View Full Version : lose the fear

12th July 2006, 11:29 AM
i recently had some experience with starting the OBEs,but didnt know anything about it,then i got some reading,talked to some people,and got interested in it and decided to try,last night i started to get that feeling before going asleep where i started feeling myself floating and i heard a sound like a plane (before i would always hear buzzing sounds) but everytime it started i would pull myself back cos i felt fear. what should i do to really relax? i did it twice,first time i pulled back so fast it really upset me but second time i did it slow,like a slow exit,calmer,but the thing is i want to make my experiences longer and lose the fear..

Gina P
15th July 2006, 02:41 PM
Twilight, it used to scare the beejesus out of me too, especially as I didn't know what was happening. I used to feel intense fear and as if I was falling through the bed. In the end, on advice of others, I thought 'To Hell with this, I'm going for it!' and ignored the fear and plunged dramatically through the bed (well, that's what it felt like...lol). Strangely, the fear goes after you get through that barrier...so keep trying. You've done well to get so far. :)

17th July 2006, 10:02 AM
Analyse your fear:

-fear from what you will become: how can you "live" without your body, what will be your new vehicle?
answer: a point of consciousness with new abilities.

-fear from what is waiting outside, what you don't know:
answer: have to be an adventurer man, don't be scared because others did it before you and came back...

Those two fears were mine and finally you have to work on will and courage, it's a good exercice to go overbroad.
And certainly it doesn't desepear at the first time...As Alex said, only experience can help.