View Full Version : Robert, whats you opinion on cholesterol?

17th March 2014, 03:09 AM
Hey Robert. I saw a video not too long ago. I am on the paleo diet and it's working wonders. I did try going vegetarian a while back but for some reason I got really shaky on it. If I do eat steaks and stuff I am really leaning toward organic all grass fed. I know I mentioned hunting to you in my other question which would be a good source of healthy protein there. I saw a video and if you got time would you let me know what you think of this? Do you think the whole cholesterol thing has been a myth for a while now? I eat eggs everyday. Lots of vitamins in there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQWAHnlpAWw


Robert Bruce
22nd March 2014, 08:40 AM
Great video. It gives excellent advice.

When you heat healthy oil to smoke point it changes radically to something you don't want to heat. Fried foods are not good for you.

You can poach eggs 'sunny side up' in a frypan with water and a dash of white vinegar (to help set the whites).

Raw steak is also great. Slice thinly and add olive oil and a bit of good quality curry paste (like Patacks) and once you try this you will wonder why you ever cooked it before.

There are many rebel doctors like this today. Dr. Mercola also gives great advice.

Mainstream medical advice is heavily biased, and not always in our best interests.

So do your own research and experiments and come to your own conclusions.
