View Full Version : Entity Attachments, many years. Please help.

9th March 2014, 01:45 AM
I have what feels like about 2 or 3 attachments now, ever since the first attachment/attack several years ago. I cannot get rid of these things. The first one is like a giant spider or insect-like parasite in the stomach, it moves around and makes noise causing digestive issues. It also causes me anxiety attacks. I have always checked things over with various doctors, specialists, and ER's and it never amounts to be physical related at all.

I recently was involved in a car wreck and it is not the first time it has gone up to my head region and mess with whatever thought processes I have going on to cause an accident, slip or fall, etc. It is really a mess of anxiety, distorted perception and a host of other side effects like feeling crawling and actually 'hearing it' make noise in my stomach and chest cavity.

The last person who performed reiki on me saw it in my stomach, she weakened it slightly in the abdomen but saw it wrapped around my heart chakra and felt it clinging to my chest. The practitioner also felt it around my head moving around. Healing after healing from such people never helps to get rid of it.

So I am really in a deeply isolating situation. I am tired of being attacked to this type of level and I have no social life whatsoever because I always feel blocked. I just found this forum today.

9th March 2014, 04:00 AM
If you were an energy healer, what visualization would you use to remove it permanently? Visualizations can be pretty powerful. I know I'd probably visualize burning it with a precision laser. Just a thought.

I'd also explore the psychic self defense and energy work articles available on this site. CFTraveler and Butterfly Woman are good people to point you in the right direction.

9th March 2014, 05:02 AM
I've tried some visualizations, which although that does sound like my greatest wish at this point, but it seems like it doesn't process into anything. The past week I've been trying sea salt baths with very little improvement.

9th March 2014, 06:13 AM
I've tried some visualizations, which although that does sound like my greatest wish at this point, but it seems like it doesn't process into anything. The past week I've been trying sea salt baths with very little improvement.

Hi advanced_dialect,
when I read your note I sense a very strong doubt to the advises you have got so far.
Sit down and be still and feel your inner....you have the answere inside of you.
You will feel/see why you doubt...and when you get the doubt of your way, you will be able to listen to the
advice what is best for you.
Good Luck.
I trust on you and your ablillity for self help.


9th March 2014, 07:13 AM
Seeing this situation objectively, I can honestly say that I do not have the answer to this at present. Like I've said, it's been going on many years and any sound of doubt would be just my wondering as to when this will ever get any better for me.

9th March 2014, 07:33 AM
Seeing this situation objectively, I can honestly say that I do not have the answer to this at present. Like I've said, it's been going on many years and any sound of doubt would be just my wondering as to when this will ever get any better for me.

Can you see or hear your self??..Doubt is so Deep that you do not take in anything anyone tries to help you.
You have to understand for your self....that it is YOU who has to UNDERSTAND.....SITT DOWN AND LISTEN IN

I will be more specific how I mean....self doubt is a self defence until you trust your self ...when you start to trust
your self you are able to take in other´s given advices and see if it will work for you...
When no-ones advices seam to work...it is your self doubt what is blocking you to take in advices, because
of not trusting your self.
Start to build up your self trust all will follow after that.



9th March 2014, 02:02 PM
I have what feels like about 2 or 3 attachments now, ever since the first attachment/attack several years ago. I cannot get rid of these things. The first one is like a giant spider or insect-like parasite in the stomach, it moves around and makes noise causing digestive issues. It also causes me anxiety attacks. I have always checked things over with various doctors, specialists, and ER's and it never amounts to be physical related at all.

I recently was involved in a car wreck and it is not the first time it has gone up to my head region and mess with whatever thought processes I have going on to cause an accident, slip or fall, etc. It is really a mess of anxiety, distorted perception and a host of other side effects like feeling crawling and actually 'hearing it' make noise in my stomach and chest cavity.

The last person who performed reiki on me saw it in my stomach, she weakened it slightly in the abdomen but saw it wrapped around my heart chakra and felt it clinging to my chest. The practitioner also felt it around my head moving around. Healing after healing from such people never helps to get rid of it.

