View Full Version : A lucid dream..but I didn't write it down!

28th January 2014, 11:42 AM
Last night I had a lucid dream, but when I had awakened, I just rolled over and fell back asleep rather than writing it down! In the dream, I remember sticking my hands out to look at them and realize I'm dreaming. My hands were surprisingly real, but the environment was somewhat dark. I remember commanding the environment to stop, stating that it was all a dream, and it did. So I went exploring, and I remember shouting 'I will remember this!!' Then I remember trying to manifest a couple things, but to no avail. Finally, I remember asking God to bring a messenger of some sort who would have knowledge, but before I could find them, I woke up! Interesting huh; it would have been nice if I had recorded it!

28th January 2014, 12:52 PM
Keywords, grasshopper; keywords.