View Full Version : Energy Classifications

20th January 2014, 05:20 AM
I'm new to energy work and I'm finding out all kinds of names given to spiritual energy. Does anyone have a full listing of all types of know spiritual energy and what there main functions are? If more detail is available about the different aspects of each of these energies are, that that would be helpful too.

20th January 2014, 08:36 AM
I could give you classifications according to Yoga but I don't think they are what you're really after. Can you give more context to your question, please?

Perhaps starting with a good chakra website will flesh out some of what you'd wish to know?

20th January 2014, 08:55 AM
Okay, I'm going to cut right to the chase (and this is based on many years of... well, observation, experience, whatever). Energy is energy. I know people like to give it names, and divide it up into various categories, call some of it "negative" and some of it "positive" and all sorts of things like that. This is what human brains do, so there's nothing surprising about this kind of category-making, even with esoteric things like this.

But, really, energy is energy. Only context and perception makes it look or feel different. Matter is energy, too, viewed through human perception with our special energy-to-matter brain filters (so to speak).

If you WANT to categorise stuff, you can, and it can be helpful and interesting and so on. I don't want to discourage that. And for a beginner, that's probably the easiest way to approach the subject. But in the long run, it will do you good to know that energy is energy, and so is matter, and so is everything else. Only context and perception differentiates it, separates it, makes it distinct.

If that's too weird and abstract for you, that's okay, too. Maybe it'll plant some seeds, though. Or maybe someone else might read this post one day and get a flicker of understanding. Or, maybe not. I got a clearer picture writing it, so maybe this post is just for me.... ;) :D

20th January 2014, 03:37 PM
I'll give you some popular energy classifications, only for comprehension's sake:
Chi or prana- vital energy. Energy that flows through your body. Used in chinese medicine and Vedic medicine to diagnose and treat illness too, it's what acupuncture is all about.
Reiki- energy given from a person to another. Probably chi also, but it's 'imprinted' with an intention before being given.
Shaktipat- Also energy that is broadcast through a person. Probably imprinted with a specific intention, you can do homework if you want.
Deeksha- it's a blessing, called 'oneness' blessing. A practitioner 'gives' it, or better, facilitates the receiving of it. Usually done in groups.
Jing, Shen, and others in certain eastern disciplines- the form chi takes while in your body, passive, active,etc.
Elemental energies- energy that has characteristics of the elements, like fire, water, earth and air. You take them in from your surroundings and use them for whatever purpose. Part of specific practices.
That's all I can think of for now.
But essentially, energy is the capacity to do work. You classify the energy with however you use it for or where it comes from.
Easy peasy.

20th January 2014, 03:57 PM
I could give you classifications according to Yoga but I don't think they are what you're really after. If you think you know what I'm after, that's a good start. I have no idea where to begin. qigong, jing or whatever. How many classifications are there? Maybe begin with identifying the different sources of classifications. I know nothing about this. What are the others other than Yoga?

20th January 2014, 04:11 PM
I'll give you some popular energy classifications ... Thank you. This is a good start and a lot of helpful information. ButterflyWoman does have a point that energy is energy, but some ancient groups have given it different names for some reason. Possibly each name is different because each energy is a different frequency. Who knows? I am a beginner on all this energy work and from my simplified view, it seems that there are basically two types of energy -- 1.) energy absorbed from the environment and 2.) energy summoned from within oneself. Is this in anyway accurate?

As for what the different names are actually accomplishing or identifying, only the ancient mystics know. Like I said, maybe there are different frequencies of energies. But, are these different energy frequencies interchangeable in their purpose?

But essentially, energy is the capacity to do work. You classify the energy with however you use it for or where it comes from. Yes. This is the definition from classical physics. Work (energy) is a force exerted over a distance. I guess that the work that they accomplish can be on different energy planes.


20th January 2014, 07:29 PM
. Possibly each name is different because each energy is a different frequency. It's simpler than that- each name is different because it was named in various languages, in their respective countries. You have Sanskrit for the Indian names (Prana, Deeksha, Shaktipat) you have Chinese (not sure which dialect) for chi, Shen, and possibly Jing, you have Reiki which is Japanese... we just use all the terms in our version of their language, which may or may not be close to the original pronunciation.

20th January 2014, 08:42 PM
It's simpler than that- each name is different because it was named in various languages, in their respective countries.So, in spite of the different languages, each language has multiple terms for the same energy and the purposes of these energies are interchangeable? Would you say that they are all the same energy, but the intention of the way it is used is what gives a different name? As in classical physics defining work, but work can be whatever we make it like creating art or digging a ditch. Although the activity is different, work is the effort put forward for an end result. Then likewise, all these names for energy are just describing the different applications for the same energy? The energy or the work are used in different ways and because of that they have different names? The energy or work doesn't change; it's the way we use it that changes its name?

20th January 2014, 10:11 PM
So many questions, your post seems confusing to me- I'll try to answer in my own words.

So, in spite of the different languages, each language has multiple terms for the same energy and the purposes of these energies are interchangeable? No, each region has names for the energy as to where it's located and what it's supposed to do. Whether it's interchangeable is debatable, and different people will tell you what they believe or know about it.

