View Full Version : Questions regarding Crown chakra and kundalini activation

28th March 2014, 02:25 PM

I have a few questions regarding chakra activations and i would appreciate any feedback or advice any experienced members have to offer on the subject.

Over the course of twenty years i have experienced surges of energy and classic pre-o.b.e symptoms that continue to this day. I have experienced the high-pitch tone that is heard in the mind due to the feedback of frequency vibrations reverberating down and back up the ears, i have experienced the hypnogogic state and deeper levels of awareness, had numerous lucid experiences- predominantly geared towards flying and high altitude flight via conscious control of the dreamstate, i have seen the grid and energy coagulate into matter from free form wave into a collapsed state, which at the time i thought i was seeing through my eyelids and blinders but later came to learn i was observing through the third eye and in short, i have felt the raging kundalini surging through my body. The feeling is always surreal, yet something i have always been fully comfortable with my whole life. Over the years i have become very sensitive to the sounds and feelings of chakra activity, most often i am awakened right at the point that certain chakras are becoming active and i am thrusted in the middle of the adventure. I have noticed that it has been some time now that i have not had the full experience whereby i feel the energy completely from my Crown all the way down past the Root and to my feet. In fact lately i have just been waking up with very very intense Crown activity but the sessions are short and i dont get to the point of experiencing the energy moving any further either way.

The progression of my spirituality is my life's mission, there has been some delays and many obstacles that have distracted me from being done on earth as it is in heaven so to speak and so i am currently realligning my life to suit the moral code and criteria for spiritual maturity. I have had many experiences take place, many adventures where i have experienced altered realities through a deeper consciousness, i have even remote viewed (usually only a day in advance), the list goes on, but currently i seem to be stuck in a situation where these joyous experiences are only happening spontaneously and seemingly at random and when they do occur they dont last very long or seem to fade out before full separation occurs. My current aim is to have a proper o.b.e with the entire vividness of wakeful reality and i seem so close to the point of separation but then i blackout and lose consciousness only to wake in my bed the next morning.

So my immediate questions would be, what is my subconscious trying to tell me by waking me up always at the Crown chakra? Is the energy supposed to be mentally controlled and guided downwards to the lower chakras or am i supposed to assume primary focus with imagery of leaving the body to initiate the next step of the o.b.e? I can easily control the intensity of the pulsations, which makes my head feel like its literally going to explode but nothing seems to happen when i am focussed on the energy itself. The last most recent occurance took place in my bed, i noticed that as i turned to lay on my back (more comfortable in the moment) the pulsations continued and i felt as though i could have gotten up out of bed and walked around while the energy was still raging, in other words i had not reached the point of catatonic paralysis which i found odd because i have been told when the energy hits the 6th seal the body is automatically put to rest from the neck down.

My next question is, having prior neuronetworks of knowledge developed in my brain regarding the reality of my experiences, is simply focussing on the Memory of the vibrations/kundalini during meditation enough to cause the initiation of the energy flux required to achieve an out of body experience? or despite what i have experienced should i still endeavour to focus on a specific trigger or catalyst (symbology?) to bring about the desired state for an o.b.e?
In what way can the chakras be hindered that would prevent them from flowing energy and can this blockage be alleviated completely and simply by placing focus upon them to be healed and energised or, is there emotional energy that is locked up in these chakras due to experiences in the physical reality that can only be freed up by performing various actions within the physical reality? I am aware that the build up of toxins in the body from foods and what have you play a role in the body's eligibility to be best prepared for the o.b.e experience but is there anything else i am missing? Do i really need to consciously take action and mingle in with general society just to appease the corresponding chakra that deals with my individuality and do i need to spend time to relinquish previous grievous or troubling experiences that caused me emotional distress, or is it enough for me to forget it all and write a new template in my mind to instigate chakra activity?

My last question for today is, how would i begin to integrate my spiritual knowledge surrounding o.b.e's and altered states of awareness into something that i can harness for the improvement of society? i have seen kirlian and qidong energy workers and i would love to be able to consciously direct my inner flows through my hands to heal people and influence matter itself but i have little clue as to how i could go about developing this skill of my own, or rather i cant see the steps in between my spiritual evolution that would help me arrive at this point. So i wonder how one developes these abilities and others such as clairvoyance, telekinesis etc, are these skills achieved all at once as a result of having permanently activated chakras or does one still need to work on each skill individually despite having attained enlightenment?

thankyou so much for your help and feedback i look forward to your responses.


