View Full Version : I want to make more out of my pratice

1st March 2014, 03:03 PM
Hello Rob

something just occurred to me. I want to take my NEW, magic, and psychic practice to the level of primary instead of being a 'white collar magician' as you descriped in the archetypes. anyway, I would like some advice, what can I do to make my practice the main part of my day and my life.

I'd like to have the kind of freedom you and EA have to work on the kinda thing you enjoy I don't nessecarily want to make money off of it or Sell it to people.

I'm just tired of working so many dead-end jobs for 15 hours.

I remember once you mentioned that developing telepathic connections to earth spirits, gardeners had better knowledge about planting and learning about herbs

what advice could you give me to do this.

I appreciate your time

Robert Bruce
14th March 2014, 02:41 AM
To break out of 'normal' life you need to study your programming, and in particular the type of programming that holds you to working multiple jobs 15hrs a day. This, you will find, is based on fear.

It is your programming that stops you from succeeding.

Watch the movie 'V is for Vendetta'
Read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' - attached

And also read my 'Catch Basket Concept' - attached

One of the happiest persons I know is a young man living in Denmark. When he was 18 he built a tiny cabin in a remote forest out of scrap. No running water or power, just a single room. He has a small garden and forages in the forest for most of his needs. He is on a small pension, but he does not spend much of anything to live on, so it accumulates. A couple of times a year he travels to do workshops with interesting people. The rest of the year he meditates.

This is not for everyone, but it works for him.

True wealth can be described as free time.

This young man is the richest man I have ever met.


18th April 2014, 02:02 PM
Robert I have great news.

where I live there is a magazine that comes out called "Natural Wakeing" there was a ad in the paper about a Healing center looking for teachers in Meditation, coaching reiki etc. I responded to it and spoke with the woman in person and she is very eager to take me on.

I was semi surprised that she's never heard of you or your methods before but I mentioned NEW and You to her. I can't wait to start sharing what I've learned from you to folks.

I do have one question though, if you (I say you not as Robert, but as someone who's teaching energy work) were doing this sort of thing, how much would you charge per person? I'm not interested in making money I told the woman I'd gladly volunteer, but she said money is required to keep the center running.

I was thinking 15 or 20 a person to teach NEW basics. and maybe 5 or 10 for seniors.

what do you think?