View Full Version : How to turn Lucid Dream into a real time projection?

14th March 2014, 07:30 PM
The more I try to astral project, and fail, the more often I become successful at lucid dreaming.
I heard that you can change a lucid dream into an OBE, but I'm not sure how. I've tried physically spinning, closing my eyes and thinking about it, trying to transform the scenario (by daydreaming it and by trying to convince myself it's already there), trying to fly, trying to create small things, imaging my room and trying to change there, trying to imagine myself out of body and not in lucidity, etc., and all of this always comes up short.
Is it true that you can turn a lucid dream into a real time projection? I hear that lucid dreams ARE a form of OBE, but I want to turn it into a real time projection. Is there some way you can do this? If it requires practice, HOW do I practice? What should I be doing to practice this?

14th March 2014, 08:34 PM

9th April 2014, 06:28 AM
Its great source link site shared about how to turn Lucid Dream into a real time projection (http://www.pivot.edu.au/customised-training-programs)?,.
Its really useful one for the many others also because many peoples looking for such information and article reads,.
Keep sharing such reads,.