28th March 2014, 06:14 PM
Hi, Hi David. Your post shows a combination of lots of information (some of it limiting, in my opinion) and understanding of some of the underlying beliefs regarding projection. I'll answer with what I understand to be true, and some of it may or may not fit in with your information/beliefs, but I hope it is somewhat helpful.

Over the course of twenty years i have experienced surges of energy and classic pre-o.b.e symptoms that continue to this day. I have experienced the high-pitch tone that is heard in the mind due to the feedback of frequency vibrations reverberating down and back up the ears, i have experienced the hypnogogic state and deeper levels of awareness, had numerous lucid experiences- predominantly geared towards flying and high altitude flight via conscious control of the dreamstate, i have seen the grid and energy coagulate into matter from free form wave into a collapsed state, which at the time i thought i was seeing through my eyelids and blinders but later came to learn i was observing through the third eye and in short, i have felt the raging kundalini surging through my body. The feeling is always surreal, yet something i have always been fully comfortable with my whole life. Over the years i have become very sensitive to the sounds and feelings of chakra activity, most often i am awakened right at the point that certain chakras are becoming active and i am thrusted in the middle of the adventure. I have noticed that it has been some time now that i have not had the full experience whereby i feel the energy completely from my Crown all the way down past the Root and to my feet. In fact lately i have just been waking up with very very intense Crown activity but the sessions are short and i dont get to the point of experiencing the energy moving any further either way. Something that is very common is the experience of what seems to be an impending separation-unfortunately something that often happens is that a person wakes up upon reintegration and mistakes the energy activity as pre-separation symptoms, when they are actually 'returning' to their body point of view. If this is happening a lot, try to maintain a state of trance, as if you were trying to remember a dream. Then from that state you can either retrieve the memories of the prior OBE or initiate a new one. However, usually, an exit after a prior experience does not last long.

The progression of my spirituality is my life's mission, there has been some delays and many obstacles that have distracted me from being done on earth as it is in heaven so to speak and so i am currently realligning my life to suit the moral code and criteria for spiritual maturity. I have had many experiences take place, many adventures where i have experienced altered realities through a deeper consciousness, i have even remote viewed (usually only a day in advance), the list goes on, but currently i seem to be stuck in a situation where these joyous experiences are only happening spontaneously and seemingly at random and when they do occur they dont last very long or seem to fade out before full separation occurs. My current aim is to have a proper o.b.e with the entire vividness of wakeful reality and i seem so close to the point of separation but then i blackout and lose consciousness only to wake in my bed the next morning.

So my immediate questions would be, what is my subconscious trying to tell me by waking me up always at the Crown chakra? Is the energy supposed to be mentally controlled and guided downwards to the lower chakras or am i supposed to assume primary focus with imagery of leaving the body to initiate the next step of the o.b.e? I can easily control the intensity of the pulsations, which makes my head feel like its literally going to explode but nothing seems to happen when i am focussed on the energy itself. The last most recent occurance took place in my bed, i noticed that as i turned to lay on my back (more comfortable in the moment) the pulsations continued and i felt as though i could have gotten up out of bed and walked around while the energy was still raging, in other words i had not reached the point of catatonic paralysis which i found odd because i have been told when the energy hits the 6th seal the body is automatically put to rest from the neck down.
I'm assuming this info is from occult lit or perhaps kabbalah- which is fine, but I think this type of information is making you focus too much on your body sensations, and your body energy feelings, and over-analyzing them. The purpose of projection, as far as the OBE process goes, is to completely disengage from your physical form, and to exteriorize your energy body. Energy body sensations are handy for identifying when a projectable double might be getting ready to exteriorize, but other than that, you need to focus your consciousness on your mind, your conscious state, and if symptoms are present, make the symptoms that count the ones that take you away from your body, not anchor you to it. Sounds are great (and I use the ear-hiss to synchronize myself quicker) and visions are even better, but IMO focusing on body sensations such as vibrations, chakra strobing and such are self-defeating, because they re-centralize you in your body point of view, which is the opposite of what you want.

My next question is, having prior neuronetworks of knowledge developed in my brain regarding the reality of my experiences, is simply focussing on the Memory of the vibrations/kundalini during meditation enough to cause the initiation of the energy flux required to achieve an out of body experience? or despite what i have experienced should i still endeavour to focus on a specific trigger or catalyst (symbology?) to bring about the desired state for an o.b.e? Only if you are in deep trance. But trying to bring on energy sensations is not what you want to do- what you want to do, once you have gained (and I think you already have enough training in this) some sort of familiarity with your energy body, is to learn to exteriorize it by placing your conscious awareness in 'it' and then move it outwards', always putting yourself in a 'first person' viewpoint moving away from your body instead of trying to visualize or create something coming out of where you are.

