View Full Version : PRECOG Dream about Super Bowl XLVIII

3rd February 2014, 08:59 PM
Greetings one and all
Yes, I Really did have a precognitive dream about Super Bowl XLVIII (48) !! Yes, I know such claims can be hard to believe so you'll have to trust me on this. Here is the dream exactly as I wrote it down Sunday Morning January 26, 2014, which is one week Before the Super Bowl was played (which was yesterday Sunday February 2, 2014).
Dream About Super Bowl XLVIII as recorded Sunday January 26, 2014
Watched the Super Bowl on tv. Denver versus Seattle is actually going to be played next Sunday. Seattle was winning in a route 44 - 0, (which is VERY unlikely). Then the game turned into a rock musical.
{End of dream.}

AS we all know the final score to Super Bowl XLVIII was Seattle 43 Denver 8, which, although not exactly accurate, was Still a Huge surprise to nearly all the experts and fans. Also note that my dream ended in rock music and rock music was played at half time when the score was Seattle 22 Denver 0 (half of 44 points).
So there it is. Again not exactly accurate but certainly close enough (in my mind at least) to definitively qualify as a precognitive dream.


4th February 2014, 01:34 AM
Precog happens. Very cool.

I was warning my parents last week to discard their hopes for a good game. Being a native of Denver I feel like I usually know lots of stuff about events there before they go down, and usually I don't even consider that knowing. It just happens.


4th February 2014, 04:53 AM
I've had precog dreams since I hit puberty. I don't think I've ever dreamed about a sporting event, but that's mostly because I don't really follow sports, so I'm not in tune with them. My dreams usually have to do with places I'll eventually visit, probably because that is something I'm attuned to. On a couple of occasions, I've dreamed (in very symbolic ways that could only be fully understood in hindsight) of events like car accidents (never anything serious or preventable) or similar. But mostly it's just places.

While this is an interesting phenomenon, I've found that for me (and for a lot of people) it's essentially useless. It's just a little echo of the future, so to speak, so when it happens you recognise it. It's never very useful, nor does it seem to serve any purpose other than a "hey, cool" factor. :)

I guess some people are fortunate enough to have precog dreams that have real purpose, but I've never known anyone who did. No dreams of winning lottery numbers or warnings about selling stocks right before a crash or anything else. I'm sure it happens, but I haven't seen it. Though in this case, you could have put a bet on Seattle.... ;)

Devine Shadow
4th February 2014, 05:03 AM
Precog dreams sure do happen. I think if the situation is important enough. Youll have one that's useful. If you can cyper through your own symbolism that is.

4th February 2014, 05:31 AM
About three months ago I had a dream in which my left arm, right where the elbow bends, became infected with MRSA (flesh eating bacteria). In the dream, a nucleus of red grew and grew and sent out tendrils of infection in each direction.

About two weeks later I was finishing up yoga and itched my left arm. I didn't think to wash my hands in the studio.

One week later my arm bloomed with the most fantastic case of MRSA one could hope for from yoga!. Of course, I only knew it was MRSA because I had just dreamt of the diagnosis. Of course, the diagnosis was confirmed with lots of medicine and my own remedy: crytpolepis. A few scars and scares later, life moves on.

But yeah, most of my precog events aren't so helpful, or meaningful.


4th February 2014, 06:00 AM
Wow, that's quite a precog dream, Soul! But, again, there was nothing you could do to prevent it, because the dream, while it had many specifics (the diagnosis, for example), didn't warn you to wash your hands after doing yoga. This is the problem I always have with precog dreams. Yes, when the event comes to pass, I'm all like, "Oh, right, I know what this is about," but it would be much more useful to have dreams that let you know stuff like, "Leave five minutes earlier on Thursday," or "Don't eat that chicken that's in the fridge, it may smell okay, but it really isn't," or something actually purposeful. :)

4th February 2014, 04:15 PM
Yep, you said it. There was nothing I could have done. I think the dream was much more clear than most precog dreams I have given the potential severity had I ignored the infection, or dismissed as something trivial. It was not. ER visit, meds...ugh. Thankfully I cleared it.

But to your point, I had a dream some years ago that outlined, in perfectly arcane symbols, how 2013 was going to roll out for me. Of course, I had no idea how accurate the dream was until just recently when I took the time to piece it all together. It would've been very helpful to have some idea exactly what that dream meant BEFORE everything went down.

C' est la vie...


4th February 2014, 11:22 PM
It would've been very helpful to have some idea exactly what that dream meant BEFORE everything went down.
I hear you. :)

9th February 2014, 01:27 AM
Hello everyone.
Condolences about Denver losing. At least the Broncos Do have two Super Bowl Wins back in the day when Elway was playing.
That MRSA sounds really dreadful. Hopefully you have fully recovered ?!

Butterfly Woman
Yes, precognitive dreams Do occur and are actually fairly common. I have had a few spread out over many years. Most of my own precog dreams and most of the precog dreams of other people seem to be about everyday mundane incidents. This is my first precog dream about a national sporting event.