As in classical physics defining work, but work can be whatever we make it like creating art or digging a ditch. In physics energy is defined as the ability to make 'something' happen. Moving something that isn't moving, stopping something that was already moving. Physics defines energy in the way it's used also: Potential, kinetic, and is measured in many ways- voltage usually as the baseline way to measure it. When it's moving it's current, and when it's resisting it's...wait for it....resistance.

Although the activity is different, work is the effort put forward for an end result. Then likewise, all these names for energy are just describing the different applications for the same energy? The energy or the work are used in different ways and because of that they have different names? The energy or work doesn't change; it's the way we use it that changes its name? I don't even understand these questions, and you don't have to memorize whatever the terms may be: That's why Robert likes to call energy energy, and its ways of working it by how it's worked, and the fancy terminology is not important, unless you're going to study a specific discipline that requires you to memorize it.

20th January 2014, 10:27 PM
Yes, the different traditions are identifying different manifestations of the same thing and CF has given a good list.

Energy has different expressions, however, so the purposes will be specific to the function of the energy but serving the overall purpose of allowing this reality system and associated systems to function. Even inside your physical body there are different complementary energies, for example energy that is concerned with breathing and swallowing, reproduction, digestion and elimination and moving and co-ordinating limbs.

I could go on about broader aspects of energy as defined in the system I know something about (Yoga) but I don't think it would necessarily serve you in your purposes. As you continue to participate in forums you'll discover different people have adopted varying paths and they'll use the terminology associated with those paths but that doesn't mean you need to know what they're talking about to fulfill your purposes. I suggest that when something does interest you, you ask questions or conduct your own search along those specific lines of inquiry.

20th January 2014, 10:28 PM
And CF was posting at the same time.

20th January 2014, 10:52 PM
And CF was posting at the same time.:angelic:

20th January 2014, 11:19 PM
Afterthought: astrology, numerology and feng shui can be added to the list of systems that deal with energies.

21st January 2014, 01:56 AM
I don't even understand these questions, and you don't have to memorize whatever the terms may be: That's why Robert likes to call energy energy, and its ways of working it by how it's worked, and the fancy terminology is not important, unless you're going to study a specific discipline that requires you to memorize it.Would you say that qigong, jing energy is different than energy from the kundalini or are they the same. If energy is energy then there is no difference between electrical energy, potential energy or kinetic energy and these spiritual energies. They are all identical and identical things are interchangeable; otherwise they are not the same. Sorry, but logic always gets in the way of things. I really don't know how to get the bottom of things, unless I use logic. We could skip using logic and try some good old time folklore. I guess a simple answer to my questions is that my questions are not important. That is an answer, but not the one I was expecting. It's possible that metaphysics doesn't examine energy this closely. I may have to ask Stephen Hawkins about these energies. He might know.

21st January 2014, 02:05 AM
I suggest that when something does interest you, you ask questions or conduct your own search along those specific lines of inquiry.Yes, I think you are right. It doesn't seem to help anything by re-phrasing the same question; so I should conduct my research elsewhere. Thank you everyone for your perspectives. If I ask a question again, I won't repeat it. Even a discussion has its limits.

21st January 2014, 03:11 AM
If energy is energy then there is no difference between electrical energy, potential energy or kinetic energy and these spiritual energies. From a logical point of view potential is potential- but to say potential and kinetic energy are the same it not correct- they are equivalencies of the same. You apply a potential to cause change, and that potential is exhausted in the change- this is an equivalency, it's not the same thing, because it is not a thing.
In that way spiritual energy (if there is such a thing, I believe there is a tendency to equate spirit to energy and I don't quite agree there) is the ability to express spirit, just like a volt is the potential to move an electron from point a to point b and current is the measurement of the actual movement of these particles.
So it is not logical to assume that one is the same as the other because we don't really know how it can be, we don't know enough about subtle energies in comparison to energy applied in the physical- but from an equivalency point of view, they can be compared.
If you look at Einstein's equations E=mc2, you will see that it demonstrates that there is a lot of energy 'locked in' matter, and when released it can cause all kinds of effects; and from a philosophical point of view the type of energy that is supposed to be chi and prana, etc. can be thought of as physical (since they affect the physical) with flow (like current), so the idea of it may be interchangeable with what we think of as 'physical' energy- but the spirit may be something totally different and not subject to the same rules as potential energy.

That said, if you're going to ask a physicist questions like these, I'd recommend Dr. Fred Alan Wolf, who is a quantum physicist, and is well versed in 'esoteric/spiritual' matters, and will probably talk to you.

21st January 2014, 04:02 AM
I suggest that when something does interest you, you ask questions or conduct your own search along those specific lines of inquiry.
Yes, I think you are right. It doesn't seem to help anything by re-phrasing the same question; so I should conduct my research elsewhere.

Sometimes elsewhere, sometimes more simply asking the person who used the unfamiliar term to explain it for you.

9th February 2015, 08:22 PM
There are many ways to classify the energy, yet it is rarely seen to be ordered (but usually not because the traditions never ordered it - they did, but the most of that knowledge is lost now).

I think the best approach to the energy is the structural approach. You can find many quite complicated structural approaches in e.g. Asia or Near East, but there is the most simple, yet practical one: lower or higher frequency.