In what way can the chakras be hindered that would prevent them from flowing energy and can this blockage be alleviated completely and simply by placing focus upon them to be healed and energised or, is there emotional energy that is locked up in these chakras due to experiences in the physical reality that can only be freed up by performing various actions within the physical reality? I am aware that the build up of toxins in the body from foods and what have you play a role in the body's eligibility to be best prepared for the o.b.e experience but is there anything else i am missing? Do i really need to consciously take action and mingle in with general society just to appease the corresponding chakra that deals with my individuality and do i need to spend time to relinquish previous grievous or troubling experiences that caused me emotional distress, or is it enough for me to forget it all and write a new template in my mind to instigate chakra activity?
Energy work helps with balancing, but should not be the focus of your projection exit routine.

My last question for today is, how would i begin to integrate my spiritual knowledge surrounding o.b.e's and altered states of awareness into something that i can harness for the improvement of society? i have seen kirlian and qidong energy workers and i would love to be able to consciously direct my inner flows through my hands to heal people and influence matter itself but i have little clue as to how i could go about developing this skill of my own, or rather i cant see the steps in between my spiritual evolution that would help me arrive at this point. So i wonder how one developes these abilities and others such as clairvoyance, telekinesis etc, are these skills achieved all at once as a result of having permanently activated chakras or does one still need to work on each skill individually despite having attained enlightenment?

thankyou so much for your help and feedback i look forward to your responses.

David We have tutorials in this site centered around energy work and healing with hands. If you're interested I'll give you some links to the training.

30th March 2014, 01:30 PM
Hi CFTraveller,

thank you very much for your response. I am very grateful that you have taken the time to respond to my questions. I can tell you have a lot of experience in this field.

I see what you are saying about mistaking the pre-obe symptoms with having returned to the body. I honestly didn't look at it that way but now that you've mentioned it i guess it is very likely that this is what is happening! There are some instances though where i am sure this is not the case. I will do as suggested and maintain trance, maybe it will be easier for me to return while everything is still fresh and happening. i am very much anticipating my next experience.

You are right, i have received plenty of literature from occult groups. Ramtha's school of consciousness and energy is one of them. I have always been able to induce and increase the loudness or intensity of the ear-hiss, i will use this to a greater degree with imagery from now on and let it take me deeper into trance. I have been taught that imagery is the language of the mind and images serve as symbolic keys to open the subconscious, it's no wonder many in this field agree visualizations have a potent effect. What i will need to do is formulate my routine based on what works best for me and stick to it instead of trying different suggestions from various cultures of the ages.

Thank you for your insight, i will no doubt have more questions further down the line but for now i will take on-board what you have said and take it from here :)

Also if you don't mind, would you list your routine for inducing an o.b.e?

Regarding the energy work, yes i would appreciate it if you could link me to the training!


30th March 2014, 04:12 PM
My routine depends on a few things- First, when the mood strikes me. :) . If I do it very early in the morning (like this morning) I just sit up in bed and go back to a deeply tranced state, after getting up momentarily. The symptoms strike relatively quickly, and I exit.

If I decide to exit from a full waking state (during the day, I don't like to project at night, because I like to sleep) I follow a general schedule:
First, I 'clear' my mindspace. This can be 'chakra breathing', or using breath to clean out whatever is 'dark' inside, and sometimes I use Monroe's technique of putting your worries in a box. It depends on what's going on in my life.
Then I do physical relaxation, usually some variation of progressive muscle relaxation.
Then I go to mental relaxation, again using breath awareness as an anchor for consciousness, or I may do some light energy work (a full body circuit, or a full body bounce) or both.
After a while of breathwork, I settle into observation. I may then listen to my earhiss and stare at the space in front.
A bit later, depending on how tranced I get, I go into trancework- trance visualizations (in stickied threads in the OBE R & D forums), and most of the time I go straight to the exit- but if I still am not getting symptoms (I don't get vibrations, I usually either feel movement or I go into seeing-) if no symptoms, I go into energy body loosening, and back to 'noticing'- with the combination of passive observation and listening to the earhiss.
At this point I'll get a symptom and use an exit method that goes with the symptom.

31st March 2014, 09:50 AM
Excellent thank you. I will read the other threads in the R&D section as well.
