View Full Version : Life Challenges

25th February 2014, 07:00 PM
I've thought long and hard on this, but I cannot seem to come up with an explanation. I am the oldest of three siblings, and all three of us face unique challenges in our lives. My brother deals with chronic pain -injury after injury. For myself, it is mainly extreme allergies and environmental sensitivities. My parents have always observed this phenomenon, but they have no real explanation. I've considered everything from a family curse to hereditary neg issues, neither of which I've ruled out. I have fixed a few issues I've faced with affirmations, but then new ones arise. It is almost as if some degree of physical discomfort is needed, for some reason. Would you simply call these things challenges? Should I just have faith that things are the way they are for a reason? Or are there actions I can take to get to the root of this?

Robert Bruce
27th February 2014, 07:46 AM
Life is full of challenges.

We meet them the best we can.

Some kind of action is always required, even if this involves inaction.

Doing nothing and just putting up with things is generally not helpful.

Connecting with the higher self and getting life guidance and healing helps with this. See my 'Manifestation and Self Healing' program for more on this.

For allergies, I recommend you look into the Gerson Therapy. www.gerson.org This is a well known cancer cure, but it will also cure just about anything.
