recalled that this experience actually did indeed happen while in front of the bathroom mirror.

Fallowed by further research, I continued for a month with 2 other experiences. One being able to control this 'ball of buzzing/energy'. I thought it was in my head until I moved it towards my chest and heard it pass in between my ears and was in aww as I've never heard (or recalled) anything in that location before. It stopped in my chest for some reason and was overcome by sleep once again.

The other was last Sunday's nap before work. Put my wireless keyboard and mouse away to lay down. Fell asleep and woke up in the phase holding the mouse in my right hand. The clicking woke me as I came to. I even felt the mouse and thought to myself why am I awake I need to be sleeping for work! I then realised the similar sensation of previous phase state before. I focused on the tangible sensation of the mouse as it dissolved out of my hand. Fallowed by going back to sleep.

So my question being, how can I continue my progression into this new curious and fascinating world? I'd love to read other peoples experiences and recommendations, tips and even own theories to further my knowledge on entering this other new state?

Thanks for taking the time to read! appreciate it greatly!

2nd April 2014, 12:13 PM
Since you're using the term 'the phase' I imagine you've been reading Raduga- so tell me what you know and I can tell you what else you need to learn.

2nd April 2014, 10:58 PM
Yes I have read Raduga's findings and as he said the phase is just a combining term as it's described in a few different ways... But I have a feeling this may be more than just a 'phase' so don't get me wrong. I'm just a curious being who wishes to explore.

I've read posts from different sites and I think I'm just confused with combining them all. Or I'm just making slow progress.

I've taken in a lot and have been trying to combine everything to find what may work for me. Such as.
You should be pretty tired and not eat before sleeping. Reduce eating meats and raw sugar. And you shouldn't workout before sleeping.

Consuming omega-3, bananas, apple juice and chaga mushroom will help. Dream journals also help for recalling.

For techniques I've read to and not to do this before sleeping, breath and lay motionless and concentrate on a technique to keep your consciousness awake and put your body asleep. Then Raduga's way to wake up in 6 hours, stay up for 15-60min, go back to sleep and upon awakenings try several techniques to escape your body.

I also read meditation helps and fasting helps, which I have not tried to a long extent.

Every time I get into this state I seem to get further. (3 times) 1st being confused by vibrations. 2nd moving the vibrations down my body. And 3rd waking up with a non physical computer mouse in hand as I feel it disappear in my hand. All seemingly been physically & mentally exhausted.

Thank you for your response!

2nd April 2014, 11:36 PM
Well, here's my opinion/advice:

Consuming omega-3, bananas, apple juice and chaga mushroom will help. That's too specific. Food should be consumed far enough in advance that you should not be in the process of digesting a heavy meal when you're trying to practice with the aim of projection. It's not that 'this' or 'that' food is good or bad, it's that any heavy food will likely make you fall asleep, and starving yourself with more than likely cause discomfort and distraction.

Dream journals also help for recalling. Yes they do. That's a plus, and so are affirmations.

For techniques I've read to and not to do this before sleeping, breath and lay motionless and concentrate on a technique to keep your consciousness awake and put your body asleep. All projection techniques aim to get you to an awake state when your body is falling asleep. That's because there is some research that points to the brain being in theta most of the time when projection happens. So we try to come up with ways to stay awake as our bodies fall asleep. I call this trance.

Raduga's way to wake up in 6 hours, stay up for 15-60min, go back to sleep and upon awakenings try several techniques to escape your body. The famous wake back to bed. There's all kinds of variations of this, and it works for some people. It works for me except that if the 'magic' time ends up being the middle of the night, I'll forget the experience most of the time. So I personally prefer to get up 2 hours prior to 'normal wakeup' time, and go from there.

I also read meditation helps and fasting helps, which I have not tried to a long extent.
Meditation is a way to reach trance, like many others. Do what works for you. Fasting wouldn't work for me, but it may be different for someone else. I find hunger distracting.

What I do: in that order, I do something to relax the body (muscle relaxation), something to relax the mind, like breathing exercises or energy work. Then I do trance methods (visualizations) with the idea of keeping the mind busy without stressing about it, and relaxing it enough to get in the 'almost asleep' state. I then tailor whatever method for the exit depending on what symptom I get- I can do energy body loosening, or just noticing what is in front of my eyes.
But in a nutshell, relax the body, relax the mind, see what happens, and do an exit method that matches the symptoms you get.

3rd April 2014, 12:30 AM
Excellent advice. I do truly enjoy your passion and activeness in breaking down peoples posts. You're doing a great favor and I hope you understand this. So thank you and I'll keep my interest tuned inwards.

One last question, should one perform these every night possible or is it a good idea to have a break. Like a rest day for working out?

3rd April 2014, 12:29 PM
I like to practice daily but not do a projection attempt- in other words, doing meditation/energy work but with the intention into getting into and observing my trance; then once a week, (if I have time, I'm not as disciplined as I used to be) I'll go with an attempt. The reason that I pull back on exit attempts is that I like to be sure I'm ready to project before I do.

4th April 2014, 12:02 AM
Ummm ok, so it happened today!!! I don't know why but my first projection happened. The day after your response? Is this simple proof being involved and having the idea on mind truly works?

I slept for 6hrs woke up and used the bathroom. Came back, read a text and read some OBE techniques. Instead of just going back to sleep and taking advantage of natural awakenings I laid motionless relaxing my body further and further. I would start to visually see dreams and would twitch back awake. I tried again, twitch. Turned on my side and relaxed. I kept loosing what seemed like my consciousness (falling asleep) and I'd come back to dreaming various situations. Then BAM my body stood straight up like a rake being stepped on and my astral body walked out with the remaining momentum (If that makes sense) I was at my workplace as if I was sleeping on the ground. (2nd dream there) I thought holy S#!% I'm in! Lets not get to excited now. It was pretty dark as if the lights were off. I tried verbally shouting for light but no luck. The factory lights were off. I walked around and thought hmm there are no scary figures around. (Decided not to think about them) Walked out to the lunch room and watch an amazing thunder/lighting storm and tried to make the weather nice. Verbally said nice sunny weather. The clouds began to break but then continued to storm. I had a moment to take in how REAL this was. I felt temperature and smelt the air from a vent. (Only thing around to smell) Thought what should I do then recalled my 'plan of action' and walked to a door and thought of my grandmother, opened the door and BAM! There she was! I cried in happiness as It's been so long as we hugged and greeted. I asked her what's something only my mother would know and she told me how she prayed before taking her drivers licence. I told her I have to go soon so I can remember upon waking up to share her message. She then proceeded to say I wish everyone could come see me in/at summer/cemetery (Unsure) more often.
I walked back to my body in the dark as the chest of my shirt lit the way there. As I got 4 feet from my body I felt as if my own hands pulled me back with some force into my body and I awoke 1 minute before my alarm!

Good Googly Moogly CFTravler!

I try this every time I sleep. Is there a reason you or people don't? I have no understanding on why or how to practice energy work.

Nonetheless thank you again, greatly for your time!

4th April 2014, 01:50 PM
If you want to practice energy work, there are tutorials in the Articles section of this site (tabs on top).

12th April 2014, 12:14 AM
Meditate bro....dont stop meditating and always with the sincere desire to gather knowledge and understanding NOT for curiosities sake but because gaining such knowledge helps you grow spiritually in increases your love for all that you survey. Your Intention to grow will be answered. Just make sure your ready for what comes your way.