View Full Version : Clarification of Neg research in Practical Psychic Self Defense.

22nd February 2014, 08:14 AM
Hi, Robert. I have to say that I have all your books and they have been one of the major influences in my life and I'd like to thank you for that! :)

I am hopefully seeking to get some questions clarified that came up to better understand the details picture described in the Practical Psychic Self Defense Workbook to have a better working knowledge of the material. On page 10 it is stated “Negs have no physical substance. Their reactions to some countermeasures suggest they are two-dimensional energy beings that are bound to the surface of the earth.” Then it goes on to state “Negs appear to exist in a thin layer of energy that covers the entire surface of the planet. This energy layer appears to follow the contours of the earth… Lightning appears to be responsible for generating such a field.

In contrast on page 146 you state “the surface of the earth carries an energy field that is contributed to by the several thousand lightning strikes that occur each minute around the world. It is this field of energy to which Negs appear to be attached.” Then you continue “Negs may attach to the electrical field that covers the surface of the human skin. This connection protects them from running water and electrical grounding” and then “… they are demanifested when they are electrically grounded to the planet.”

My questions are:

- Is this energy field contributed to or is it created by lightning strikes?

- By “bound” to the surface of the earth do this mean mean bound but not grounded and only existing in this thin energy field? On page 96, If they come up from the ground through to the feet wouldn't they already be electrically grounded and therefore demanifested?

- If the human being is grounded to the surface of the Earth already by walking on it in conjunction with crossing running water wouldn’t these two details help to demanifest the neg rather than the neg using the human being as a vehicle for cross running water considering crossing running water is used as a countermeasure as is being grounded or earthed? If it would be demanifested, how could it use a human being as a vehicle to cross running water and be attached to the magnetic field in the first place if the person is grounded? I have to assume that their is a quality of grounding that needs to be reached?

Thanks so much for your time and generosity!!

Robert Bruce
24th February 2014, 12:36 PM
The energy field that covers the surface of the earth is created by lightening strikes. If lightening ceased to strike the planet, if would fade away within an hour, I have been told by scientists.

Just because you walk on the surface does not mean you are electrically grounded, even if you are barefoot. Many soil and rock types are not conductive to electricity. Dry sand, for example, and rock, and concrete, are not conductive.

The energy field I speak of here can be said to float just above the surface of the earth.

If humans walk barefoot on electrically conductive surfaces, grounding is achieved and neg energies will begin to dissipate. Long term connection in this way will help remove the bulk of common neg attachments.

However, when negs are more firmly attached, they move into the physical body and connect internally, to physical tissue, organs, and to the chakras. They are then partially shielded from common electrical grounding. Again, long term grounding will damage neg placement and slowly drain their energies. This is why 'sleeping earthed' is so helpful.

Yes, a quality of grounding is needed here and the stronger the grounding the larger the effect. For example, finding a dry stream bed that is damp, and where water is flowing beneath the ground, provides powerful grounding. Bury yourself up to the neck in such sand for some hours and the grounding effect will be greatly increased. (this is an ancient method for removing neg attachments).

When negs hitchhike with people to cross running water fields and strong grounding, they either move inside people, or move up on the surface of people's skins. What happens would depend on the strength and experience of the neg, and of the state of the person involved.

I have only scratched the surface.

There is much room for experimentation here.
