View Full Version : The heavy energy in my head

14th March 2014, 11:58 AM
Hey Robert,
For a long while,(actually since I've started to do energy work on my chakras) I've been feeling a heavy energy in my head, mostly exactly where my 3rd eye chakra is supposed to be. It, even if rarely, also moves to other major chakras. When it's in my head, it obscures my 3rd eye chakra. Feels like an inhibitor. When I put my awareness on where it is, I feel heavy energy. It kinda makes me blind to certain things, mostly when I need to think strategically or think about something else that requires heavy logic. It usually makes me blind to a small part of the subject and that literally screws up any other right logic and calculations, causing bad things.
I tried banishing it many times, each time it either goes away and returns despite the shielding I put up immediately after or gets stuck in my body and doesn't go out at all. When I visualize about the chakra ait's on(as a vortex) that thing over there looks like a sink stopper at the center of the vortex. I don't know anything about it other than what I've said above.
I've asked about this to gnu first, but nothing came out except ia claiming to have the same or a similar thing.
With love,
P.S. It's on my heart chakra right now.

16th March 2014, 09:02 PM
P.P.S: I've decided to allow that energy into my energy system and got immediate results: I mostly don't feel it anymore, and when I do feel it, (when I use my head a bit too much) I can easily make it go away. Also since then, I've started feeling heavy at the top of my head, back of my head, on all over my face; or at the tip of my nose but it's not as heavy as the one I've mentioned in above post, not disturbing at all and I don't have to do anything to make them go away. I even kinda like those new sensations LOL.
Also IA, you might want to try to do the same thing and that's the reason I didn't edit this into my post, hoping you can see. Just relax your head and allow it(use affirmations and/or visualizations if necessary).

Robert Bruce
22nd March 2014, 08:05 AM
The energy work techniques in my book 'Energy Work' will help with this.

You might like to use some 'air' element energy to lighten the heavy 'earth' element type feelings.

Affirmations would also help.


22nd March 2014, 08:32 AM
I see, I'm glad that I've bought the ebook of that in google play three days ago. Now I have it and also practical phychic self defense handbook and I'm glad I have. I'm going through the Energy work book and already found that I got the wrong idea of wrapping when I first heard of it on your online course(I was imagining a very big bandage previously, say, about an arm's length if I'll wrap my arms and wrapping it around my arm repeatedly, even though one circling round was enough to wrap all of it.)

Example: Couldn't find one for the arms for the quick search I did but this will give you the idea for the abdomen area I think.
A very helpful book indeed.

Robert Bruce
22nd March 2014, 09:51 AM
The idea with the wrapping action is to wrap an area over and over and over, to stimulate that area energetically.

The energy work 'tools' like the flaming torch and spray guy, etc, are very helpful and have infinite uses.

Come up with some energy work actions of your own, based on 'what works, works'.


22nd March 2014, 01:13 PM
The wrapping action mentioned in the book turned out to be more effective then the wrapping action I mentioned above. The sponging action(using a sponge energy tool) was even more effective for me though. Helped me strobe the secondary chakra on my left knee and also possibly my crore chakra, because I was unconsciously replicating the movement in my head while doing it on my right knee. I saw clairvoyantly visible light at the top like someone was switching a bulb of light over my head quickly and repeatedly. When it finished, the top half of my vision was white. (closed eyelids) That has happened to me before, but there wasn't that much light before.
After the session, my senses were somehow heightened and I learned about electromagnetic fields afterwards, how they felt and how they can be affected. Holding my phone while it was downloading an update to an app in it, it hurted my hands and when I sent energy to my phone to make it download faster, it momentarily came to a halt ands tarted going very slowly afterwards.
Conclusion: The human energy body and electromagnetic fields can affect each other. And it's better to stay away from anything that downloads something over wi-fi, at least over the 2.4 GHz bands(that's what my modem use) 3G is fine though, probably because I use that much more frequently than I use my wi-fi.

Robert Bruce
23rd March 2014, 07:53 AM
Subtle energy can certainly affect electronic devices.

Poltergeist type spirits are well known for messing with electrical and electronic devices.

I have seen this many times.

High level spirits, good and bad, can also mess with email, servers, etc.

Modern electronics and computers are much more robust than they used to be, so problems like this are less today.


24th March 2014, 11:45 AM
Back to the original topic: Air element didn't help much, but it looks like draining myself of earth element did. It kooks like I had somehow gathered a lot of earth element energy. (I suspect my grounding method for this) Pushed some of it out and it feels better now. Thanks for the advice and thanks for writing the book. It helped me to clear my misunderstandings about energy and primary centers and other stuff a lot, and I suspect it will help me even more. (Reading through chapter five)
Also don't know if this effect too will be temporary, I hope not though.

