View Full Version : Copy of: Is this a symptom of Kundalini awakening ?

22nd January 2014, 10:11 AM
Hi Robert,

I have been able to intuitively raise energy and heal others by applying my hands on their body and "feeling" the energy inside and around me come inside my body, through my hands, and on to their body and do its "healing job", since I was 10 or so. Over the years, I've felt an increasing affinity with this, and my healing has been more and more effective (all of this is intuitive, I've never learned anything from anyone, except for the basics in chakras and meridians), as well as my "control" over the energy.

So I've been practicing from time to time sitting down, falling into a kind of trance (music helps me a lot, especially Now we are free from the Gladiator movie), and I've started feeling these gentle shivers over my body as I consciously "inhale and exhale" energy from around and inside me. But what happened around 4-5 years ago is that I've felt some stronger shiver in my base chakra area. I mentally and "energetically" went to investigate it, and after a few seconds I've felt the most powerful shiver I had ever experienced. It started from my base chakra, went all the way up to my shoulders, amplifying, then to my limbs, hands and feet, and it finally reached my crown chakra, and then I've felt this intense bliss and connection with the universe.

Then I made some research over the internet, and I stumbled upon the kundalini thing. So I immediately went to experiment a bit, and I've been able to replicate my first experience multiple times. And ever since, I often have this shiver rushing from my root chakra into my whole back, happening anytime during the day, whether I'm sitting on my desk working, or walking in the street. But it remains in my back and does not go all the way through my crown chakra unless I kind of "empower" it consciously, like when I'm meditating.

I was wondering if you could enlighten me if these shivers are linked to the kundalini, or if they are the manifestation of something else ?


22nd January 2014, 01:55 PM
Hi Arcanæ.
I made a copy of this thread because I wanted to chime in, and wasn't about to bust into Robert's thread.
Firstly, I wanted to comment that the Kundalini circuit is part of the energy body, so of course it has to do with Kundalini, but in my opinion, it's just an energy effect of doing energy work in trance, which heightens sensations. I feel these rushes all the time when I put my mind to it, and although I would characterize my energy body as 'having been awakened', I wouldn't consider it a symptom of imminent Kundalini raising. Energy rushes such as these happen anytime we do enough energy work, although Kundalini may rise as a result of such.
I really didn't help much, did I?
ps. Have you read the energy work section of this site, especially in the articles section? I would recommend it.