So I am really in a deeply isolating situation. I am tired of being attacked to this type of level and I have no social life whatsoever because I always feel blocked. I just found this forum today. I would recommend that you do more than one thing at a time-
The first one would be to learn energy work (tutorials in the 'articles' section in this site, tabs on the header) and start doing the 'rapido' technique.
Then employ passive countermeasures such as salt baths and visualizations to remove attachments.
If you believe the attachments come from people then do some cord-cutting also.
These techniques should be in the stickied threads in the psychic self defense forum (here).

9th March 2014, 03:46 PM
Can you see or hear your self??..Doubt is so Deep that you do not take in anything anyone tries to help you.
You have to understand for your self....that it is YOU who has to UNDERSTAND.....SITT DOWN AND LISTEN IN

I will be more specific how I mean....self doubt is a self defence until you trust your self ...when you start to trust
your self you are able to take in other´s given advices and see if it will work for you...
When no-ones advices seam to work...it is your self doubt what is blocking you to take in advices, because
of not trusting your self.
Start to build up your self trust all will follow after that.



ia, this is very interesting for me, because it is something very similar that i am presently working-on, being able to receive the Help offered is paramount to even begin to turn things around

self doubt is a self defence until you trust your self ...when you start to trust your self you are able to take in other´s given advices and see if it will work for you...

.... 'judgements' can have a similar type of blocking effect also, i am not familar with (i don't think) / or understand personally myself how 'self-doubt' effects one, unless this is the same as feeling un-certain or not knowing, but i do know how seemingly invisable judgements colour everything

Advanced_dialect i hope you manage to find some solutions to help improve your situation soon...

and Welcome to the forum, hope finding us can help you xX

9th March 2014, 04:41 PM
ia, this is very interesting for me, because it is something very similar that i am presently working-on, being able to receive the Help offered is paramount to even begin to turn things around

.... 'judgements' can have a similar type of blocking effect also, i am not familar with (i don't think) / or understand personally myself how 'self-doubt' effects one, unless this is the same as feeling un-certain or not knowing, but i do know how seemingly invisable judgements colour everything

Advanced_dialect i hope you manage to find some solutions to help improve your situation soon...

and Welcome to the forum, hope finding us can help you xX

Hi newfreedom :-)
Self judgement...very good label...it has to do...not trusting to be able to pull off the advices given...and therefore
not doing it with confidence...but not daring to admit to it self...that is the issue...and doing the sudgested advice with non involvment...too scared to succeed. It has also to do with attatement to the problem too...it does pay off to keep it as it is...but fooling one self by trying to solve it by asking for help.
It is not easy to see this and admit, it has much pain involved in it, and to start to stirr in this pain pot is nothing anyone will do feely, but it is a must....and when it is done it is like resurection and a stronger me is raising like a Fenix.

I appologize for the chock terapy....I really wanted to shake you ...It was done with much love.


9th March 2014, 05:16 PM

That's not true. Just like the physical body, you need a different type of specialist when things are off balance and you're unfamiliar with the symptoms.

Obviously, when you get more wise to these things, such as if I have gotten rid of attachments before, then I'd know more of what to do.

9th March 2014, 05:21 PM
I have read the suggestions and will try some of these. Thanks.

Edit: Is the rapido technique just bouncing up and down on the affected areas? So far, I did notice things shifting around by just bouncing around, but with pressure on the abdomen.

9th March 2014, 10:07 PM
I have read the suggestions and will try some of these. Thanks.

Edit: Is the rapido technique just bouncing up and down on the affected areas? So far, I did notice things shifting around by just bouncing around, but with pressure on the abdomen. Yes, and I'm glad that you can see immediate effects.

11th March 2014, 01:20 AM
Yes, and I'm glad that you can see immediate effects.

It seemed like things just went back to place today, as an update. Any other ideas?

John Sorensen
11th March 2014, 08:53 AM
It seemed like things just went back to place today, as an update. Any other ideas?

