View Full Version : Intense emotion in dreams

10th February 2014, 02:42 AM
Last night I had another one of those intensely emotional dreams- I will not get into the theme, since it's personal, but I can report that I have had two dreams in my life in which the emotional pain felt is completely different and more intense and deep than anything I've felt in waking life. In the first one I received a 'ROTE' that impacted me so intensely that I 'drank in' the melancholy from a character and the pain was almost exquisite- and as I awoke, 'normal' waking consciousness slowly layered itself on top of the feeling to the point that by the time I was awake the feeling was just a memory- only a surface taste of the pain remained. The same thing happened to me last night (or early morning)- the emotional grief I was in was unreal- so terrible that I contemplated that if I were in that much pain in waking consciousness I could not survive it. Again, as I slowly awoke consciousness acted as a 'numbing' layer, and as I surfaced from the intensity of this emotion, I hoped and prayed that this wasn't anything like what the recently dead go through when they do a life review and go through purging of their 'karma' (or whatever they call it) because I can see how they can get stuck in this terrible reality. As I woke up only the feel of the recent pain remained- and it made me hope it's really not like that, because it is not bearable.
I usually have no emotional dreams that I can remember, and even if upsetting things happen in them, the grogginess in my nervous system cushions the feeling. But every once in a while, this 'different' type of experience, this inner pain that is almost too much rears up and gets me at the core. And it's unbelievably intense, way deep down in a place that doesn't come up too often.

10th February 2014, 06:17 AM
Last night I had another one of those intensely emotional dreams- I will not get into the theme, since it's personal, but I can report that I have had two dreams in my life in which the emotional pain felt is completely different and more intense and deep than anything I've felt in waking life. In the first one I received a 'ROTE' that impacted me so intensely that I 'drank in' the melancholy from a character and the pain was almost exquisite- and as I awoke, 'normal' waking consciousness slowly layered itself on top of the feeling to the point that by the time I was awake the feeling was just a memory- only a surface taste of the pain remained. The same thing happened to me last night (or early morning)- the emotional grief I was in was unreal- so terrible that I contemplated that if I were in that much pain in waking consciousness I could not survive it. Again, as I slowly awoke consciousness acted as a 'numbing' layer, and as I surfaced from the intensity of this emotion, I hoped and prayed that this wasn't anything like what the recently dead go through when they do a life review and go through purging of their 'karma' (or whatever they call it) because I can see how they can get stuck in this terrible reality. As I woke up only the feel of the recent pain remained- and it made me hope it's really not like that, because it is not bearable.
I usually have no emotional dreams that I can remember, and even if upsetting things happen in them, the grogginess in my nervous system cushions the feeling. But every once in a while, this 'different' type of experience, this inner pain that is almost too much rears up and gets me at the core. And it's unbelievably intense, way deep down in a place that doesn't come up too often.

Hi CFT, you do decribe it very well, how we numb the pain in layres to be able to cope with it...and it is why it is so important to start now to prepare for a consious Death so to speak....and process all pain in waken state, we get good hints from our dream´s where to look for the painful memories....as for me I have Always get flachbacks how my behavins effects people so I have bean able rather much to work with my own act´s but not all off course...mostly my pain has bean what others had done against me...and I Think I am done for now with that...but there is the past Life karma what is more difficult because I mostly do not recognize that it has to do with me when I see something awful and painful, because I have good memory what has happen in this Life, and when I know that what I see or feel has not happened in this Life...then I often just do not Believe what I feel or see and pusch that at side....wrongly off course...but it is not easy to process in every level...it is hard...but I Think it is most important to process Death...and I Think CFT that you did face pre Life Death and you was not prepeared nor consious what happened and the pain remained...I do not have anything to give to you but my own process and what I have found to be true from my Life...

Sending strength and new energy to you with love.


10th February 2014, 06:34 AM
My belief - and its just that - a subjective belief, is that when something comes through that strongly in the dream state, I had better pay attention. At least its my experience that salient dream messages have a purpose, and the more salient, the more essential the purpose. I wish you comfort and clarity, under Grace, in perfect ways, with good for all concerned.

10th February 2014, 10:13 AM
I remember my last death. It was very intense when the truth about me and my life was revealed to me. I had been unknowingly doing things wrong. I certainly was effected by it in the next life, its what caused me to be sometimes overly serious about being a better person, but really probably not a bad thing. I have had times of being very good.
The force of my emotional response arranged many things in this life for my bennifit. I see or imagine my future response as well. I think that helps, it will be just as revealing good and bad but more business-like.
I only remember because I requested to. Also, you could make a time capsule for yourself this life, and arrange to find it.
Eventually, there is no mind wipe. But not many earth people are forgiving enough of themselves for that.

28th April 2014, 03:39 AM
Wow, sorry to hear about your rough time. I've had a couple similar experiences one strong like yours another weaker. It involved what I believe to be my death in a past life and took several days to get over and quite a bit of bawling when I was shone my grave during meditation, located over seas somewhere. But it cleared up issues I had with the sea and "going home".
In short I would look at it as a growing experience and consider yourself fortunate that the "powers that be" your spirit guides/higherself consider you strong enough now to take it on.

In another way it could be memories from a near by spirit projecting them at you in some kind of effort to gain relief. My darling wife was a medium and it happened to her all the time...she would experience peoples deaths with all the accompanying pain and emotional terror of the original event. Just offer love and forgiveness both to yourself and to the other if you feel that could be the cause and let the emotion just wash over you. Dont try to stop it and dont absorb it...just let it play out like a screaming baby or a loud stereo next to you, until it passes.