With love,
Edit: Also added a bit of self-healing, in case that helps.

And apologies to ia because of the possible mislead. The one I told above in my second post (the one that led you to create a specific thread to address to me) was only temporary for me, and I couldn't find the kind of courage to post about it before. Sorry about both.

Edit 2: Now the issue turned out to be something different altogether. It doesn't feel heavy anymore but now surges of short-lasting pain has started. A weirder thing is, during a session, it happened when I did a central channel bounce, actually the exact first time I bounced the energy ball up through my central channel. It lessened on subsequent bounces and when I stimulated the area directly, I didn't feel it at all.
And when I went to do other things, live my life for a while and return to reaxation and energy work later, the same pain shots up again. It now usually happens the first time I put my awareness in it during a session and stopping in a few minutes, doesn't matter if I focus on it during that time or not.
In this case, I may need to stop doing energy work for a while...

Edit 4: It happens more randomly now and going less frequently...

Edit 3: I just realized that over these days, my sense of smell actually improved. The bad part is that I don't smell very nice things in the city I live. And I have become much more sensitive to the smell of cigarettes(smoke). I can even smell it on my clothes temporarily when I go into a room full of smoke, stay a few seconds inside(and even holding my breath inside the room to avoid exposing my lungs to it) and get out as quickly as possible. And smoke is the worst of those bad smells I smell mostly here and also the one I'm exposed to the most, thanks to the smokers, especially the two in my house, who are also my parents.(I'm not a smoker, as you can guess from above)

Edit 5: More revelations for me has revealed that the problem is actually caused by negs.(one or more) This also explains how applying healing had helped me temporarily. Applied some countermeasures found in the book Practical Psychic self-defense and this has led to even more revelations for me(a part of it was religious, I have to admit). So I guess this whole process is helping me enormously when it comes to understanding the greater reality. Some places about my life did really click into the place. I will apply the countermeasures I've seen in your book, some prayer types in my religion's book(I'm a Muslim, so it's Quran and with my belief system, this is not even one bit of conflicting with my understanding of greater reality) which I sometimes use alone or say during LPBR and other intuitive contermeasures when I get any.(one was saying the prayer in the LPBR-If you wonder the prayer, it's the whole of the sura 113, The Dawn. The whole of the sura 114, The Men, also the last of the suras; also help for protection. These two are known as "the two suras that protect" among the people of Islam; and that is, I guess, for a reason)

Promotion of my religion is not the intent here, as this is a forum to discuss spiritual topics and not religion and especially because this is an international platform that contains people with various beliefs and faiths; but revealing the link is my true intention, and I hope you can understand that. Psychic attacks and interferences are reduced, if not stopped, when there is light(especially sunlight-and yeah, I'm kind of quoting your experiences Robert, and also my experiences) and seeking refugee to the Lord of Dawn in the 113rd sura, The Dawn, seems like invoking the effect of the sunlight for protection. (kind of)

Apologies if I seem or feel kind of negative and disobey any rules of this forum, as I didn't intend to do any of these, please forgive me if I did any of these "unintentionally". I think I've weakened the neg(or negs) during the time I applied my countermeasures, but I don't think I removed it yet and it might still be interfering with my thougths and other things, including glamors.

Edit 6: Man, it was hard to deal with this one. I guess it was pretty powerful in the first place. I took a shower and did the electric purple fluid method, shower hose above me, water running downwards on my skin. It was fine until I've reached my ankles. From that point onwards, it started resisting and I started feeling pain. I had to literally burst the bottom of my feet in my imagination before it ended. After a few minutes I started doing that, the front of my ankle went red and felt painful and made me want to scratch it badly, like how it feels when you scratch a mosquito bite long enough. Also at sometime during or before the shower, the water heater(with a thermosiphon) in my house broke and there will be no hot water for me for a while. After the shower, I went to the bathroom numerous times and applied the method without running water at first, but applying the running water right after I pushed the thing I felt completely out of my body. I'm not sure if I solved this problem entirely, but at least I hope that I could help myself.

Edit 7: I took another shower less than an hour ago and did it once again It was easier and less painful this time.

Edit 8: Applying the countermeasures has improved the atmosphere of my home. My life became happier since I have started applying those countermeasures. (not all of them of course, but I applied some of the powerful ones) Thank you for the advices you have written in your books, as they were much helpful. I will make them a good part of my life to stay safe and positive at all times.