*Read through this topic, and if something is working for you, BY ALL MEANS keep doing it, and ignore what I have to say,

But I want to address something more fundamental without negating any of your comments or experiences, (nor anyone elses which are valid) regardless of their source.

Consider the following:

*You are creating your life, and EVERYTHING in it, right NOW, in this moment

*Accept that whatever the circumstances are , you created them, and until you make peace with that, and fully accept it, anything else is just a waste of time.

*YOU are the master of your own mind and body, if you were not creating it right now, then your heart would cease to beat, your lungs would stop breathing and your very cells would not support you,but the FACT is they do, they support you and your life, for you ARE LIFE.

*You live in a LOVING universe, can you feel this as your everyday reality? If not, then you need to head in this direction, one step at a time, for me it took about 15 years, and at least 3 times along the way I wanted to kill myself, I am VERY confidant you can heal yourself MUCH FASTER than I did, because I had no real practical help, other than reading books and meditating.
*You have a group of people who are thinking of you daily and want you to be well, whose combined thought/emotion energy can assist you to HEAL YOURSELF, if you ALLOW it.

*Starting TODAY, make a deliberate CONSCIOUS Intention, that you will find a way to feel good, to heal whatever you think you need to heal, to integrate all aspects of your psyche and be responsible for yourself, and stop looking to external solutions for your problems.

*Everything you need, all your answers are already WITHIN YOU, you need only look, turn your attention inward and ask whatever you need to know.

"I will sit in silence, and feel the Life within me, I feel the Love of God flow through my Being, and I KNOW that I and my creator are one and the same, I know that I am in God, and God is in me, I am a wave in an ocean of God, I am a cell in the body of the Living Universe, Life and Love flow through my body at all times, I am at Peace at all times".

*No force in the universe can do anything for you, you must CHOOSE to use your own mind and Consciousness to be the best version of yourself you can imagine, a being of light and love who knows no pain, nor fear, nor hunger, nor thirst, you are the Immortal presence who inhabits your vehicle, and co-creates your world, who is ageless, pain-free and tireless.

11th March 2014, 12:10 PM
It seemed like things just went back to place today, as an update. Any other ideas? Countermeasures are not techniques you apply once and you're done- because these things are complex, (there is a matter of why you got it, what it is, and how it manifests) they have to be addressed in a multitude of ways- and doing one technique once isn't the way- you have to adapt various strategies and keep at them until you become so inhospitable it's not worth it to them to keep trying to attach- at the same time, giving them too much attention feeds them so you have to work on your innate power and self-worth (or God-given worth, depending on your outlook on life) while you deal with the effects. John makes a good point on the above post.
So you adopt various strategies and keep at it while you work on your outlook, because we're the total package- mind, body and soul.

18th March 2014, 01:11 AM
So far, the techniques listed have not quite had much result. Any other suggestions I am still open to.

John Sorensen
18th March 2014, 03:07 AM
So far, the techniques listed have not quite had much result. Any other suggestions I am still open to.

If something works, keep doing it.

How many times do you brush your teeth? Just once?




How many times? Well 10,000 hours is a good start if you want to master something. That's to start with.

In the mean time, tell us more about your experiences, that is, use this forum to debrief and let off some steam, not to focus on problems and give them power, but to release the steam valve and then get back to whatever you normally do.

Have faith in yourself, and try imagining, each day how you want to be, and imagine you are already there.

Also, have you looked for a healer that has successful experience with entities?

18th March 2014, 05:41 AM
So far, the techniques listed have not quite had much result. Any other suggestions I am still open to.

Hi advanced_dialect,
I did write a very long life story to you about when I was under attack, but I will write it in another words, I do believe when my writings is dissapeared into the syber it is a sigh to me to think over my wordings another time, so I will tell you this.

Do you understand the attack message to you.?
Do you have a firm way to say NO, or do you easy put limits when someone does not respect you enough, do you dare to put your feet down and tell how you feel and how you want people to know you?? what they do that you do not find respectful and that you dare to tell them about it?

I hope you can understand what I am trying to say here, if not ..please ask.
