View Full Version : Fasting

28th February 2014, 04:21 AM
Today I've fasted. I've noted many things and will further expound their meanings as I continue fasting.

However, there are a few things of concern I've noted thus far I would like clarification on.

At this moment, I feel extremely tired; physically and mentally exhausted. This has worked to my advantage in meditation and inducing altered states, but has rendered me less capable of complicated thought and physical work. While this isn't necessarily bad, I'm just wondering if this is par the course and part of the disciplining process I'll eventually cross the threshold of.

Another thing is that I've become irritable. I don't usually need to make a conscious effort not to seem angry around others. I feel this is connected to the tiredness, though it may possibly be my ego lashing out, so speak. Does this irritability eventually stop as more experience and physical tolerance is gained?

I realize asking "what to expect" is somewhat cheating myself of the experience by allowing someone else's perception to enter mine, but I feel that I must make sure that what I'm experiencing is proper.

Robert Bruce
14th March 2014, 01:36 AM
Sorry for the delay in reply. I hope your fasting is going well.

What you are experiencing is normal. You are in detox. This will cause weakness, tiredness, and irritability. On the third day, you will feel a surge of energy and you will stabilize as your body begins to burn fat (ketones).

The irritability comes from your ego. It gets extremely irritated when you don't feed it. it does not like being disciplined. Observe this, as watching it consciously will help to control it.

Spend time alone when you are irritable, so you do not inflict this upon others.

Things will settle down after the third day.

peace, robert