View Full Version : Feeling astral arms: suggestions for complete exit?

23rd February 2014, 01:50 AM
I have been practicing various techniques to achieve astral projection on and off for a few months, and have managed to induce several WILDs (Wake Induced Lucid Dreams, according to Bruce). I had a rather spontaneous astral experience about 2 years ago, and am not sure if it was a WILD or my first astral projection. Anyway, I have been attempting to progress in my astral skills. I have been using the following technique for the past few weeks: I program myself to wake up about 4 hours after going to bed, move to my designated astral projection location (fold-out couch), set my intention for projection and use written/verbal affirmations. Then I lay down and as I become more relaxed and closer to sleep, use Bruce's "energy bounce" technique with continued affirmations. I often feel movement/floaty sensations. (I have felt that often as I fall asleep, for the past few years). Last night I felt this floating sensation, only laterally instead of vertically. I tried the rope exit technique to no avail. I then feel asleep, and 2 hours later (about 4 a.m.) I woke up with my 3rd eye very intensely stimulated and noticed I could move my astral arms!!!!! So excited!!!!! (Do not remember feeling "vibrations", but more a falling/floating intense sensation right beforehand.) Tried to exit completely, I tried to use the rope exit technique again, but ended up back in my body. Afterwards I realized that it did not work probably because I was half out of my body at that point. (I never felt a rope). It only works to visualize climbing the rope before you are out of your body, right? I presume since I was already half out of my body the rope climbing method doesn't apply. Any suggestions for getting completely out of body next time this happens? Maybe rolling out, or just trying to sit up? Thanks so much!

23rd February 2014, 06:52 PM
No, you can visualize what you want when out of body. Once I visualized a fountain, jumped in shouting "I am purified without!" Then drank the water shouting "I am purified within!" I have no idea what brought that on. A few days later I found the exact fountain outside a church in real life while walking my neighborhood. I use it as a source of holy water now. I never have been able to do the rope method either. I can pull myself out so that I'm sitting up, but not fully out of my body. It's probably some mental block since I have girl arms. Why don't you try rocking back and forth until you roll out. The roll out method is easier imo. Sounds like you are off to a good start. Congratulations.

Thank you Leyla. I agree, it is a great start, and I am very grateful for this progress! What a great example of your visualization of the fountain. I will keep that in mind. I think I will definitely try the rocking and rolling next time I'm half out. Thanks so much for your reply!

23rd February 2014, 07:08 PM
Hi Bast Cat. I like to match exit techniques to the symptoms I get. For 'floaty feeling' I would select a 'swimming' visualization (imagine you're swimming or floating in the ocean, catching waves, and go with the movement you may be feeling). For the 'arms loose' sensation then I'd use the rope technique. There are many techs that are in the stickied threads (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?3977-Exit-Techniques), and I like them all at different times.

25th February 2014, 01:06 AM
Thanks CFTravler. I checked out the link to the previous posts of exit techniques, will definitely try some! And I like the idea of trying to match the technique to the pre-exit sensation.

12th April 2014, 12:44 AM
When ever I feel the cozy feeling of being away I always imagine Im out side in the cool night air, my arms open wide, gazing up at the stars, My spook body takes care of the details.

2nd October 2014, 01:11 AM
Hey CFTraveler and Leyla, I wanted to thank you both and give you a belated update (I know, oxymoron). A week or so after those posts in February I had complete exits: I just woke up in the middle of the night and found myself out of my body! I realized I just needed to relax into it more and let it happen, as it did years ago. Success!

After than I ended up moving cross-country, twice, in June and then September, and focusing on some earthly matters. But I am settled once again and so plan on jumping back into it now!

So thank you both so much for the techniques ideas and support.

2nd October 2014, 01:03 PM
You're welcome BastCat. It's nice to get positive feedback. Good luck and continued success.

28th October 2014, 06:48 PM
The rope technique managed to give me exit symptoms but I never got out of my body with it.

The best technique I've used, which I think Robert teaches somewhere, is bouncing your consciousness around the room. So your in bed in the trance state and you imagine/feel yourself on one side of the room, then you bounce yourself to the other wall, then back and bounce yourself in different directions all over your room and keep doing that. This really loosens your astral body and really helped me have OBE's.

28th October 2014, 08:35 PM
You're not supposed to use the rope technique before first getting symptoms. There is a 'rope' trance induction technique, which involves going down the rope, but exit techniques should not be used to induce trance. If you're not deep enough use energy body loosening techniques (like the one you quoted), and when you get the symptoms, then do the exit technique; whichever one you choose.