View Full Version : Embedded Neg

18th January 2014, 10:49 PM
After much research and evaluation of my bizarre experiences, I have come to the conclusion that I have a deeply embedded Neg. It's actually as though my mother is with me all the time -- she's not dead and she's not a nice person (I once called her evil and she said, "What is evil spelled backwards?: live!"). My life is unraveling in every way -- personally, financially, and health-wise.

My question is: How do I get rid of this Neg?

When I first started meditating, I used to see a "man" who seemed to be pasted to my back. He sort of resembled a cartoon character and his mouth was always open as though he were laughing at me. When I look for him lately, I can't find him. I honestly feel that my mother is the host and has sent this energy/spirit to disrupt my life. The disasters that have happened, and are happening, are the types of things that would make her smile.

Here is an example: I was once cutting some fruit. At one point, I knew that I was going to cut myself but I couldn't stop the knife. I did cut myself quite deeply. I know that, on the surface, cutting myself could be a genuine accident. However, it's the way I knew it was going to happen and was powerless to stop it. Many times when things happen, it's as though there is a "voice" saying, "...and there's nothing you can do about it."

I seem to have no power in my life at all. Something else is "pulling the strings."

The removal techniques that you describe seem to be effective if attacks occur while sleeping or something similar. This is something that seems to be walking around with me with no intention of leaving.

By the way, I have been saying the Core Affirmation as a mantra.

Robert Bruce
12th February 2014, 01:18 PM
you will need to be more proactive with countermeasures.

I hope you have a copy of my book 'The practical psychic self defense handbook'.

Countermeasures like: mega salt baths regularly, fumigation, core image work, etc, etc.

It will also help enormously if you break all contact with your mother. This may not be easy or achievable. But do what you can to sever the connection and not think about her. every time you think of her, you connect with her psychically. Try to 'emotionally' let go of her and put her out of your mind.

The man you have seen may be an astral hitchhiker. The countermeasures and core affirmation will help here, too, especially the pentagram banishment.

You would also be well advised to learn the full LBRP (lesser banishment ritual of the pentagram) and you'll find instructions for this on the Internet, youtube, etc.

peace, robert