View Full Version : Sensory Deprivation - Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique

19th February 2014, 12:12 AM
I'm curious if anyone's been in a sensory deprivation tank in AD land. I'm scheduled to visit a local tank this Thursday and it's pretty much the highlight of my week. The woman that referred me to this experience went on about how one could leave his or her body if not careful while "soaking."

I smiled politely.



19th February 2014, 02:59 PM
I never have but always wanted to. Let us know how it is. I remember back when I was in college there were a lot of those- someone knew someone that had one. Nowadays they're not as common, but I've always wanted to go in one.

19th February 2014, 04:15 PM
I guess they are making a big comeback. For $60 you get to soak for a very long time, and the benefits apparently can surpass an hour-long massage in terms of general health. Not a bad deal. I'll report back on my experience.


19th February 2014, 04:58 PM
I'm really looking forward to your report on that, Soul. Can't think of a better subject than yourself for such a thing.

20th February 2014, 02:50 AM
the benefits apparently can surpass an hour-long massage in terms of general health.
I've heard they can be an excellent tool for managing many kinds of chronic pain (especially joint pain and pain caused by pressure on the nerves).

20th February 2014, 08:04 AM
don't much care for one at all , in fact I never have.

Cf , I did 5 years of medicinal acupuncture in China , if you're up for one when I'm in Florida this year , take me up on it (you already have my itinerary), spinal regeneration and pain , that I'm excellent in , after all if you don't merge your spiritual knowledge with actual use ~ it's a wash.
and when I'm in Australia/NZ later on this same year , BW ought to take me up on it , wouldn't be it something if knee issues just vanished?

see how that compares to a tank.

22nd February 2014, 07:37 PM
Well, the results here are mixed. First "soak" was 90 minutes in length, and it took me at least 60 of those to get my mind away from the strain in my neck. I guess my head was floating at an angle my neck didn't agree with, and the strain kept getting my focus drawn into it repeatedly. Also, I went earlier in the day (prime energy hours), so my body wasn't really ready to relax into what's necessary for an OBE to initiate. I was just too present and awake.

Health-wise, I felt pretty good. But I'll second DC's sentiments on treatments that may have greater benefit. I've found acupuncture tough to beat.

However, toward the end, when I finally did relax some, and started to lose body awareness, I felt my awareness holding firm while my body began slipping off. Any bodily movements, no matter how subtle felt exactly like those in the early OBE state--fluid and light. Had I done the experiment toward evening, I'm sure I would've had another experience.

I talked for some time to the guy that runs this tank and found his stories pretty fascinating. There was one about watching Nikola Tesla debating someone in some old restaurant. All this from a woman's perspective sitting next to the debate. We chatted about The Void some.

Alas. One big mind. One experience in many forms. No time. And the beat goes on.


22nd February 2014, 08:47 PM
I've found acupuncture tough to beat.l
tough to beat what? (an illness or a difficult procedure?)

but yes this is very interesting indeed , i endorse it with emotion , it comes from you , but i never really was about the oobe , in kundalini to attain samadhi (sanskrit for total "even-ness /equanimity" is to avoid all other spiritual experience (lets say tanks and oobes and astral projecting in an inordinately excessive extent and all of such) , these are deterrents to us , hindrances to progress ...and well kind of barricades) , the goal is let kundalini let it run it's job , your'e note the boss of it , it will wreck havoc)
But we all pursue our interests incessantly , like say awaken serpents or exit bodies (mine always fell backwards , i never left going up , i have no one to compare notes to because when CF says she saw sprouts growing out on the top of her fridge as she ascends , i wondered what other people felt while falling through a mattress to the basement below just totally letting go?

If admin said she had it and gave it a thumbs up , i'd be like "must look into" , but your genuine love for this has inspired me to take one also very soon (i notorious for late up dates however be forewarned :angelic:)

22nd February 2014, 08:48 PM

22nd February 2014, 09:28 PM
tough to beat what? (an illness or a difficult procedure?)

Tough to beat, as in direct health benefits. That and yoga (for me). Of course, everyone is wired differently so reaping benefits, insights, experiences or whatnot is completely relative and seems a fair mix of chance, happenstance, and even grace.

And that "Oneness" bit...so far as I can tell, realizing It is ALL grace. Nobody can bring The Understanding about. Mostly because no-body exists as we are fond of believing.

But that's another can of worms.
