View Full Version : Question regaridng the possibility of actually changing the past

28th March 2014, 05:41 PM
Hi Robert,

I am a soon to be 26 year old male from England, who has recently developed a interest in Astral Projection. Since turning 25 last year, I have been feeling very low, depressed and lost with my life and have been questioning my life choices a lot such as the Degree I chose to study for nearly 8 years ago or the people I associated myself with since early life and early adulthood.

I have had a fairly difficult life growing up such as family begin very dysfunctional as my parents and older sister would argue amongst themselves and as result I've been forced to do things by myself from a young age. I have also had learning difficulties as a child and young adult which lead to bullying at school, I have also been bullied during my time at University for different reasons by social exclusion etc. All these issues have made me very introverted, I feel I've been forced into introversion due to these issues.

I have missed out a lot due to my forced introversion as a result. During the summer of 2008 my dad(who is pretty controlling and who I feel has held me back) took me to see a well known Indian Astrologer(I am also of Indian origin) who promised me success and wealth etc, me being gullible took this all to heart and I feel it affected my life choices at University and after Graduating. Since Graduating I have developed body image issues and exercise addiction, Ulcerative Colitis which has now been in remission and just being undervalued and under employed despite my qualifications, also due to this man we saw I have also been coasting on Auto Pilot and I am now nearly 5 years out of University with no idea with what I want to do with my life.

My apologies for the length of the above. I guess my question is, can I change my past choices through Astral Projection or reality shifting thereby changing the present I am living in Eg by somehow warning my younger self not to see the Astrologer or perhaps not to take it to heart? Or even possessing my younger self to stand up to bullies, leave the negative people in your life make most of university life?

Again my apologies for the long message.

