View Full Version : Creating Protective Shield with Crystal Stone & Energy

29th January 2014, 12:03 PM
Here is my Experience :

Due to my Job (realestate) i always goto some new place , sometime new building , sometimes a property for sale. But no matter where i go , there will always be a local sprite . They belong there , i mean they've been there long long time.

Sometimes friendly sometimes hostile .

But i will always try to stay focus and not to connect with them. However if they really NOT happy , specially dont want you to be there , you will know.

Therefore , i always carry a Crystal Stone , for protection , to generate a personal SHIELD. a psychic Shield.

And it works on me, i always has it in my suite. Just want to share this and hope this can help someone.

The Crystal Name is Called Black Tourmaline.


2nd February 2014, 01:13 AM


Black Tourmaline is also the Perfect Stone to make Shield when Meditation .

When i have Meditation at Home. i always has 3 or 4 Black Tourmaline to form a Geometric Form as Psychic Protection .

( i have a very bad experience doing meditation when i was young, and i found out shielding is a must when doing it. specially deep meditation , love to share those story with you guys when i have time )

Cheers , have a nice day.

2nd February 2014, 01:45 AM
I need better protection, or less paranoia. I cant even sleep in my room anymore at night. keep waking up thinking something is crawling down my throat. i'd wear a crown of tourmaline if it helped my issues.

those are huge 80
do you cleanse them? and how. my such objects always get full of bad junk. I just toss them out the window now :wacky1:

2nd February 2014, 02:28 AM
I need better protection, or less paranoia. I cant even sleep in my room anymore at night. keep waking up thinking something is crawling down my throat. i'd wear a crown of tourmaline if it helped my issues.

those are huge 80
do you cleanse them? and how. my such objects always get full of bad junk. I just toss them out the window now :wacky1:

Hi I-stone.
It seams to me that you have Death anziety...relax...it is just as it should be.....Life .....holds so much...such as fear...as you are invaded with....you have to start to trust your self more and that you are protected.....totally....Go to doctor to check up on your Health ...specially your throat....if there is nothing physical....then you have to trust all is well.
There is no one who can give you the inner Peace but you....work on self trust more....I trust you to be able to handle this and get rid of your fear.
When I was in that state you are in now....I did with my hand´s a with circle in air around me and did make it down to the ground...started from over top of my head with my both hand´s and made this down to the ground....this worked for me and I felt totally protected and what ever I imagened to threaten me from the outside it stopped.....and when I felt threatened from my inside...I just turned my attention upwards to the heavens and totally trusted to be protected fully....and I did breathen through the fear...and I was thinking ....if this is my time to go...I accept...I capitulate to you GOD. I love you.


2nd February 2014, 04:30 AM
Agree IA56,

1st thing first, goto see a Doctor if you feel anythings wrong about your body & health . Listen to their suggestions, goto see another doc for second opinion if needed.

About spiritual side. i am 200% sure black tourmaline can help since it help fight with a big hostile sprite once.

But you need to cleans it every time you use it . i wash it with tap water to clean all oil and dust, then put it under the sun for a few hours ,11am - 2pm the best , then finally i will sage it .

but in your case , i think your tourmaline discharge too much , the only way to put it back to life is put it in a big bowl and cover it all the way to the top for around 7 days without any water and touching it.

Any i believe you need to rest more and adjust your energy rather then just protection .

Positive energy, something joy and happy.

Go out have some fresh air , get more sunlight on you. sometimes is not about sprite and demons , its just simply the negative energy makes you Uncomfortable . and it can be fixed , just as easy as goto Bondi Beach have a walk .

Hope this Help . 681682

2nd February 2014, 04:33 AM
I mean cover with Natural Sea Salt.

7th February 2014, 03:14 PM
Death anxiety, yes. But not physical death, that would only be inconvenient.
Im kinda better now, Psychicyness shut down, so im less effected. Only my neck hurts.

Im just focusing on the physical and disbelieve their existence.
Thinking about a neg or saying its name is like paging it (remember those?).

It was mostly just my room. My painting kept getting infected, it was meant for angels and faeries, but negs try hard to find a way into ones special objects. But also like you both said and are correct, worrying about it is the main cause of it.

Hmm just realized.. you mentioned fear. During meditation late last month I kept being overtaken by fear, coming from over my right shoulder. I had no idea what was causing it. It was so out of place I thought it was from someone or something else so I sent it back to its source. But it kept returning. There wasn't anything for me to be afraid of at the time. Then I was shown a shielding technique (shoulda recorded it) it had 2 different layers. One was blue-grey. It seemed to protect. But when I looked up 'blue-grey aura color' everyone said it is a fear color.

The negativity was mostly caused by having too many spirits hanging about. I evicted most of them.

Actually, Im quite sick of spirit 'friends'.
I don't recommend more than 3 very trustworthy ones. They can be even more devious than humans.

13th February 2014, 08:10 PM
I have been doing these things you two have suggested. (I think I scared off crystalgrid, sorry, and thank you) I made a tourmaline necklace this morning, wearing it.
and Double fisting mugwort and sage.

I know about bringing stones back to life. I bought a bunch of on sale rose quartz that were highly reshaped, from a tourist gift shop. I was surprised they seemed to have no properties or effects. Then I realized their spirits were gone from the trauma of being reshaped so violently. But I resurrected them by reminding them of who they are, then they had a large effect on me, even gave healing dreams when I wore.

14th February 2014, 05:00 AM
I think I scared off crystalgrid, sorry.
No, you didn't. I'll PM you.